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Everything posted by Derpyy

  1. Hello and welcome to Canterlot!
  2. [colour=#282828] "Pleasure to meet you Heart Moniter, I have heard many great things about you in Canterlot,"[/colour] [colour=#282828]Heart was certainly not expecting this! He smiled at seemed to relax. He was feeling fine now and all of his nerves had gone away. He sighed a bit and smiled at the mare. [/colour] [colour=#8b4513]"Why..thank you. It means a lot."[/colour][colour=#282828] He smiled at her. [/colour] [colour=#282828]This mare said she reined from Canterlot. So could she be of royalty as well? It wouldn't surprise Heart. He had already met a runaway prince. So anything could happen. He kept his smile on his face. It never seemed to leave him. He looked around and then it hit him. His eyes went wide and he gasped. He turned to Silver and then moved in front of both him and Fleur.[/colour] [colour=#8b4513]"Hey. Miss Fleur. We have to go do something.."[/colour][colour=#282828] He then sighed. There was no sense in trying to keep it a secret. He didn't even know why he was trying to keep a secret. He pointed over at Silver and said, "[/colour][colour=#8b4513]I am taking Silver here to the hospital. He needs to be checked up on. And I was wanting to hurry along. Would you like to come with?"[/colour][colour=#282828] He smiled a bit.[/colour]
  3. ((Don't have a banner for this OC yet )) Heart was having just a wonderful day. Everything seemed perfect. The sun was just right and the clouds...well he didn't much care for the clouds but what they hay! They were perfect as well! Just then Heart had a breeze of that wonderful Trottingham air go over him. He inhaled and took in as much as he could. The exhale almost seemed to depress him. But he figured he would take another breath here and there. As Heart was trotting down the street he took in all of the sights and sounds around him. Now today was a bit different for Heart. Normally he would be at his office in the small hospital he worked at. Either doing paperwork or doing what he loved. Which was not only being a doctor to sick and injured ponies. But it was making them happy again. He remembered when he had a young pegasus come into the hospital because she had broken her wing. He stayed by her side almost the whole day. And the next day. He always reminded her that she would fly again. But that was a while ago. This is now. Heart was a small stallion. Not by age at all. He was a stallion. He was just built smaller than most of the other stallions. But he liked it. It didn't bother him. He saw no reason to try to get big. But that was just who he is. As Heart was trotting along the street he decided to try and smell some of that wonderful Trottingham air again. Which was weird how much he loved the air today since he had lived here his whole life. But he then inhaled a big breath. But something else was caught in his nose. Not a thing but a smell. It was amazing! The smell practically lifted Heart off of the ground and moved his hooves for him. He seemed to be in a trance. Once he got out of this trance he found himself in front of a small cafe. He saw that he was on Stratford street. He looked up at the sign on the building. [colour=#8b4513]"Three Lakes Cafe? Charming." [/colour]He smiled and then went into the shop. When he trotted inside it was even better. The atmosphere was so welcoming and warm. He saw a few ponies sitting at a few tables. A few young and old and a few the same age as him. He trotted slowly a bit and then stopped. [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#3399FF]"[/colour][colour=#FF99FF]F[/colour][colour=#3399FF]orgive me my insolence, but mind if I take a seat?"[/colour] Heart looked over to see a blue coloured mare with a bright pink mane. Her mane looked as if it had white streaks in it. But the mare looked as if she knew a thing or two about beauty. She had an accent that Heart had never really heard before. He had never met this mare before. But there is no shame in trying. She was wanting to sit down at a table with two pones already at it. So Heart decided to try something. The light brown stallion was making himself nervous. His mane fell in his face a bit so he pushed it away and made it stay out of his face. He moved over to a table close and pulled out a chair. He looked over at the mare and cleared his throat. [colour=#8b4513]"Um Excuse me madam? But would you like to sit..um..here? I don't really like to sit alone you see..and I um.."[/colour] He let out a small nervous chuckle. He didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of a pony he didn't even know! But now he would have to wait for the mare's responese.
  4. "It's nothing bad. I promise. It's just life back home isn't all that great. I'm a royal pony who never gets to leave the castle it's like my parents think I'm some sort of trophy sometimes. I just...hated the way they treated me. I want to see the world. So I ran away. They've been chasing me ever since." Heart stared in shock. Then he exhaled and let out a big sigh of relief. Silver was not a criminal and everything was going to be ok. He sighed yet again and smiled at Silver. [colour=#8b4513]"Well...I..I see..funny story. You see I thought you were.."[/colour] He then cut himself off and laughed. He swiped his forehead with a quick swipe from his hoof. He shivered a bit to shake the nervousness off. He knew not why he was nervous. But he still was just a bit. He let out a tiny sigh and looked towards Silver. He never noticed how grey his eyes were. But one thing was for sure. He had to look up to see them. [colour=#8b4513]"Well I do hope everything works out for you. I hate to hear that. Anypony should be able to live their own life how they want." [/colour]He smiled at Silver again. He could tell he was a kind pony. Just something about his air made him seem compassionate. Either that or Heart hadn't seen alot of ponies. No! This stallion was one of the nicest! He could feel it. So they kept trotting along. They were getting closer and closer to the Hospital. Just then Heart happened to casually look over and he saw a mare coming towards them. She was taller than he was. But he didn't care still. He stopped and looked at the mare. [colour=#8b4513]"I didn'! Oh wait.."[/colour] He glanced over at Silver and chuckled nervously. "I um.." He cleared his throat with a good cough. His voice then came out a bit deeper than it had been. It was his true voice. [colour=#8b4513]"He-Hello there. And who might you be?"[/colour] He examined the mare carefully. But not to carefully. He didn't want her to think he was one of "Those" stallions.
  5. Oh no! I should put that in. If your OC already lives in Trottingham that's fine! haha But alright!
  6. "Well, I've been flying for three days straight now. One tends to...run out of strength after such a long journey. I guess you could say...I'm on the run. Look, you helped me so I'll tell you. But I'd appreciate it if you'd keep it between us. You've heard I assume of the missing royal child in Reinwood? The neighbouring kingdom to the northeast? That would be me." Heart stopped in his tracks. A runaway? From Reinwood? Royal child? Neighboring?! Heart gulped and smiled faintly. Was this stallion a criminal? Is that why he is running away? That must be why he crashed! Heart began to think a bit. [colour=#8b4513]This stallion must be a criminal of some kind! Ohh...and I'm helping him! Ohh...I don't want to go to jail![/colour] Heart then calmed himself down and took a few deep breaths. Maybe he was overreacting and this stallion wasn't a criminal. Maybe he was just....Heart didn't know! Why would a royal child runaway from home? Heart gulped again and started to trot again. His eyes were a bit wider than they were. He glanced around and saw a few ponies trotting along. He figured he would have to kiss goodbye to this Ponyville. He could see it now. The runaway criminal and his accomplice captured! He could see a flyer that read that. Heart shook his head. He was overreacting. He needed to calm himself down. As they trotted along he got the smell of cider in his nose. It really helped him calm down. He loved a good cup of cider. But he couldn't get one yet. Heart then turned back to Silver and said, [colour=#8b4513]"Well. That is very interesting." He decided to go for the long shot here. His voice was raspy when he spoke. "You aren't by chance..Um...care to tell me why you are...running away?" [/colour]He raised an eyebrow and smiled a weak a funny looking smile. He darted his eyes back to the road and could see the hospital in the distance. It relieved him.
  7. [colour=#282828]"Ponyville huh? Never heard of it."[/colour] [colour=#282828]Heart stopped and turned back to Silver.[/colour][colour=#8b4513] "What?? Oh..well this town is pretty small. I can understand. But it is a very very nice little town." [/colour] [colour=#282828]Heart then turned away. He kept trotting along and saw that the stallion, who seemed to have grown taller, was still following him. He was glad. He could tell that this pony was hurt on account of how he had his wing folded in. He hated to see him like this. But he was going to help him. Heart moved along. [/colour] He could tell that this stallion was fascinated with a few sights around Ponyville. He to took in the buildings and the architecture of the buildings. He saw Rarity's boutique. Funny. He knew the mare's name but he had not said a word to her. Only heard things about her. He saw the library and a few other shops. If Silver plans to stay then he will need to learn this town. But he was probably just some pony who was flying. Probably from Cloudsdale. Or something. Maybe this pony was a weather pony. But anyways. Heart moved along with Silver. Heart knew where he was taking Silver. Well guiding him. He was going to take him to the hospital but he was going to check on him. Not Dr. Stable. Besides Heart was sure he wouldn't mind. He didn't plan on doing surgery or anything. Even though he never really did that. But he had before. He would just get him in check up on him and then get out.. He could do that. He kept trotting along and looked over at Silver. [colour=#8b4513]"So Silver. You just crashed...why? And how? I mean..if it's personal then you don't have to tell me." [/colour] As they were trotting along he saw a few ponies that waved at them. A few stared at Silver but Heart made sure not to mention it.
  8. ((Same here)) Heart moved back from the stallion. He could see that he was bigger than him but that didn't change Heart at all. He didn't care. But then Heart noticed his wing. He examined it closely and made a few tsk noises with his tongue. He looked back at Silver who was giving him a small hesitant smile. [colour=#8b4513]"Oh. Now I don't think just resting will help that. You may need to go to the hospital and get that looked at."[/colour] He pointed at his wing. Which was banged up. Heart had seen worse injuries but any injury was no laughing matter. They all needed to be taken seriously. Heart looked away and saw that the crowd of ponies was dispersing. He was happy. He figured this stallion didn't want much attention. So Heat then turned his attention back to Silver. He remembered he asked where he was so Heart decided to answer him. [colour=#8b4513]"Oh. Where are you? You are in Ponyville. Nice little town. Don't really get many crash landing ponies these days but hey anything can happen!" [/colour]He chuckled a bit. [colour=#8b4513]"Where were you from exaclty?"[/colour] [colour=#8b4513]"Because I--" [/colour]He then cut himself off and put a hoof on Silver's shoulder and said, [colour=#8b4513]"Look you need to go to a hospital. You're worrying me. Look I'll tell you what. Let's go and I'll check on you ok? Sound go? Good." [/colour]He then trotted a bit away from Silver and then turned back to him. [colour=#8b4513]"Come on!" [/colour]He waved his hoof. "[colour=#8b4513]We can talk more when we get there." [/colour]He gave Silver a half smile and waited for him.
  9. Hello everypony! My new OC has recently been accepted and I had this idea while I was making his app page. I haven't seen a RP like this yet. Or at least I haven't checked hard enough yet..But anyways! So the RP. Now the RP will be set in Trottingham. Trottingham is seen as a very big..vacation city. I know you all know what there is to do in vacation cities. They have attractions and everything else! Now, what can happen on a vacation? Sure...ponies can get tan(I guess XD) and they can have fun. But also... Ponies can get injured! Now now. I'm not meaning like..death! I mean simple injury. Compared to death that is. Example. A pegasus breaks his/her wing playing a game with his/her friends or an earth pony or a unicorn breaks a leg. Or a pegasus breaks a leg! Or fractures it or anything! A pony can come in for headaches and pains! You name an injury and I'll work with it! Now what I was hoping for. Here is what I was envisioning. My OC, Heart Monitor, is at his office at the hospital. And your OCs, or canon characters if you wish, were checked into the hospital a little while ago. They have already had their injuries bandaged up. But they are still in the bedridden stage. Where they are encouraged to stay in the hospital. But it is just a day or two after their injury. What I was meaning by their injuries being bandaged up..say a pony breaks their leg. When the RP starts they start with a cast on their leg. But they still can't walk on it. Very well that is. Anyways! Once your OC has been checked in Heart will come and check on them. And the Rp will begin. Now this is going to be a rather slow RP. But I had this all planned out, This RP is just mainly a little thread for Characters to bond with fellow roleplayers and me! Example: Your OC checks in and is in bed. Heart trots in and you know they chat a bit. Then (assuming this is a pony that broke their leg) Heart will recommend that you and the OC go on a walk and he will help you. Or anything! His cutie mark is helping make ponies happy! It is his life's dream to help ponies! So please! If you are interested then please let me know! Post your questions as well! Thank you!
  10. Heart turned his head towards the sky and saw...a star? No way. He got up and turned his head closer in the direction of the star. He squinted his eyes and gasped. "A meteorite?" He knew that stars could fall to the ground. He had heard of them falling before. But this was his first time to see one really falling. But then he got a closer look. It wasn't a star at all. But...a PONY?! Heart began to panic. The panic looked as if it was falling fast and there was no way it could stop itself. Heart wanted to pony to stop itself but it never did. All he saw was a bright grey mass smash into the ground. BOOM! Luckily, and somewhat conveniently, the pony landed near Heart and the park. Heart left his book on the seat and ran towards the crash site. He noticed that a few ponies had gathered around and were watching the pony. Heart moved through the ponies and pushed a few aside. For a smaller stallion he could be quite rough when it came to another pony being injured. Heart then finally caught a full view of the pony. It was a stallion. He had a grey eyes and had a long silver mane that seemed to reflect colours. Heart actually saw the mane as quite elegant. But he figured a stallion like this pony wouldn't call their own mane elegant. But anyways. The pony was wearing a black cloak and seemed to be confused. Heart's curiosity got the best of him. He figured Dr. Stable would check this pony into the hospital soon. Word about a crash landing pony can spread quickly in a small town. But Heart wanted to speak first. Heart approached the pony. Nervous and scared and said, [colour=#8b4513]"Um..Hello. Hello there." [/colour]He shook off his nervousness once he reminded himself that this pony was just a regular stallion. But then he realized. Oh no...this pony was an Alicorn! Oh..he didn't want to mess with royalty! But he needed to know if this pony was alright. [colour=#8b4513]"I...um..wanted to check on you. I'm...I'm Doctor Heart Monitor. But I go by Heart."[/colour] He smiled at the Alicorn. [colour=#8b4513]"Now what was that all about? Are you hurt?"[/colour]
  11. Welcome to Canterlot! Enjoy your stay!
  12. Ok! My OC I wanted to use in this RP has been stamped and approved! So I'm good to go! Do I need to link his app page here?
  13. Heart Monitor had been doing nothing on this day. He was visiting the small town of Ponyville once again. He lived in Trottingham but he loved to visit this town every now and then. This was probably his fourth time to visit the town. He loved everytime he came down here. The light brown stallion made sure to keep his dark brown mane out of his face and eyes. He knew that he was of a smaller build than your average stallion. But he didn't care. He was one of the ponies that strongly believed in the "brains over brawn" thing. While he wasn't mean to anypony he just saw no reason to try to get big. Besides. In his line of work being big didn't matter. He was a doctor after all. He worked in the doctor's office in Trottingham. It was a small hospital. But when he visited Ponyville he stayed away from work. He had spoken to Doctor Stable a few times before but never got in his way. He knew what work stress could cause. So he took a break every now and then. Being the medical pony he was. He always loved to see ponies being happy. Or at least become happy. Everyday in Trottingham he would see unhappy ponies that were unhappy because of their injuries. He remembered a pegasus that cried a lot because of her broken wing. But he made sure to visit her everyday and he helped her recover. She became happier every day. That was his life. Making ponies happy. But not now. He was taking a break. From the doctor's office that is. He never took a break from making a pony happy. Heart then closed the book he was reading and placed it on the table in front of him. He was sitting in a small park by himself. He loved the quietness. He had been deemed one of the "awkward" ponies. On account of how he met new ponies. Which wasn't very well. But he was a very friendly pony. He saw a few ponies coming and going. A few gave him friendly smiles and waves. He didn't know them but he waved back. He was sure they didn't know him either. He took a heavy sigh and glanced around. He figured today was going to be like any other.
  14. I am always interested in a RP:) and I believe it did disappear! WITCHCRAFT! but anyways if you want to RP just let me know!
  15. Hello and welcome to Canterlot!
  16. I really hope the character I want to use gets accepted before this begins! Everything sounds good to me!
  17. Light looked over and saw a mare. The pony had a fiery coloured mane and tail. She was also wearing a dress. Something about this mare just seemed different to Light. Not in any bad way that is. She just seemed like she was a pony of importance. Like she was going to do something amazing. She just had that about her. And she was coming right towards him. Light sighed and expected the worst. He assumed this mare was going to yell at him because of what happened with the miniature stallion. But that didn't happen. [colour=#FF3333]"Hi. Listen this is kind of urgent and I need you to do be a favour. You look like the kind of stallion that will fill the job so think you can help me? What do you say? I'll throw in some bits if I have to! I'll do anything if you're willing to fill the job! Its important. I can't say too much though but its really REALLY urgent."[/colour] Light's big blue eyes matched the mare's red optics. She seemed as if she was pleading with him. He had no idea what to say. He wasn't expecting this at all! She awkwardly did away with the apple fritter he was levitating. For he had lost his appetite. Once disposed off he looked back at the mare. He shuffled his hooves a bit. He had no idea what to say. He was shocked and his whole train of thought had derailed. He smiled at her and said nervously "[colour=#0000cd]Oh..um..I well. Well I mean...I guess..If you think I'm the pony for the job. Sure why not." [/colour] His smile grew bigger when he finished and his nerves calmed down. Still though..he wondered what this "job" was. It still stayed in the back of his mind. He had a small inkling of something bad happening. But he was sure nothing bad could happen.
  18. Fluttershy is best pony now

  19. Space? Space? SPPPAAAACCCCEEE. I know that core Haha but yeah just spread the word about this thread if you want to. I kind of wanted to start soon or sometime.
  20. ((So we starting when Pinkie jumped in the cart?)) Care looked over at Lyra and saw that this Pink pony that seemed to defy gravity. He trotted a bit and then continued to fly. He looked over at Lyra and the pink pony and said, [colour=#800000]"Um...ookkk."[/colour] He chuckled a bit and waited to see what would happen.
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