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Everything posted by Derpyy

  1. Light was there listening to Time talk about his house mate. He then heard Pawn's voice yelling at an inanimate object. He rolled his eyes sarcastically and shrugged. He then turned to see that Pawn was here with them. "Well it's not necessarily all ponies. When I was younger I got lost in these woods just a few times. But everything has changed now. Oh by the way..". He pointed Time and looked at Pawn "Pawn this is Time. He's new here. I found him while you were just..standing there earlier..but anyways!". Light smiled and then waited for the ponies to greet each other. Light heard Time say something about how he used to live in this forest for most of his life. He wanted to ask him about it. But not here. -Rarity and Rainbow- Rarity was telling her about what she thought ponies from Canterlot were like. Personally she disliked those types of ponies. But she felt like she was right when she saw talking about Pawn. Rarity asked Rainbow if she was considering going to Canterlot. "The only reason I would ever go to Canterlot is to meet or see the Wonderbolts.". She smiled at Rarity and then sat up and stretched. "Boy Rarity it feels like I've been here for a looooong time." She laughed a bit and then walked over to a window and looked outside. She noticed more ponies walking in the street than usual.
  2. (It's alright XD) Light looked back at Time and said, "So are you living here by yourself or with somebody else?" Light had never seen this pony before. He pretty much knew every new pony in town.
  3. ((sorry for the late post. Sorry for no colours for text. I'm on my phone now ))
  4. Light was visiting Canterlot for a few days. He was sitting in his room when he received a letter. The letter said that he was requested by Princess Celestia! He began to freak out. "She knows I'm here?? What does she want with me??" He started to pant rapidly and he looked at the letter. The letter only said to see her as soon as possible. He then took off towards her throne. He reached her throne and found Celestia. She was looking out a window. "Hello Princess.". Light said as he bowed to her. "Hello Light, please get up.". He got up and looked at Celsetia with a confused look on his face. Celestia walked over to him and said, "I know you are confused of why you're here, I'll explain. There is a power that I can sense. I know what this power is. And I need your help." Light looked at her completely confused. "You...Y-you want...me? To help? But I'm not even that good with magic my princess.". He looked down and felt sad. Celestia put her hoof under his neck and pushed his head up. "I don't need you for your magic. I need you to go to Ponyville and find the source of the power.". She smiled at him and gave him a piece of paper that was rolled up. "Don't open this till you get to Ponyville.". Light gulped and nodded his head. "Your things have been packed and a house has been rented for you in Ponyville. Take this ticket and take the first train to Ponyville. Good luck." Celstia walked away. Light turned around and gathered his things and headed to the train station. He got on the train and rode it to Ponyville. He was worried about what the paper had on it. But he waited. He finally arrived in Ponyville and found the house. He unpacked his things and put the paper down. He sighed and opened the paper. It was a picture of an amulet with an alicorn symbol. There was text at the bottom that said, "Be careful. Just investigate for this artifact. It is very dangerous."
  5. ((By the way Light is a stallion XD)) "Well I always like to welcome a new face to Ponyville. But this is really no place to get to know each other. Want to head into town?" Light turned around and started trotting slowly in the direction of town.
  6. Light was so happy that Lovinity agreed to be his special somepony. He smiled at her and she put her wing around him. They walked into the dance room and Light started looking around at all the other couples. They all looked like they were having a good time. Light looked up at the stage and saw the DJ playing music, "Care to dance miss Lovinity?" He smiled at her
  7. Light smiled when Lovinity nuzzled him. He blushed a bit and nuzzled her back. He looked at her and said, "Will you do me the honors of being my special somepony and coming to the dance with me?" He smiled and pointed towards the town hall where the dance was going down. He had been seeing all the other couples going towards the dance as well.
  8. Light looked out behind a few trees and saw the pony. "[colour=#0000ff]I don't think I have ever seen you before. Who are you?"[/colour] Light looked at Time
  9. Light jumped a bit in shock when he heard another pony. "[colour=#0000ff]Where are you?!" [/colour] He started looking around for the other pony.
  10. Light looked back at Pawn some more and he assumed he wasn't going to come. He shrugged and looked off into the forest and began to walk slowly into the forest. He forgot how dark it was in the forest. He looked around at all the trees and noticed strange bugs. He quit looking at them and he found a small pathway. He kept trotting down the path until he heard a twig break. He stopped and darted his eyes around the forest. "[colour=#0000ff]Hello?! Anypony there?!" [/colour]
  11. Lol alright well here's the gist. Light(me) and Pawn and going into the Everfree forest. (that could change with you now.) I am also playing Rainbow Dash and Pawn is playing Rarity. Light is going to the Hearts and Hooves day dance with Rainbow. But that is only a day thing lol after tomorrow, Hearts and Hooves is over lol
  12. Among friends and Coffee is a different rp..I encourage you to join it as well. haha just please have your OC either walk next to the Everfree Forest with me and the other rper. I don't know where he is but we really need more people lol
  13. Well we would love to have you haha If you have any ideas at all post them here
  14. Hello and welcome to Canterlot! You said you were looking for a RP. I am trying to start one, if you would like to join.
  15. I actually think I want someone to take an art request for me :o anypony out there that like to take requests for fun? XD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Derpyy


      Well it is Light Harmony and hang on one second :) I haven't drawn any pictures of him but I can get one lol


      He is a stallion yes lol

    3. RainboomDash
    4. Derpyy


      Just like two music notes next to each other :)

  16. this is my OCs accepted App lol if you want to ready everything you can haha
  17. Light watched Fluttershy as she went into her home. He looked at Pawn and knew that he called him timid. He didn't care that much. He just put on a sarcastic smile and looked out to the forest. "[colour=#0000FF]Well, here it is. The Everfree forsest. Be on the lookout for those timberwolves will you?" [/colour]Light smiled as he took the first steps towards the forest. He had only been in the forest a few times. The first few times were when he was a colt and he and his parents would come to visit Ponyville. He trotted off into the forest and got himself lost. How he found his way back, he couldn't remember. He looked at all the trees and how they looked different from any trees he saw in town. He looked back at Pawn and waited for him to join him. -Rarity and Rainbow- Rainbow did not realize it until Rarity was done talking about Light that she was smiling. She stopped smiling when Rarity finished talking. She tried to act as if she wasn't smiling. "[colour=#00FFFF]Yeah some mare huh."[/colour] She laughed a bit and looked out of Rarity's windows. She saw some ponies walking down the streets and some ponies carrying things and what not. She looked back at Rarity and watched her work. [colour=#00ffff]"That Pawn though, he's from Canterlot right? I can't remember if he said it to me or not. But do you think all ponies from Canterlot are like that?" [/colour]She pretty much knew the answer. But she just wanted to make some small talk. She had nothing to do today. But she didn't know if she was being a bother to Rarity or not.
  18. Light turned around heard Lovinity's voice. He quickly wiped the tears off his face and looked at Lovinity. He couldn't believe she came back to him. He smiled at her and then hugged her. While he was hugging her he said, "i know, I know. Calm down, please. You are one of the most special ponies I have ever met. Yes, I do care for you." He stopped hugging her and he put his hoof on her. He smiled at her and looked her in the eyes and said, "Forgive you? I already have." He smiled a big smile at her.
  19. Well alright I'll ask mine
  20. haha Well alright then plus hopefully other ponies will see this thread and they will like it and want to join
  21. Well honestly, as many as the RP can haha. If you have any friends who want to do this RP then tell them
  22. Well I would leave that up to the Rpers haha. They can put in a back story in if they want. Although it would probably be preferred for the ones who are coming to Ponyville
  23. Well only question I have about the male rainbow dash is..would you RP him? Or what..I mean if you want to I'm fine with it haha Well I don't want to make up a place haha I think we could do like a few of the players could already be in Ponyville and a few others are coming to Ponyville So let's just settle on Ponyville. Is that okay?
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