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Posts posted by Derpyy

  1. XVFBviv.png

    "Oh, this place is lovely, lovely, lovely! Should we just leave our things anywhere? Will that work? I'm excited to see the city and get going! I'm so glad you're coming with us, blackbird, it'll be so much fun to see the city with a zebra, too, won't it Flashbomb?"

    [colour=#FFFFFF]"Tis quite a nice place ya got here,"[/colour]

    Light couldn't help but smile. He had never gotten compliments on his home before. He glanced around it and saw that it was indeed kind of messy but not as messy as he thought it was. So everything was alright. In his apartment he had everything he needed. He had all the essentials and what not and a few things he had bought himself. Such as the desks and tables and drawers and what not. The occasional plant to keep his home looking nice. He looked over and saw two doors. One door lead to his bedroom and one to just some random guest room he had that he used for his music room and such. He knew he had two staying here so it was going to work out perfectly with him having the two beds. Well there was one bed which was the biggest one...it was in his bedroom. What he liked big beds!

    Then in that guest room he had there was a smaller bed tucked away in a corner. He never slept on it so he had no reason for it. He looked back to the two who would be staying at his home.

    [colour=#800000]"Thank you all so much. I thought my home was rather dirty and all that. But anyways, Flashbomb, Whirligig. Since you two will be staying here I open my bedroom and my guest room to you . You two can pick who sleeps in which room and don't worry. I will tidy up the bed in the bedroom."[/colour] He gave them each faint smiles. He would probably need to either wash the sheets on the bed or just trade them out with a different pair. "I shall be sleeping here on the couch here." He pointed to the couch. "[colour=#800000]No exceptions from either of you."[/colour] He smirked at them.

    [colour=#800000]"You all can just leave your things here if you'd like. Anywhere is fine!"[/colour] He smiled at them. He then turned to Foggy who spoke about the saxophone being his love. Light was a bit envious.

    "[colour=#800000]The saxophone? How wonderful! I play the cello and string bass if needed for the occasional jazz routine. Las Pegasus ponies love their jazz and all."[/colour] He laughed and then pointed towards the guest room he had. "Everything I do musically happens in there." He smiled.

    Just then he heard Whirligig talking to Flashbomb. She seemed to be trying to cheer him up. Was it something Light said? Was it his home? Was it all those stairs? A million questions began to run through Light's head. But then he had an idea. [colour=#800000]"Oh wait!"[/colour] He trotted over to a curtain and used his magic to pull it back. The curtain opened up to reveal a window and a balcony. He opened the window and stepped outside onto the balcony.[colour=#800000] "Isn't this amazing?"[/colour] Even though Light was a unicorn he felt like a pegasus when he was out on this balcony. High and overlooking so many buildings. Looking out onto the city. He then stuck his head in the window and trotted back inside. [colour=#800000]"Should see the city at night time out there eh? Quite amazing." [/colour]He smiled again.

    [colour=#800000]"Alright! I'll uh..let you two get situated and when you're ready to go. We'll..uh..head on out to explore the city." [/colour]He nodded at them. "[colour=#800000]You two are staying for how long again?"[/colour] He had to admit. He loved having company.

  2. post-6916-0-63918600-1370374992_thumb.jp

    Just then, before Twilight could continue reading the story she looked up at the kids and saw that little Scootaloo was getting quite antsy in her seat. She had her hoof raised so Twilight decided to stop and answer her question. She sighed and pointed at Scootaloo. [colour=#800080]"Yes Scootaloo? You have a question?"[/colour] She raised and eyebrow and kept her sense of getting annoyed at the young filly. Oh well, everypony was entitled to their questions

    So Scootaloo lowered her hoof once Twilight called on her. [colour=#ff8c00]"Um..who was that pony earlier who was watching Daring and her friends?" [/colour]She tilted her head to the side a bit out of curiosity and then a few other kids gave collective "Yeahs" out of their curiosity for wanting to know the mystery pony.

    Twilight grumbled a bit. [colour=#800080]"Well I guess we will find out soon won't we?"[/colour] She smiled at all of them. There really was no need to be angry at them. So she just shook it off and continued.[colour=#800080] "Now, where was I?..."[/colour]


    As the group trekked through the never ending desert Daring could feel the heat beating down on her. She was sweating but it wasn't a hard and horrible sweat. She was able to just wipe it away so it didn't bother her. Once Daring was wiping her brow sweat clean she looked off into the distance and noticed something. She focused her eyes on it and squinted on the object off in the distance.

    She sped ahead of the group slightly and got herself a better look. What she saw made her eyes widen. It looked to be a structure of sorts! Perhaps the temple she and her friends had been searching for? Maybe! They would have to reach it to find that out for sure. So Daring pointed towards the structure off in the distance and with an eager smile on her face she turned to her friends. "Looks like we've found something! Waaaaayyy over there!" She kept her hoof pointed towards the structure until she was sure that everypony had gotten a good look at it. She lowered her hoof and stomped on the ground. "Let's go!" She then slowly made her way down a small sand dune she had propped herself up on.

  3. hyicbXI.png

    Care watched Twilight closely as she turned away from them and brought over a few things. He had his eyes on that stuffed bear and wanted to take for himself but Razor had other plans for it. He watched Razor as he started to play with the stuffed animal and it did make Care a bit jealous. He wanted it so much but..then Razor ripped it's head off. Care's stared in awe as the little fledgling looked up at Twilight with the torn head in his beak. How could he? Care could feel the anger swell up inside of him for the fact that he would never get to play with that stuffed bear ever. He wanted to do something but he didn't know what to do. He felt the anger turn into sadness and he could feel the tears begin to form in his eyes. He blinked a bit and sniffled.

    Just before Care started to cry he noticed that Twilight had brought over other things as well! He was so occupied with that bear he hadn't noticed the other things. So he found something else he liked, that blanket. He crawled over to it and put his front hooves on it to symbolize that it was no his. He took the blanket and wrapped himself around in it. It was quite comfortable actually. So once Care was all situated in his blanket he looked back up at Twilight. Who had a book with her that had..bright colours on it. So instead of looking at Twilight he was really staring in awe at the book cover.

  4. post-6916-0-46935700-1370307126_thumb.jp

    Daring heard the collective amounts of her friends telling her that they were ready. She nodded at all of them and saw noticed that one pony hadn't responded but she didn't care right now. She was sure this pony would catch up. So Daring waved her hoof around to rally all of the ponies. "Alright then! Ponies today we embark on our quest to find the Golden Statue!" She then pointed her hoof out towards the desert landscape. "Let's go!"

    Daring then quickly moved her hooves around and then took off towards the desert landscape. She knew that the heat would probably get to a few ponies but not Daring. She was used to the heat since she had been to various areas and such. Though the sun was glaring down on the ponies she had her hat on and it was shielding her eyes a bit. So she scanned around the desert and saw...nothing. She huffed a bit. Guess this wasn't going to be an easy adventure now was it? Daring then perked herself up, since she realized she didn't want to adventure to be easy! She loved the feel of the sand under her hooves though. Felt much better than rocks and mud and all those other things. Felt good enough for Daring to look leisurely down at her hooves to see a scorpion making it's way towards her front left hoof rearing to attack it. Daring kicked it away and watched it fly off into the sand somewhere. She was glad to see that little vile thing go away.

    She turned her head back to her friends. "Watch yourselves friends. This place may not look like it but it is very dangerous." She gave all of them a serious look and then back to overlooking the desert. She swore that something caught her eye so she started to trot towards it. Though it was a ways a way.

  5. Arc snapped back into reality only to hear the end of the conversation. So he didn't worry about it because it looked like nopony was talking to him. Or at least he hoped so. He wasn't a mean pony, he never ignored anypony...on purpose. Somewhat.

    Anyways Arc shook his head and came back to the world of living. He glanced over at all of the ponies he was around. He glanced around at the ancient building and the excitement flew through his body once more. He saw so many unicorns and he just felt a home here.

  6. Twilight assumed it was time to start the story now. Everypony seemed ready to go and ready to listen. So, while containing her excitement, she looked over at the book and opened the cover open to the first page. She glanced over all the fillies and colts and gave them all a small smile. She was pausing for dramatic effect again. Scootaloo was about to just explode from excitement. Twilight needed to hurry up and read. So Twilight made herself comfortable and then took a deep breath,

    "Saddle Arabia. A place where not a lot of ponies go..." ((If I could put in a transition I would have :razz: Like I noise or something..)


    Daring Do began her trek through the harsh terrain of Saddle Arabia. Normally she goes on her adventures alone but this time she decided to have a few friends come along. Besides, she might need them. Even though Daring could get herself out of almost any situation it was always good to have a few friends by your side. And with the treasure they were hunting for today....it would all be worth.

    Treasure. Daring's love. Adventure is her second love but treasure tops it. She has gotten a lot of treasure in her days and today she plans to add one more to her collection. But there is something about where they were headed and the treasure in general. The Golden Statue..hidden in the deserts of Saddle Arabia. She knew that this would be one of her hardest adventures since she never explored much of Saddle Arabia. But the adventure wouldn't be any fun if it was easy wouldn't it?

    So there she was. Waiting on the outskirts to the desert overlooking the vast terrain. The sun was just rising so they had all day to explore. She loved to get an early start after all. She scanned the desert terrain and saw...sand. For miles and miles. She wondered if they would have to dig..she hoped not. They'd be digging for hours. Just then Daring heard commotion behind her and turned quickly. She freaked a bit but to her surprise it was just her friends. She wasn't used to having adventuring companions so she was a bit jumpy. She took a breath and looked over all of them. She had a variety of friends here today. There was Indigo, pegasus. Xukar, zebra. Volarte, the ever so slow pegasus. Sparkle Fire and Star Sprite. She glanced over all of them. "Are you all ready to find this treasure?!" She gave them a big smile.

    Even if they said no to helping her she would go anyways. She kind of wanted to just take off but, she needed to take it slow. She was sure she would find the treasure.

  7. Twilight noticed that one new filly had arrived. She didn't know her name but she seemed to be one of the shy ones and she had to admit that she found the shyness kind of cute. But still she would have preferred a hello or something. But anyways, she watched as the young filly trotted over towards the area and took a seat next to the light blue colt. She watched as she greeted him and it made her smile.

    Twilight decided that it was time to start to begin reading. So Twilight closed the door and trotted over to the seating area with all of the fillies and colts. She sat in her chair and gave all of them a smile. "Thank you all for coming today. I know you all are really going to enjoy this book." Her smile got even wider at the word "book". Oh how she loved that word. Twilight then glanced over to see if she could find Spike just in case she had any problems with the young ones. She didn't think she would but it was always good to have some support just in case. So Twilight gave all the kids on quick look over.[colour=#800080] "So is everypony ready?"[/colour] Her quick look had eagerness written all over it. "[colour=#800080]Anypony have any questions before we begin?" [/colour]



    Shady heard a familiar voice and noticed a familiar pony. It was Pina Coloda and she had taken a seat by him! He always liked to think of he and Pina as very good friends and all. She was a very shy filly as well. Shady gave her a friendly wave. [colour=#000080]"Well hey there Pina!"[/colour] He chuckled a bit and then realized that Twilight had been talking a bit so he stopped his laughter.

    Scootaloo stopped and gave about half of her attention to Twilight as she started to talk. The other half of her attention was mainly directed towards the cover of the Daring Do book. She was picturing herself as Daring and imagining what it would be like to be a great adventurer. She would be so cool! Then Scootaloo shook her head and her eyes went wide a bit. Could Daring Do be cooler than Rainbow Dash? Scootaloo froze for a second before coming to the, in her opinion, obvious conclusion that Rainbow Dash was way cooler than Daring. She then raised her hoof and Twilight pointed at her.

    [colour=#ff8c00]"Yeah what's the title of the book?" [/colour]She raised an eyebrow in question.

    Twilight then levitated the book in front of her and read the title. She then narrowed her eyes and said, [colour=#800080]"Daring Do." [/colour]She then paused for emphasis. "[colour=#800080]And the Quest for the Golden Statue!" [/colour]She flipped the book around and showed them.

    Scootaloo felt a bit dumb for not seeing the title of the book when she was staring at the cover a while back.

  8. hyicbXI.png

    Once the spell was over and done Care felt as if he had been knocked out and he had just woken up. But he felt different. That was because he was a foal again. He still had his own mindset but he had his foal body again. He felt so weird. He was sitting on the ground and he realized that everything was now amazingly interesting for some reason. He sat and stared at the most random things for quite some time. Then he noticed something. There was a giant! No wait! It was Twilight! She was standing over him and Razor..who was now a fledgling.

    Care looked up at her and made a few funny sounds and giggles before his ear was yanked by Razor. Care got a bit angry and batted at Razor with his hoof. He wanted him to quit which he did so Care felt as if he had won. He was irritated now. He then looked up at Twilight and stared at her with wide eyes.

  9. Twilight noticed that two new colts arrived for the reading of the book. She became a bit zealous to begin but she figured she would need to wait. So instead she looked back at the two new colts and smiled at them as they started to mingle with the already seated ponies. She wanted to trot over and talk to them but decided to stay by the door. [colour=#800080]"Welcome! We will begin shortly!"[/colour] She gave the two colts a smile and then turned back to the doorway and patiently awaited any more colts or fillies. Or any older ponies as well



    Both Shady and Scootaloo noticed the arrival of the two new colts. They both gave them friendly waves and smiles. Shady noticed his friend had come up to him and asked him if they were reading a Daring Do novel. He opened his mouth to speak but Scootaloo interrupted him. [colour=#ff8c00]"Oh yeah we are!! Daring Do is awesome![/colour]" She waved her hooves in the air a bit and squealed again. She could no longer contain her excitement.

    Through laughter Shady looked over at Rune and Frost. [colour=#000080]"I'm pretty sure it is Daring Do. Which I am excited for!"[/colour] He to let out a small squeal and then contained his excitement.

  10. The day had finally come. The day Twilight had always dreamed of! The day when she would get to do one of her favorite hobbies to a few fillies and colts. On this day Twilight gets to read to a few lucky fillies and colts of Ponyville in her very own Library. She was so excited she could hardly contain herself! She had spent a few hours of her day cleaning up the library and making it perfect for the kids when they arrived. She wanted them to WANT to come back because who knows, she may do this again if the kids like it. Though she was a bit nervous about reading to kids she wanted to make a good impression. She knew almost all of the kids but she wondered if any new ones would show up today.

    Twilight then quit worrying about her impressing the kids and decided to get ready. It was almost time for the kids to arrive. So Twilight went over to the area she had set up in the Library. She had a seat for her and a blanket set up on the ground and a few cushions for the kids to sit comfortably on. She also had a small stand by her chair for the book of choice to rest. That was it. The book. Daring Do and the Quest for the Golden Statue. She had a few more Daring Do books but she chose this one because she thought it would be best. As she looked it over she saw Spike out of her peripherals.[colour=#800080] "Hey Spike. Do you think the kids will enjoy this book?"[/colour] She didn't look at him but she still awaited his answer. No answer. [colour=#800080]"Spike?"[/colour] She still didn't look and still no answer. This time she turned her head and saw that Spike was gone. She huffed and turned her eyes back to the book. [colour=#800080]"Whatever. I know the kids will like this book."[/colour] She gave the book a nice smile and then looked up.

    She looked towards the door and figured she would go and open the door so ponies would know she was home...or something. She didn't want anypony to get lost on their way here. But she really had no idea how anypony could get lost on their way here but anyways. She trotted over and opened the door and to her surprise there were two kids already there. One looked as if he was about to knock on the door. There was a filly and a colt. She knew both of them.


    ((OOC: Best banner ever. Thanks Jane

    :) ))

    ((OOC: I have no idea how large the Scootaloo image is so if it is ginormous then apologies

    :D ))


    Shady and Scootaloo decided to come to Twilight's book reading today. Well they both actually really wanted to come today. They heard about it in class one day and then they both met after school and decided to go. Scootaloo had no idea if any of her fellow CMC were coming. But she was sure if they did they would love the story. Once they reached Twilight's house they both looked at each other. Shady was the one who decided to knock. But just when he did the door opened and Miss Sparkle was there in the doorway.

    [colour=#800080]"Oh well hello there!" [/colour]She gave both of them a friendly smile. [colour=#800080]"You two are here for the book reading correct?" [/colour]She tilted her head to the side and gave them both a raised eyebrow in question.

    Shady and Scootaloo both looked at eachother and then nodded at Twilight. "[colour=#000080]Yes Ma'am we are!" [/colour]Shady gave Twilight a friendly smile.

    Scootaloo then jumped in front of Shady and gave Twilight her wide eyed eager face. [colour=#ff8c00]"Is it true? Are we reading a Daring Do book?" [/colour]She started to bounce a bit at her own excitement. Shady eagerly looked at Twilight and hoped she said yes. If she said no then he would be severely disappointed.

    Twilight noted their eagerness and couldn't help but giggle at it. [colour=#800080]"Why yes you heard right. Come on in!" [/colour]She opened the door wider for Scootaloo and Shady to enter. Both of them looked at one another and each gave a wide eyed and opened mouth expression.

    They then ran inside and stopped once they got in. Scootaloo was in front of Shady and she stopped first which caused him to fall over. They both then saw the area where they were pretty sure the reading would take place. So they both trotted over to the area and took a seat by each other.[colour=#ff8c00] "I'm so excited!" [/colour]Scootaloo was only really excited because she knew that Rainbow Dash loved Daring Do. And anything Rainbow Dash loved, Scootaloo must love. She made a few squeaks and waved her hooves around a bit. Shady smiled at her and laughed. [colour=#000080]"So am I!"[/colour] They both laughed and then waited, not so patently, for the reading to start.

    Twilight was standing by the door awaiting more kids to arrive.

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