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Everything posted by IIID3LTAIII

  1. Angel smiled at Raritys enthusiasm "I bet you can" He smiled at her. He turned to Air Siren "So your a explorer? How do you make a earning? Do you have a part time job to finance your travels?" Angel asked
  2. The green pegasus introduced himself and asked Rarity and Angel's name "Im AngelSnapp, I just moved here from Fillydelphia " He smiled "Its much more scenic. Great for a photographer like myself."
  3. Angel smiled at the Lyria's performance, Although he wasn't aloud to say anything, He gave her a approving glance, Same to FlashBomb and marble, All that was left was SunRay.
  4. Angel fell in behind Rarity "You think?" Angel laughed a little "You live here, You should know where everything is" He smiled to himself as they trotted down a road. He came up next to her. "Did you give FlashBomb his suit?" He asked
  5. Rarity asked angel where the dance is "Im pretty sure its just going to be at town hall, I mean it only makes scene." Angel couldn't recall any-pony telling him where it was. "We could go over there and see if their setting up for the dance, That way we could know for sure" He offered.
  6. "I guess" Angel didnt know the Griffin's name. "All that I know is he mumbled something about Pinkiepie." ThenRarity mentioned a Free Buffet "Awesome! I cant wait now" Angel smiled at the thought of being able to have as much as he wanted. Angel laughed "Yeah, That would be a good idea not too sell food next to a sign that says its free"
  7. "No" He laughed "But I did meet a really angry Griffin at SugarCubeCorner" He told them "He was clawing at a tree for some reason.." He took a bite of the bar "I haven't eaten all day, I think ive only had that cupcake PinkiePie gave me, And another from SugarCubeCorner" he laughed "Man, Sometimes I wonder how I made it into the wonderbolts." He joked
  8. This was the first anime I watched on Netflix ^^ It was hilarious. Ill have to watch this thread.
  9. Angel Stood a ways away while SpitFire was talking to the recruits, One by one they all got on. He recalled his best time was 7.7 seconds. He hated that machine. But it was still funny to see others try to use it.
  10. Angel fell in by SpitFire, He put on his sunglasses as they trotted out the door "Dizzytron today hu?" He asked as they exited the mainhall
  11. "Sure" Angel smiled and took the Barley Bar "Youll have to remind me to go check out the everfree forest some time, I hear there are great shots there" he said opening the bar.
  12. "Yup, I slept great" he said taking a bit of the food "Morning Lyria" He replied
  13. Angel looked down to see QuillHeart, FlashBomb, AppleJack, AND Rarity all together. "Awesome, Two birds with one stone" he smiled to himself. He began to descend on to the group "Hey, Was looking for you" He announced to FlashBomb as he landed beside him. "So, What were we talking about?"
  14. Angel yawned as he woke up. He noticed none of the Staff were around "Over slept, SpitFire is going to chew me out.." He said to himself. He slip'd on His Staff Uniform and put on the cap as well as the sunglasses. He trotted down the Northhall to the mess-hall "Ok, good, Its still breakfast time" He said to himself as he trotted in. They stop'd serving breakfast though "Looks like Ill have to wait until lunch" He spotted his favorite group of recruits and trotted over to them "Morning rookies" He joked "How did you all sleep?" He asked, He was a lot more calm today, Knowing SpitFire was in-charge of the exercise.
  15. Once angel was done taking snapshots of SugarCubeCorner, He decided he should go and try to find FlashBomb "Maybe we can hang out until the dance starts, Im getting a little board" he put his camera back in his saddle bag and flew off in search of the blue pegasus.
  16. "Anyway, I should go get started on cleaning up my uniform before I get in trouble from SpitFire" Angle said "You guys keep talking, Ill see you bright and early" He smiled, He got up and trotted out of the mess hall. He turned down the north hallway to the Staff Barracks and grabbed his dusty uniform, Then walked outside to the washtub thingy "I never knew what this things name was" He filled it with soapy water and began to scrub out his uniform.
  17. Angel looked at the Griffin as he walked away "Wow, What was with that?" He wondered to himself. He took a deep breath "Im lucky to still be standing here, I had no idea he was that mad" He glanced around to see no pony was around, He glanced to see Fluttershy and discord near a building. "Hey its that guy.. Discord!" He said to himself and looked back at Sugar Cube Corner "Now, How do I want to angel this?" He said out loud taking off about 10 feet looking around the shop.
  18. Angel looked to see a Griffin clawing at a tree "Hey. Are you ok?" He asked the Griffin "I would buy you something to eat, But SpitFire hasn't payed me yet"
  19. AngelSnapp began to trot here and there, "Now, Where have I been that looks cool in this town so far?" He remembered back to Sugar Cube corner where there was cool looking bakery, "That might look cool" He thought to himself, He began to trot that way. "I think I might need a wide angel lens though.. Nah, This will be good" he smiled to himself. He noticed a familiar looking mare hiding. He tried to remember. "OH Yeh! Fluttershy!" He remembered the Magazine Rarity showed to him that had her on the cover when she was a model for Photofinish. He was about to approach her and introduce himself but then he remembered what Rarity said "She wouldn't Hate you, She would just really really really really really really dislike you" He changed his mind "Yeh, Id probably kill her with my enthusiasm" He trotted past.
  20. Angel decided he was sick of sticking around his house. "Well, Guess I could go look for everypony." He got up from his bed after taking his nap and stretched "Two naps in a single day, New record for being lazy" He thought to himself looking on the self. He had taken off his WonderBolt Flightsuit so He wouldn't get it anymore dirty, He was sure Rarity wouldn't mind. He trotted over the table where all his camera equipment was, He grabbed his saddlebag and put a camera body and a simple lens inside. "I guess I could walk around a bit more and meet more pony's" He thought to himself. He trotted out the door and started to wonder around.
  21. Angel Laughed "Dont worry, This is FlashBomb, Hes actually my roommate, Hes harmless." Angelsnapp smiled at the mare
  22. "Thats weird" He said "I Moved to Ponyville about two months ago, Im surprised ive never seen you there" He said "I guess I havent been paying much attention" He laughed to himself
  23. Angel looked up from his food "Yeah, But Technically I dont 'Have' To sit there. I can sit where ever I want" He smiled at her. "So, Where are you from?" He asked
  24. Angel looked over to see that Lyria was still by her self "I dont think SpitFire will mind if I head over to the recruit table." He thought to himself, He got up and trotted over to where she was sitting. A few eyes landed on him, Usually staff members never left the staff section. He got over to her "Hey rookie. Room for one more?" He sat down across from her.
  25. Angel took his place at the staff table, He heard many other staff members ask him where his uniform was. "Its dirty, Im going to wash it tonight" He replayed to them. He saw Lyria trot in and get some food. "Hopefully FlashBomb will take care of that one, Shes a bit timid" He thought to himself.
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