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Everything posted by RainboomDash


  2. (Sorry... School. DX) Lyria took a shower, and put her mane back in her usual pony tail. Her coat shiny and free of the forest, she trotted to everypony else. She saw them, and trotted over to them smiling. [colour=#800080]"Hey guys!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and sat next to Angel.[/colour]
  3. Lyria looked at the ponies around her. [colour=#800080]"I'm glad you all made it back." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled.[/colour]
  4. Lyria looked out the window, and kicked it. [colour=#800080]"We gotta pass this test. GO!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She barked, and grabbed Angel, carrying him as she quickly glided through the forest. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Only a few minutes from Ponyville." [/colour][colour=#000000]She whispered, and landed on the outskirts of the town. She put Angel against a tree. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Am I in time?"[/colour]
  5. Lyria looked at Angel. [colour=#800080]"How much longer till we are done with this test?" [/colour]Lyria asked. She continued to look at the three of them.
  6. Lyria squeaked and jumped into a corner of the cave. [colour=#800080]"Flashbomb! How did you get in he-"[/colour] [colour=#800080]"This is my old playhouse type thing. I've had it since forever ago.. Forgot it was here. My father and I built it." [/colour]
  7. Lyria continued to look at all the old stuff, and smiled as she recognized the small things. She trotted over to a small window that her father had carved for her in the cave. She looked outisde of it, and saw that snow had covered it.
  8. Lyria looked at Angel when he sneezed, and giggled a little. She trotted into the back of the cave, and looked around. [colour=#800080]"No way..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She whispered to herself. She looked around, and noticed the small table and bed she had made so many years ago. With her father, they built this little playhouse. It had a table and chairs, bed, mini fridge, working sink, anything a house would need. Just she had built it for a play house.[/colour]
  9. Lyria listened to Shadow Sound hum a tune, and she created lyrics for it in her head. She started to sing along with the humming, her voice a sweet and melodic tone.
  10. Lyria looked to Shadow Sound. [colour=#800080]"Thank you Shadow Sound." [/colour][colour=#000000]She put the branches done and started to make the fire. After a few minutes, she set the logs and sticks ablaze. The warmth in the cav e skyrocketed. Lyria looked at the cave entrance, and some boulders. She started to push them to the cave entrance, hoping to block out some of the cold driftng in. After that, she wiped her forehead with her hoof, and looked at the makeshift wall. [/colour][colour=#800080]"This should keep us warm."[/colour]
  11. [colour=#800080]"No.. Thank you. For searching for me, protecting me when I was in danger, even when I was stupid enough to get into it..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She looked at him. [/colour][colour=#800080]"And seeing you under that tree.... Brought me to a extreme panic mode."[/colour]
  12. [colour=#800080]"Thank you Shadow Sound." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria smiled as he left.[/colour]
  13. (I feel super bad now...) [colour=#800080]"Nice to meet you as well. There is nothing right now... Wait. Could you go get some firewood? We need to keep all 3 of us warm"[/colour]
  14. (OMC IM SO SORRY! I DIDN'T NOTICE THAT IM SORRY SHADOWSOUND! OMC IM SO SO SO SORRY!!!!!!!) Lyria turned to the other pony in the cave. [colour=#800080]"So whats your name? Mine is Lyria." [/colour][colour=#000000]She put some more aloe leaves on Angel.[/colour]
  15. (lyria is alone... XD) Lyria heard Angel's whimper, and turned around quickly. She ran over to him. [colour=#800080]"Are you alright?"[/colour]
  16. Lyria trotted into the forest, grabbed some aloe leaves, some water, and a large leaf. She walked back inside the cave, and layed the large leaf over Angel to keep him warm. Then put some aloe leaves over his leg, and put some water beside him. She sat at the edge of the cave, waiting for Angel to wake up.
  17. My Grandma just got out of Brain surgery....



      I hope shes alright.. <:3

    2. RainboomDash


      Yea, thank Celestia she is... She has a really long scar on the back of her skull from the surgery otherwise.

    3. tacobob


      Ouch. Thankfully she's doing well. And even scars like that will heal up and fade away. :)

  18. Lyria whimpered and looked at Angel. [colour=#800080]"Everytime somepony trusts me as a friend, they get hurt... I don't see how it can't be my fault..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Lyria perked up when he said he will probably pass out. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Lay down. I'll go get you some water and aloe leaves." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said, laying him down on the floor. She pet his mane back. [/colour][colour=#800080]"I'll be right back. Just stay here." [/colour][colour=#000000]She kissed his forehead, and then galloped into the rain.[/colour]
  19. Lyria dropped the tree gently, then jumped over to Angel and helped him stand. [colour=#800080]"Oh my Celestia are you okay?" [/colour]She whimpered, looking at him sadly. [colour=#800080]"This is all because of me... I'm sorry.. I should of stayed with you guys... I'm sorry... I just... I just found my parents graves.. I just wanted to go to them...." [/colour][colour=#000000]She brought him into a cave nearby. [/colour][colour=#800080]"And found this necklace..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She held the necklace out for him to see.[/colour]
  20. Lyria heard Angel, and perked her ears up. She stood shakily, fur dripping. [colour=#800080]"A-Ang-" [/colour][colour=#000000]She stopped in mid-sentence when she saw his leg trapped under the tree. [/colour][colour=#800080]"ANGEL!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She screamed, and ran towards him. She used all of her strength to lift the tree off[/colour] of him. [colour=#800080]"Hurry! Get out from under there!" [/colour][colour=#000000]She said, hooves slipping in the mud.[/colour]
  21. Lyria had to clear her tears, but she couldn't her friends were probably worried about her. She knew she should probably head back. But something was keeping her right there, right with her parents.
  22. I hate people who bring drama into life. -_-

    1. weesh


      I make a distinction between those that manufacture drama, those that live their life in a way that leads to unnecessary drama, and those for whom drama found them. The first is inexcusable, the second is passable if they learn from it, and the later have my sympathy.

  23. (Lyria has a tragic backstory. ) Lyria continued to sob, tears falling down her cheeks steadily. All she could think about was her parents, nothing else.
  24. Lyria walked over by the stream, and saw something sparkle in the corner of her eye. She looked over to it, and noticed a necklace. But this necklace was familiar. She walked over and picked it up, then gasped as she saw it. Inside was a picture of her and her parents, Lyria only a filly. She looked up, and there they were. Her parents graves. Holding back tears, she trotted over to them. One had her fathers name inscribed into it, and her mothers on the other. She fell to the ground in tears, the necklace in her grasp. She looked at the necklace through her tears, and saw a small piece of paper wrapped around the chain. [colour=#dda0dd]Dear Lyria,[/colour] [colour=#dda0dd]By the time you get this letter, we will already be gone...[/colour] [colour=#dda0dd]We are sorry, for not going to be able to ever see you get married,[/colour] [colour=#dda0dd]or see our grandchildren,[/colour] [colour=#dda0dd]But we are always with you child.[/colour] [colour=#dda0dd]We will always be with you, in your heart.[/colour] [colour=#dda0dd]That is why we made this heart necklace, for you to keep with you.[/colour] [colour=#000000]A tear drop landed on the page. [/colour] [colour=#dda0dd]We are always with you Lyria[/colour] [colour=#dda0dd]Don't you forget it.[/colour] [colour=#dda0dd]~mum and Dad[/colour] Lyria broke down. Not paying attention to anything, she hugged her parents graves, and kept whispering, [colour=#800080]"I love you... I miss you..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Over and over again, through her many tears. She felt some rain, then a sudden downpour start through the weather. Lyria sobbed with the rain, her coat soaking wet.[/colour]
  25. Lyria heard something in a stream nearby. [colour=#800080]"I'll be right back guys." [/colour][colour=#000000]She smiled, and walked down to the stream. [/colour][colour=#800080]"Flashbomb? Is that you?"[/colour]
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