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Posts posted by SunlightHeart

  1. I've never played fall out... Is there by any chance I can still join and kinda learn a little from y'all? Kinda like a new recruit or something?

    I second that, this RP interests me.

    Well you folk are in luck. The Rp has lost at least 3 players so I'd love to have some new blood in here.

    As you can probably tell, the rp has shifted to its second act. Essentially, it has sort of been rebooted kind of like when an online game goes from round one to round two and checks players. So you can come in as a mercenary that the Steel Rangers(Analogs to Fallouts Brotherhood of Steel) hired, a citizen of Marelia, traveller, or heck anything really. Read the first Rp, then the start of the second and tell me you ideas.

    The main rule of character creation is that your character's SPECIAL is a base average of 35 and you have 750 points for skills. Characters get 10 individual perks and if you're a cyborg you also get up to 5 implants. You also get a group perk. Perks may be from any fallout game, the fallout equestria stories, or made up. Just dont be ridiculous. The skills in this game are based on the Fallout New Vegas set.

    Look to the other apps for the format you need. And don't forget, read through the first half of the RP.

  2. Ok everyone this is a summons, an all call if you will. If you are still in the game respond below. If you don't respond in five days you will be considered a no show and your character will be written out. We are shifting locales to Marelia now. If you are not satisfied with your character, want to write them out and replace them with someone else then bows the time. Contact me and we'll work it out.

    Every player respond below stating that they are still in the game and the character they are using. Now for the rules. These may look familiar to some here, but for everyone else it doesn't really matter.

    All posts should be subtitled with your current location and then something more precise:


    Marelia: Safehouse

    The Rules

    • You may play as any sapient creature in Equestria, yes even alicorns. Just remember that Alicorn's while powerful, they aren't on Celestia or Luna's level. They also come in different breeds like super mutants. If you want to be a dragon, they can be no larger than a diamond dog. Feel free to make up any sort of wasteland abomination you can think of, FoE is about creativity, just be careful not to power game. I can be contacted to elaborate more on this.
    • You may talk to other players about the story, and brainstorm ideas and execute them. But please keep it reasonable. No threatening the world or causing anything that can alter the path of the RP on a large scale.
    • There may or may not be a turn order. Some people need an incentive to keep up, and having all eyes on them is pretty good incentive.
    • Keep combat sensible (or nonsensical if you're kind of comic relief like Arik).
    • You may NOT maim or injure another players character without that players permission. Everyone's characters are expected to take a realistic amount of punishment from combat scenarios (realistic by your characters standards)
    • ALL posts are expected to be of decent quality, with solid grammar and description.
    • If you're having a conversation with another player: PLEASE use a Gdoc to write the entire conversation and then post it all in a single chunk. Believe me, saves on a bit of confusement and ten page long conversations (this is up for debate).
    • There is NO posting order, but please be aware of other players.
    • Decent quality posts are expected every two days to maintain a decent pace. Failing to post will result in a polite warning. Still failing to post or consistently breaking the two day limit will result in a harsher warning. Continue to fail to post and you're out the RP. I'll probably kill them off, removing them from the time line or write them out, you gamble against my mood by not posting.
    • While relationships are allowed- keep the hanky pansy to PMs. Don't want the mods shutting us down.
    • If you are ever in difficulty with what to do next, or need NPC support. I am here to help.

  3. This is to be new Fallout Equestria Hub thread. We're all of us FoE role players and enthusiast come to talk about the wasteland we love so much.

    Here is the place to tell us about your FoE rps and perhaps tell us your ideas for an rp so they we can work on making it a reality.

    This is the place for idle chatter the world in general.


    The first thing I'd like to announce is that I'm working on the idea for a FoE rp using elements from Elizabeth Bathory's history and vampires and Mixing with some super science into the story.

  4. During this past week I have been preparing for a week long cruise. I depart on friday. I planned on us being in Marelia by the time I left so that you could all roam the city and do side quests during my absence, but alas it didnt work out.

    IM aware that the rp has stalled, two players are totally AWOL and one I know for a fact is ill. One player I will talk to and the other is held up because of the player I will talk to. Urgh... Difficulties.

    Anyway, I will also be opening a new FoE OOC thread in the OOC section for brainstorming. Everyone here is free to contribute and join.

    The thread will be named Fallout: Equestria - Crimson Manor.

  5. What ive seen:

    Ponied are surprisingly combat capable, well at least the citizens of ponyville.

    Big Mac: "By the mane of Miyagi!"

    Was Dr. Whooved fiddling with a sonic screwdriver?

    On Kodokuna's point about nightmare rarity, not hurting anyone.

    1. Why would she hurt someone whrn she had an army.

    2. A villain does need to take action to prove they are a threat for the sake of plot. She dropped Luna effortlessly, so goal accomplished.

    3. Remember that this is MLP. The ponies most active in the fight were scuffed, bruised, had damaged clothed and cracked glassed/goggled. Octavias cello was even broken. Thats about as hurt as anyponys going to get unless they give the comic license to like marvel and up the rating to teen-adult.

    On the other point about how it wasnt explained why she chose rarity. Im pretty sure it was alluded to twice then said by rarity. So we know exactly why Rarity was chosen.

    The Nightmare didnt have to spoon feed those things to us. They were incorporated organically.

    Overall I enjoyed both arcs equally for different reasons. I cant pick a best.

    Arc one was a nice adventure, chrissy was charismatic and devious and thier was a nice team dynamic.

    Arc two had ramped up danger, a much more personal story on two fronts, pinkie being a genius, a nice bit of characterization for luna rarity and spike.

    My only question... When the heck does this take place? My ides is that the arcs arent in chronological order. Also conflicts with Luna Eclipsed.

  6. Spaced, Nexar, and Splits players all posted.

    Anyway the announcement is that we are fast approaching Marelia. Now, I'd like to somewhat clean up the rp by starting a posting order. I don't know what the order will be yet, but I'll have it by the time we get to Marelia. We are also going to start using a dice system, created by Nexar and myself, for use with skills and special.

  7. I really liked how Luna teleported from the moon to earth...Love to see that animated..Woosh! :Luna:

    Makes me wonder if it actually wsd teleportation. One of my dreams wad to draw graphic novels. The animation is universal almost, like almost.

    From what I saw, it suggested a burst of super speed. Magically induced obviously.

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