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Everything posted by NeoExlucky

  1. Indeed I did! If it's all right can I have Time get lost in a town before his pairing shows up so I can show his personality?
  2. [colour=#0000cd]"Excellent! We need you to inform Celestia to arrive so she can take the amulet of the flames." [/colour][colour=#000000]Seasona said[/colour]
  3. (Time Spinner left before the punch became the kool-aid...perfect Timing!)
  4. Pocket Sighed [colour=#800080]"Okay, So my name is Pocket Watch, I am a member of a group known as the collectors. We watch and keep tabs on everypony and item, then if someone wants a very rare item that somepony won't give up. We steal it and sell it to said somepony. Both that pegasus and myself are members, though I am sure with this he can offically be considered an ex member but that is irrelevent. What matters is that I got the ring and now I can return to collect my pay." [/colour][colour=#000000]Pocket realized[/colour][colour=#000000] that she was being a bit more blunt about it to rarity then she was when telling Flashbomb but right now she really didn't care. [/colour][colour=#800080]"During the royal wedding the ring was stolen and the member tasked with it was that pegasus but instead of giving it to our master for payment he kept it. What's worse the ring was an item that belonged to discord. What it did to him might explain why I couldn't form a full sentence... but I digress. This ring may be very powerful and it needs to return to it's master instead of some antique collector."[/colour]
  5. (I know right?) [colour=#696969]"No you have a connection to Celestia. I was talking to dusk who was beside me." [/colour][colour=#000000]Time cleared his throat. [/colour][colour=#696969]"In any case you have a way to talk with and send things to Celestia right?"[/colour]
  6. [colour=#800080]"Your guess is as good as mine."[/colour] Pocket lied. "[colour=#0000cd]Oh[/colour] [colour=#0000cd]you don't have to leave our little friend out of this Miss pocket." [/colour][colour=#000000]The blue pegasus stood up again. [/colour][colour=#0000cd]"You know very well what that was about."[/colour] [colour=#800080]"What it was truly about I don't know but you know why I am here just give me the ring."[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"Come now don't be so secretive. Why not tell her about the collectors?"[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Look the collectors don't matter anymore! This is personal now! I just want the ring then I want you out of my life!"[/colour] [colour=#000000]The pegasus simply stood up and pulled a shiny red ring out of his pocket. He threw it at pocket and walked away.[/colour] [colour=#000000]Pocket picked up the ring then turned to Rarity [/colour][colour=#800080]"Thank you, I don't know what I would have done without you?"[/colour]
  7. [colour=#696969]"They are so cute together!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Time said [/colour][colour=#696969]"And how much dignity do I have after saying that? 0...I regret nothing."[/colour]
  8. (I would say digi walked but he can't... )
  9. [colour=#000080]"If you, mind, get, guy off meet!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Pocket said still not able to form a full sentence for no apparent reason.[/colour]
  10. (Suddenly back to Diamond and Echo!) The duo had just completed their third puzzle together and was on their way to the fourth. [colour=#ff0000]"So what is the black portal?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Echo asked[/colour] [colour=#00ffff]"Well the black portal is controlled by shadow. It has some features that even I don't know about yet." [/colour] [colour=#000000]Diamond Dust said[/colour] [colour=#FF0000]"So when do I get the orange portal added to my gun?"[/colour] [colour=#00ffff]"When we enter the seventh puzzle. That is when we meet up with the orange portal core and should be able to go through the upgrade field!"[/colour] [colour=#000000](Back to Digi)[/colour] [colour=#0000CD]"You need to shoot you portal over to the platform in the corner. Then we go through the blue portal over there and we can activate the button. The door should open and take us to test 02. We used to meet Static there and he would give us the yellow portal."[/colour]
  11. (Suddenly back at the dance.) With no pony coming to save Pocket she kicked the pegasus and dodged to the side of him ad he fell. [colour=#800080]"All I- the ring...where is it?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Pocket said still not forming a good sentence.[/colour] [colour=#000000](Pocket still needs help from a pony at the dance but at least now there is no awkward 'positioning' or confusion about what unamed pegasus is doing right now.) [/colour]
  12. (Aww I wanted to be the next Discord XD Oh well Time can still just say no.) Time Spinner was still on the ground when he saw the green dust. It was very positive. Time Spinner didn't care though. His heart was broken. He had no positive emotions anymore.
  13. [colour=#696969]"He has a connection to Celestia Dusk....DUSK!"[/colour] Time said in his voice again. [colour=#696969]"Dusk I haven't seen you in forever!"[/colour]
  14. (Time's goin to jail... lol) Time Spinner turned to see a blue pegasus he hadn't met before. He simply looked at him and said [colour=#696969]"Shoosh!"[/colour]
  15. (Your move Derpyy! -Evil laughing in the background- wait it's my character falling... CATCH HIM!)
  16. [colour=#0000cd]"We were, but you have something we need." [/colour][colour=#000000]Seasona said through Time.[/colour]
  17. (Actually they are at the Dance. I know where Rarity is but Pocket doesn't... and that was a bit um...disturbing to read. yeah...)
  18. [colour=#000080]"Anyway let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Digi said as dropped from his stick. [/colour][colour=#000080]"CATCH ME, CATCH ME, CATCH ME, CATCH ME!"[/colour]
  19. (Meanwhile in the city of the burning forest!) Time looked desperately for the Amulet of fire. He looked through the trees and through the fire. His coat started to burn but he wasn't sure if it was the Time spell or the fire burning him. So he looked around for the orange amulet. Eventually he spotted it and grabbed it. He ran out of the forest and just arrived back to notice that Light was gone. With no choice Time had to teleport to Light's house and wait for him.
  20. [colour=#000080]"Actually you are going to need him, ha ha, you see there are two types of testing rooms, one is single test and the other is team test and you two just got put in the only series of testing rooms that need two ponies or griffins to participate So first we need to get you a portal gun Talon. Then Once we get through a few testing rooms we should be able to connect with Diamond and her pony as the testing rooms connect for a trio puzzle."[/colour]
  21. (I notice Time has helped the destruction of the element of Love. -evil laughing in the background-. Okay let's see what Pocket is up to after her event.) Pocket Watch: Pocket approached the blue pegasus and said [colour=#000080]"Where is the Ring?" [/colour]She asked. The blue pegasus looked at pocket and leaned closer into her until they kissed. Pocket couldn't exactly say why but she didn't hate it. They kissed for what seemed like a couple of minutes before she pushed him away. [colour=#00ffff]"What's wrong pocket? I know you liked that. I know you want more..." [/colour][colour=#000000]([/colour][colour=#000000]Blue unamed pegasus is best creeper!)[/colour] [colour=#000000]Pocket Couldn't lie right now. She could barely form a real sentence. She desperately needed help. She thought of the ponies she could call as long as it wasn't Time. She thought of two of the ponies she looked for today for help and called for them.[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Um, uh... Apple- Jack, R-rarity, Help Ple-please!"[/colour]
  22. [colour=#000080]"Of course not! I'm only a training core Talonwing! Also while I can't tell you if there are other people here I can tell you that right now there are two other training cores on now! Diamond Dust and Shadow, and normally they only turn on if they are with a pony. Also while I am the training core of the Orange portal there are other portals and features that the Training cores are. Diamond Dust is the training core of the blue portal and Shadow...I think he is the Black Portal but most portal guns don't come with that feature so...I don't know! Anyway I can guide you to Diamond dust if you like."[/colour]
  23. [colour=#696969]"A- a griffion!"[/colour] Time exclaimed [colour=#696969]"your a Griffion?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Time quickly got rid of the thought. He needed the Fire amulet so he could be safe for sure. [/colour][colour=#000000]He ran towards the burned woods and looked around for the orange necklace.[/colour]
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