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Everything posted by RegalSteel

  1. Regal takes a moment to contemplate the question, unconsciously spinning the straw around her glass with gray magic. "[colour=#4b0082]Well... everything is pretty sugary so I like it all[/colour]," She jokes with a big grin, "[colour=#4b0082]but the shakes are simply divine[/colour]."
  2. Giggles softly at the extremely attentive shopkeep, "[colour=#4b0082]It would seem so darling[/colour]." "[colour=#4b0082]Wonderful, I never liked windy days[/colour]." Regal answers Saronyx with a smile.
  3. Been a slow couple of days

  4. Lot of good suggestions. I need to get ahold of some new Simic stuff for sure. I wish I had a walking archive for this deck too. Have to look into other cards too.
  5. Regal gives a small wave to the newcomer from her table while taking another sip of her beverage. "Welcome," She greets the pegasus, "fair winds for flying today?"
  6. So I'm an avid Warmachine & Hordes player and was curious if anyone else here was/is. Please state Factions you play. Talk about the games, hobby, whatever as long as it is relevant. All Privateer Press games are welcome. I play Mercenaries primarily but have recently branched out to playing Retribution of Scyrah. Also play Blindwater Minions for Hordes. If you don't know the game check out privateerpress.com
  7. Something tells me you will fit in here great! Welcome (Dramatic pause) to Canterlot.
  8. My predators are in a gruul deck for thematic reasons. The deck is VERY mana efficient. I want to put some Mystic Snakes in at some point as well as some evolve & oozes. I need more clasps. Won thrice by maniac. Upon which I loudly declare, "I CAN SEE FOREVER!"
  9. Name: Operation Lab Maniac colours: Blue/Green (Simic) Casual deck Land: 9 Forest 8 Island 2 Simic Growth Chamber Lowanoar Reborn Creatures: Vedalken Anatomist 4 Viridian Joiner 2 Simic Initiate 2 Sporeback Troll 2 Cytoplast Shambler 2 Vigean Hydropon 2 Helium Squirter 2 Aquastrand Spider 2 Cytoplast Root-Kin 2 Labratory Maniac 2 Vorniclex Voice of Hunger 2 Jin-Gitaxias Core Auger Momir Vig Simic Visionary 2 Core Prowler Spells: 2 Biomantic Mastery 2 Steady Progress 2 Tezzeret's Gambit 2 Thrive 2 Inexorable Tide Artifact: Evolution Vat Planeswalker: Garruk Primal Hunter Don't have any new simic stuff
  10. Greetings and salutations. Enjoy your stay.
  11. Who you callin sentient? But seriously welcome, and enjoy your time here.
  12. Looks around at everyone whilst searching for a sturdy table. "I am quite decidedly not busy if you would like to join me." Finds an acceptable place and seats herself. Smiles invitingly as she sets her drink before her.
  13. "Happy to be served." Regal announces gleefully. Uses magic to lift her glass and take a long sip. "Delicious!" She happily states.
  14. Puts her bits on the counter, thanking Magenta. She stifled a giggle at the young ponies. "Oh leaving darling?" Regal asked politely, "adieu then Melodice it was a pleasure meeting you."
  15. "Excuse me, could I trouble you for a peppermint swirl once you have completed the colt's order." Regal asks with a smile. She could feel her sugar rush burning down.
  16. "Oh darling I think they meant Hearth's Warming Day," Regal said, "it's a play if I remember."
  17. "I just adore Hearts and Hooves day!" Regal said with a giggle. "All of the mares and stallions trying to find their special someponies." She sighes forlorn. Notices the newcomer, waving a hoof. "Welcome."
  18. (Nope feel free to join there are a few Stallions I believe)
  19. Regal skakes her head a little, "No need for an apology sweetheart" She continues, "Of course your cutie mark does not define you; I melt metal down and forge it, but that does not mean I cannot enjoy the finer things." Unconsciously makes sure her mane is perfect.
  20. "Wonderful to make your acquaintance darling," Regal greets Melancholy happily, "I am most sorry for not seeing you there." Softly blows some bangs from her face. "Oh you have a Theatre talent!" Regal exclaims. She puts a hoof to her forehead dramatically, "Oh the drama, how glamorous."
  21. Regal took a moment to mull over the name but came up blank. "I do not believe so," She answers, "why do you ask?" Giggles softly at the mail stallion. "I have made a few suits but nothing as amazing as Royal Guard armor." Regal states, sighing almost dreamily. She tsks at Sugar, "Psha, no cutie mark is lame."
  22. Takes the offered hoof with a sweet smile, "Charmed Melodice, that's a beautiful name." Regal greets each of the ponies, "Apologies I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself, I am Regal Steel." "Cutie Mark stories how very delightful." Regal excitedly states. "Sadly mine is rather drab." She admits. "Where to start; oh I know, my Father was a Royal Guard and one day his armor got damaged." Regal pauses for effect. "While he was out with Mother I got a bit restless, wanting to help I decided to fix the armor and voila!" Finishes by presenting purple shield cutie mark surrounded by black curly q's.
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