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Everything posted by LightningStreak

  1. ((Sorry I have been gone )) Scootaloo sat in the clubhouse watching Sweetie and Rine,clean,and talk about Zebra,"Hey Rune,you should come and meet Zecore with use," She smiled,then fluttered her wings.
  2. (Uhhh...okay,here I am )) Satomi stood up,wobbly she took a step,and another,and another. She was trotting pretty steadily,right when she tripped over one of her hooves and fell flat on her face,scraping her cheek she sat up,then moaned," Whhhhyyyyyyyy meeeeeeeee?!"
  3. Delilah glanced over at Thunderbolt who was smiling like never before,he said," OOOH,oooh,and after the tour,we could go check out the academy!!!" He bounce up and down,"Even if you can't fly,you could take the hot air balloon!" He squealed a bit,obviously over excited. Delilah smiled," Sure,sounds great,both the ideas,"
  4. "Hehe,thanks,I'm still practicing,but atleast I can close my eyes now,and still play," Delilah chuckled a bit.
  5. Delilah's magic gave out,she fell to the ground,her limbs hurting and her head pounding,she forced herself up,her light grey hooves trembling,her jaw clenching in anger," You little- you,are lucky,that my magic gave out,or else I would have Trampled you!" She yelled at him. Thynderbolt laughed," Hahaha,why,you little ponies are very funny, no wonder why we take your love instead...": He laughed more.
  6. Delilah stood in the background,she saw the little arguement going on,she stepped in front of Light," Calm down,if you make him scared,then you will never get anything out of him," She whispered to him.
  7. [colour=#FF0000]"Uhhh...thy do not know what thou is getting to.."[/colour] Brangwen smiled nervously,he stuck his tail up,showing that he was not scared,but simply nervous.
  8. Delilah and Leif stomped their hooved also in approval,"That was great!" They both said in sync.
  9. Delilah loked at Midnight,"Nope,not much,"
  10. Scoot looked at the back of the brouchure,"There is tickets," She eyed them,"I don't trust it," She tossed the brochure over to Rune,who asked what they were.
  11. Thynderbolt stared at the little pathetic pony," Tsk tsk,about time you noticed," He maniaclly laughed. Delilah regained consiousness,angrily,she hit the barrier again,"You little.What did you do with Thunderbolt?!" "Oh,he's fine alright," Thynderbolt smiled viciously,Delilah used her magic,her horn glew,bright orange,then sparks flew off of it,she aimed tyowards the barrier and hit it,a small hole opening up,she yelles,"Either we get in,or YOU get out!" She yelled.
  12. Zig and Zag saw the new pony fly up,gracefully,they smiled and fluttered their wings[colour=#8B4513]," Hi th[/colour][colour=#800000]ere,"[/colour] [colour=#8B4513]"I'm Zig,[/colour]"[colour=#800000] And I'm Zag!" [/colour]The two sisters exclaimed.
  13. "Same here," Count me in!" Thunderbolt and Leif shrugged. Delilah smiled,how about we all....play outside?" Thunderbolt gave her a dead-pan face before smiling,"I'd love that! Flyign around all phhhhhheeeuuuuwwww!" he looked around and saw ponies staring at him,he clushed slightly then stepped back.Delilah looked at him puzzled,"Hmm...any ideas?" She asked.
  14. ((Sweet,I own 2 one purple,one black,and and the purple one goes down to knee,for more flexibility,and the black one,is mainly for the cold )) "True that," Zag commented.
  15. Zig,and Zag,both looked at it,"It;s beautiful," They siad in sync.
  16. ((Oh,okay,now it all makes sense ))
  17. "Why yes,I have to agree," Delilah pushed the brim of her hat up,so she could see. ((Sweet!! ))
  18. Scoot sees the brochures,"Hmm..." She looked them over.
  19. ((haha,awesome,I actually were a trench coat in real life XD haha,and it goes down to my ankles,plus it's black,who would of guessed XD )) Zig and Zag stared at the coats,"Why,thank you," Zig siad kindly,Zag's smile was evident on her face.
  20. playing with my see-through water bottle, I spun my water bottle around,and created a mini water tornado/huricane XD sooooo cool!!

    1. grassianne


      ok then... im just saying why are you doing that? thats really... um interesting i guess...

  21. ((Yup,looks good,only I wish that I didn't have to cock my head to see it though,but other than that,It looked good ))
  22. "Hmmmmm...................I really dont know," Scoot started to say,then paused,for like 19 seconds,then continued to say.
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