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Everything posted by LightningStreak

  1. Delilh trotted back upstairs to Shadow,"Sorry about that,now where were we?"
  2. Zig and Zag turned around,they smiled sheepishly at everypony,before chuckling.
  3. "Wyah yeus,I would otta be,After all,*ahem* I do research about Zebra,it's just that I have never actually met an actual Zebra,like youself,face to face," Delilah smiled at the Zebra.
  4. "Huh,oh well,sorry about your confusion,I have to go though,nice meeting you though,bye," Deliah said nervously before slowly closing the door.
  5. "Uhh,go to twilight,ya know,the one in the biiiggg tree,okay? Bye!" Scootaloo shut the door after the CMC.
  6. "Oh,hello?" Delilah looks at him bervously.
  7. "Okey dokey Lokey,follow me everpony," Leif trotted out of the cafe and onto the street.
  8. Scootaloo opened up the door to the clubhouse,"c'mon in everypony!"
  9. [colour=#008080]"Well,my sister,Caymellow,is getting married to,a Stallion named,Ooh,now what was his name..."[/colour] Melodice sat and thought really deep into her mind for the name.
  10. Zag turned around and saw Zig smiling weirdly,she blushed quickly before hitting her older sister on the arm[colour=#800000],"Get that out of your head!" [/colour]She said,Zig looked at her,amusement flied across her face,before she said[colour=#8B4513]," In the love of Celestia,you actually uncovered your eye!" [/colour]Zag smiled sheepishly[colour=#800000],"I guess so,"[/colour] Zig smiled at her [colour=#800000]sister[/colour][colour=#8B4513],"I'm glad,and now you can see,with both eyes! Plus,now everypony can see your different coloured eyes," [/colour]Zag hit her sister again," I[colour=#800000] don't want them to notice now shush," [/colour]She narrowed her eyes,as did Zig,before they both smiled and chuckled at eachother[colour=#800000],"No,for real,I wasn't kidding though,"[/colour][colour=#8B4513] Okay okay,I understand,"[/colour]
  11. Delilah followed along,till they reached the Everfree,there was a zebra,Delilah's eyes widened,"You're a Zebra?!" She asked excitedly,"Ohh,Iav always warnted to meet uh Zerbuh!" She looked Xukar over.
  12. Satomi trotted out of the club,slowly,her dress was a tattered and torn,due to ponies trampling her,she let out a hefty sigh and looked her reflection through a puddle,"Man,I am a complete mess," she turned her head,there was a gash,her eys opened,"When did-" She stopped and noticed the pile of blood below her,"This wasn't,why,wait,huh?" She didn't know what to say,she put a hoof up to the side of her head,her head pounded,each second the pain got wosr,she sat down on the ground,"It's okay,no need to worry now Satomi," she looked at her hoof that was on the gash,"There's so much blood,I wonder how," She put her wing over the gaash,hoping that nopony would see it.
  13. Leif stood up,"Alright ponies! Let's go," She stood up and waited for them to follow along.
  14. "Okay!" Scootaloo took off as fast as she could,leaving the other (mary sue) ponies sight,and to their clubhouse.
  15. Brangwen stood there,mouth pen,"Oooh,you little,SHOCKOO,GET THOU LITTLE TAIL IN HERE!!" He yelled,Shockoo walked in nervously and quietly,"Yeeusss?" She was twiviling her paw,"Why did thou put thou's paint,in thy room?" He asked,she shrugged,"I felt like it," "Well,I suggest you take your PAINT,and leave!" He threw the bucket of panit at her,she grabbed it and ran out giggling. {sorry for no colour}
  16. ((when I first read that,I thought of SpongeBob,a couple of years ago,when the movie came on,and it was all like,"I'm a goofey goober,yeah,we're all goofey goobers!" XD)) Delilah chuckled,"Yeah,no kidding.."
  17. [colour=#008080]"You can come if you want Regal," [/colour]Melodice smiled at Regal.
  18. ((Haha,i understand,I would reply,but with what,I don't know...))
  19. [colour=#800000]"Yes...thank you,"[/colour] Zag was still blushing,Zig was watching the whole time,a weird smile evident on her face.
  20. Satomi blushed and smiled when the crowd turned and looked at her,then Shadow started up the music and she stayed quiet.
  21. "Great,this Club is awesome,is it not?" Satomi asked,swaying back and forth.
  22. Zag got embarassed,she blushed then walked up to Saronyx,"[colour=#800000]can you move this please?"[/colour] She asked,still a little embarassed of the problems that she was having with her mane.
  23. Satomi trotted over to Peridot,"Hey Peridot,how are you?" She asked. ((Let's just pretend that they know eachother,Satomi and Peridot))
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