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Posts posted by Elderflower

  1. Ooo, mind drawing Sugar Star? If you want, once I'm done with my own requests I can return the favour! :3c

    Character Name: Sugar Star

    Species: Pegasus



    Pose: Something feisty/with her head raised and looking like a total champ!

    Anything Else: Any chance you could draw her in the guard armour?


    Your art's delish, by the way~

    • Like 1
  2. Hi hi hi there! Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you have lots of fun here! And Jane's totally right - the art discussion board is the place to go if you want help with your art! There are plenty of talented artists here on the site.

    Again, welcome! Have a bow!


  3. zfJWF98.png

    Still smiling, El reached out and shook hooves with Dr. Spin Tale.

    [colour=#ffa07a]“That’s quite the impressive title!”[/colour] she remarked, [colour=#ffa07a]“My position is much less esteemed than your, it seems. I run a teahouse in the mercantile district. A fairly humble position, next to a President and Curator-in-Chief. I don’t think I would trade what I have though, all the same. As for this ball, well…yes. A little?”[/colour]

    El sighed, and momentarily looked a way, her cheeks flushing a little – that must have sounded dreadful!

    [colour=#ffa07a]“What I mean to say,”[/colour] she continued, smiling a little awkwardly,[colour=#ffa07a] “Is that I had planned on celebrating at home as opposed to coming out. I’ve had the teahouse decorated in honour of the Royal Equestrian Army for days now to celebrate the Ball, and to be honest that was what I wanted my little part to be. I’m not very good with crowds like this…which I guess you already know, considering how this conversation started![/colour]

    [colour=#ffa07a]“In any case, I was pressured into coming here by my folks. Seems a bit foolish, at my age, but – oh. Oh! I’ve been blathering! My apologies. So, ah, how did you get involved with the Canterlot Army Historical Society, if you don’t mind my asking?”[/colour]

    Well. Apparently speaking to her patrons was much easier than speaking in the World Outside the Teahouse, as El liked to call it. At this point she felt a little foolish – normally, she had tea as a fallback. Ponies had questions about her shop: how she started it, what her teas are, where they come from - it always made conversation easy. The real world, however, didn’t revolve around tea or tea culture, which left her feeling much like a fish out of water. Perhaps her parents were right in shoving her out of her house for the night. She might just learn a thing or two about carrying a normal conversation. At the very least, the wisp of a mare hoped she didn’t scare Dr. Spin Tale off with her rambling. He seemed pleasant, and she was genuinely curious to hear about how he earned such a prestigious career!

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  4. There are indeed roleplay areas! Free for All and Crossover areas don't require applications, but World of Equestria (the FiM canon roleplay) requires you follow Rarity's Simply Fabulous App Form to write your character. It will be reviewed by at least two members of Roleplay Help Staff who will assist you to make sure your character fits the WoE style and when your character is accepted you can roleplay in WoE as a certified roleplayer!

    Canterlot's roleplay is nothing but quality, and this procedure is awesome and helpful! I look forward to seeing you write an app, if you choose! :3c

  5. Wt5QIla.png


    [/colour]For about the thousandth time since her chariot took off, Luna shifted about in her cushions. There was a fizzly mixture of excitement and nerves squirming about in her stomach, making her feel totally restless as she made her way to Ponyville. It had been quite some time since her last visit for Nightmare Night, and though she was looking forward to the festivities and the fun that awaited, she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of worry. Nightmare Night had ended successfully, but would the ponies remember the fun they had with her? Or would they just remember the fear? A small, tight frown settled into her expression, and she idly wondered if Cadence had already arrived at the Mare Con.

    Truth be told, the lunar Princess had not planned to attend the event. She had heard of it in passing, but the entire idea of sequestering herself away with so many mares for such a long time…it was absolutely nerve-wracking! And yet, here she was. Part of the reason she had ultimately made the decision to go was because of her niece. When she heard the Princess of Love was attending, well…she found herself a little more eager to give in to the small voice that had been playing in the back of her head and saying for her to go into the world and get to know the ponies of today!

    The Princess of the Night took a deep breath and peered over the horizon – Ponyville was drawing nearer. Shuffling her two front hooves, Luna continued to fidget. She wondered, idly, what the citizens of Canterlot had thought as she departed. Normally, you see, Luna’s chariot was pulled by two pegasi from her Lunar Guard, both bedecked in silver armour enchanted with a glamour that gifted them with the beauteous aesthetic of Luna’s night. Today she had made a small exception, however, for in place of one of her chariot Guards was a slender golden pegasus mare proudly wearing the golden armour of Celestia’s Guard!


    [/colour]Sugar Star could barely contain herself. Oh. My goodness. What luck! What unbelievable luck! First of all, her first vacation leave in a very long time came about just in time for her to make it to the Ponyville Marecon she had been hearing about for some time. Secondly, when she thought she had been alone in the castle and excitedly squealed to herself [colour=#ff3366]“Marecon! Marecon! Leave in time for Marecon!”[/colour] who else would walk in on her but the Princess of the Night herself? Princess Luna! It was so scary, at first! A Royal Equestrian Army Specialist giggling in filly-ish joy over what was essentially a glorified slumber party – she thought Princess Luna would reprimand her! But instead, she looked (surprisingly enough) a little nervous, a little amused, and a little excited all at once!

    [colour=#6699ff]“You will be going to Ponyville for the Mares’ Convention?”[/colour] she asked, simply. Normally, Star would have been slack-jawed and blushing and giddily – but she had already embarrassed herself enough. Instead, she pulled herself together and regained her austere poise before dipping forward in a low, graceful bow.

    [colour=#ff3366]“Your royal highness,” [/colour]she answered, staring at the ground, [colour=#ff3366]“I will indeed be attending the convention. I apologize for my childish lack of composure.”[/colour]

    And then – and then! The Princess smiled at her! Eee! And then she asked not only if Sugar Star would like to pull the Lunar chariot to Ponyville, but also if she would like to arrive at the convention…together! Of course the pegasus answered yes. She was very mannerly and professional, the perfect image of an REA Enlist. But inwardly, she was just about melted into a puddle of goop. She felt like such a lucky mare!


    [/colour] When they touched down in Ponyville, Luna entrusted her chariot to the Lunar Guard pegasus that had carried her from Canterlot and then stepped towards the town hall. She was hoping that by now the bulk of the crowd would have already entered, sparing her from waiting in a lineup – something that would be terribly awkward at best, she assumed.

    [colour=#ff3366]“Your highness?”[/colour] Sugar Star inquired, peering up at the Princess with wide, pink eyes. Luna looked down at her curiously – the mare had removed her helmet and tied it to her saddlebags, and without it she looked incredibly different! More like a cute and lively young mare than an REA Enlist, at least! [colour=#ff3366]“Would you like me to announce your arrival?”[/colour]

    [colour=#6699ff]“That will be unnecessary, Sugar Star,”[/colour] Luna replied, offering up a tight smile. Her nerves were really getting the better of her at this point. She did not need an announcement – simply to take the plunge and go to join the rest of the mares.

    The Princess and the Specialist entered through the doors together and walked up to the counter to await their turn, with Sugar Star struggling to hold back her proud and eager feelings. Luna had noticed the pegasus’ efforts to contain her joy since they had left Canterlot, and truth be told she found it a little endearing. It was certainly helping to ease her nerves, at least.

    When they approached the counter, Luna smiled a little awkwardly at the green mare named Quicklime (whose name she knew thanks to the information she had received about the convention .

    [colour=#6699ff]“Princess Luna, Guardian of Dreams, and Specialist Sugar Star of the Royal Equestrian Army,” [/colour]the Princess said quickly, before giving the Enlist the chance to speak. Unfortunately there was stiffness and unnatural volume slipping into her speech - nothing as over the top as Nightmare Night, but still...it caused her stomach to do a few flips at the very least. [colour=#6699ff]“And if w- I may, could I request we share a room? One beside Princess Cadence, if you please.”[/colour]

    Luna’s eyes scanned the vast room after she had spoken, until she caught Cadence’s eye. She was glad the Princess of Love had already arrived! She was worried that she had spoken forwardly. She offered a small smile to her niece before turning back to Quicklime and awaiting her badge.


    [/colour]Sugar Star could hardly believe it. Sharing a room with the Princess of the Night! She shuffled her front hooves and gazed around the room nervously, wondering which mares here she'd be able to make friends with. First things first, though - she had to drop off her bags once they were assigned their room. Heeee! Their room!


    [/colour]Birdy had hopped and bopped away from the counter, considering what she would sing should Dissy arrive. Endless songs ran through the coffee-coloured mare’s mind as she tapped her hoof and swayed with the rhythm, a few smoky and sporadic notes slipping out while she moved. And then, all of a sudden, she heard it! A voice she would never fail to recognize.

    [colour=#daa520]“Dissy!”[/colour] She cried, spinning on her hooves and charging the slender mare \t the registry counter. Just a foot away from her, the jazz vocalist reared and flailed her forelegs before settling down and bumping cheeks with Harmonic Dissonance. Somehow, she just knew she’d find her new friend here.

    [colour=#daa520]“I knew ya’d make it, kitten! Somehow I just knew we’d meet up here!” [/colour]she said excitedly, [colour=#daa520]“There’s a piano here y’know! And we’re free t’jam later on tonight, so long as we don’t get in th’way of th’real entertainment! Hah! By th’by, I signed us up as bunk buddies. Ya dig? I think it’d be a blast just the two of us in a room! We could sing all night! Well, nah…I s’pose whoever’s sleepin’ on either side of our room’d be pretty sour if we stayed up singin’ and that ain't fair for them at all. Some ponies just ain’t got the jazz in ‘em! How’ve ya been?”[/colour]

    Birdy’s grin was almost too big to exist! Dissy and Birdy the Traveling Jazz Mares Extraordinaire were reunited! If she were just a smidge taller, she’d reach up and muss up the pianists’s mane with a hoof. Unfortunately, though, Dissy was much taller! The vocalist was actually so excited that the sight of yet another Princess of Equestria only made her more giddy for a moment or two. She was just too thrilled at this reunion for anything to rile her up more!

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