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Everything posted by grassianne

  1. "ok.... i know were she went!!! fallow me!!!"black ribbon ran.
  2. "we could go to..........well......what!......no no..........i got nothing."
  3. "ok!"she was smiling happly she wasnt weirded out or uncomfortable"soo..........what are we going to do!"
  4. "ok!"she was smiling happly she wasnt weird or uncomfortable soo............what are we going to do!"
  5. "sure theres nothing to do any way when? it can be today tomorro next week any time i guess!" she said smiling "do you need privacy i can go if i need to" she was looking down at the ground.
  6. "well she did look uncomfortable a little soooo..............you dont need any HELP at all?" black ribbon looked at sub then brangwen.
  7. "well nice to meet you i saw a pony run by not so long ago she ran in everfree forest she was very fast i wish i could see what happend to her so i could help but i cant go to that forest she was light green with really dark mane i think......do know her?"
  8. "my name is black ribbon.... but whats rong? can i help?" she said nicely.
  9. then a black pony with a pink mane named black ribbon walk up to them and said "hi!"
  10. she ran and ran till she went to everfree forest she was small but then sat and was thinking.
  11. "im going sum where ill be back" she ran of.
  12. grassiane looked at him stupidly "you know what i thought of its this song that a pony named mathew sang in school it was PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RIANBOWS PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RIANBOWS!"she sang out loud.
  13. she was thinking something to do out of no where she thought this song a pony sung his name was mathew he sang PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RIANBOWS PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RIANBOWS! she was laughing really hard.
  14. "so! what are we gonna do now?!" she said happley.
  15. "thanks.....but why did you walk away from me like that if you forgot i was even there?.....
  16. grassiane just sat there"i didnt get my cupcake yet.".
  17. "ok... sorry! its not my FAULT!"she siad angerly.
  18. grassiane didnt know what brangwen was doing so she went towards him " what is going on?" then she saw thunderbolt and delilah she said nothing
  19. "u sure are you getting anyTHING!" grassiane siad staring at brangwen while he was staring down at his hooves.
  20. "sooo... what are you getting or did we just gonna sit in here and walk out like you do some times......"
  21. "thank YOU very much dum NUGET!" grassiane said laughing.
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