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Everything posted by Starburst

  1. I know it was one of the Brohoof guys that made it. I don't think it was one that I whitelisted either.
  2. I'm looking to do some art to get my head back in the pony game, so I'll be accepting cutie mark requests for a little while to sort of keep my vectoring skills fresh and clean. What I need from you is listed below, along with the cutie marks that I've already done: Pony Name: Pony Type: Pony Personality Description: Detailed Cutie Mark Description: I also reserve the right to decline any requests. My time is limited so I'm only going to pick the best ones or the ones that will be the most fun to create. If your character is a Mary Sue, or If I deem your character a Mary Sue, you're probably not gonna get anything from me, I'm a staunch hater of any Sue-like traits so you wont find me very cooperative as far as Sue's or Stu's are concerned.. Marble Maize- Orange Cream-
  3. Patch notes: Server has been updated to 1.2.5 vR1. Multiverse Core and Multiverse Signportals have been updated. Skylands and Moon are now again accessible. Whitelist has been updated.
  4. When they decide to update the plugin to 1.2.5 I'll definitely consider it.
  5. I'm not sure if its been updated for 1.3.2 yet.
  6. Oh. Well we'll reschedule it then. Later tonight perhaps.
  7. First Annual Winter Wrap up starts tomorrow at 1:30PM. Anypony wanting to participate should be in ponyville up to 5 minutes before the event starts. The objective will be getting rid of all the snow and ice, replanting crops, and bringing home the southern birds. Those interested need only to show up.
  8. As of 3:45AM at March 28th, 2012, The server has been updated to 1.2.4. Thanks for sticking around!
  9. It doesn't fit to be bluntly honest. It breaks the syllable structure from Amazing Horse too. It was a good attempt, but Amazing Horse is far better.
  10. Those mini updates are the main reason I've been unable to update to the newest version yet. Whenever they code a stable bukkit a new one comes out and bam. Obsolete server.
  11. Sure Popcorn Puffs. Adorable Icon. Does she have a song she sings along with the bobbing motion?
  12. There's no need to waste money for 8 slots when there are never any more than four people on at any given time. It lets people still get on to play on the server without spending tons of money for hosting. Since you guys are donating I'm working on getting the most out of the money. If a point comes up and the server is consistently full with four people, I'll blow it back up to six.
  13. Also, I've renewed the server and lowered the player limit to 4 ponies at a time. The less slots the server has on it the cheaper it costs to run. 4 slots takes 12 euros ( 15 dollars ) to about 66 days ( 3 months ) With the 25 dollars that was donated I can keep it running at least 5-6 months at 4 slots. As per usual operating procedure, when more ponies start using the server again ( consistently filling it up ) We'll raise it from four to six slots again.
  14. It's hard to miss. Huge Banner that says "Donate"
  15. http://canterlotponycraft.blogspot.com/ There's a donation link at the top. The donations go into my brother's Paypal, which is where the cost of the server is deducted from.
  16. Added you and anyone else who was waiting onto the whitelist. The server expires in two days. So enjoy it while you can. I'm not gonna have the money to renew it for a little while.
  17. Winter Wrap up Winter wrap uuup.
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