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Status Replies posted by MidnightRose

  1. I want to Start a season 5 RP and i wanted to know if anypony would join it i will give more details if there is alot of ponys that want to join

  2. I want to Start a season 5 RP and i wanted to know if anypony would join it i will give more details if there is alot of ponys that want to join

    1. MidnightRose


      i would love to join in, i havent done a rp in such a while, it seems to be intersting.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)



  5. My ponies. all will know the wouner to my jewel dark sky!

  6. Wow. Animal Crossing is taking maybe three, or even four 'evers' to download. :<

    1. MidnightRose


      there's one thing i hate about animal crossing, its that mole that gives you a extremely long speech when you dont save the game every.....single.....time..

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. wait...if discord is starswirl..wouldent that make starswirl discord and..if twilight was able to..finnish the magic spell but starswirl couldent..wouldent that make twilight stronger then him? but..if the spell backfired MAJORLY on starswirl and turned him into discord, or as theory goes that is..but all it did was change the memory and cutiemarks of the friends..wouldent that mean....TWILIGHT IS SECRETLY DISCORD -gasp-

  8. wait...if discord is starswirl..wouldent that make starswirl discord and..if twilight was able to..finnish the magic spell but starswirl couldent..wouldent that make twilight stronger then him? but..if the spell backfired MAJORLY on starswirl and turned him into discord, or as theory goes that is..but all it did was change the memory and cutiemarks of the friends..wouldent that mean....TWILIGHT IS SECRETLY DISCORD -gasp-

    1. MidnightRose


      which would mean...twilight is really discord and discord is really starswirl so that means...TWILIGHT IS STARSWIRL! -gasp-

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. ok, say the first thing that comes into your mind when i say this: apples

  10. keep on hearing the bird noises from mo creatures in my minecraft, but i don't have the mod installed. any ideas on what it is? im sure cows nor sheep make that noise.

    1. MidnightRose


      its comeing from my game speakers...i think it just might be a bat..

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. ok, tell me the truth and i banish you with a sword, tell me a lie i banish you with magic, what do?

  12. ok, tell me the truth and i banish you with a sword, tell me a lie i banish you with magic, what do?

  13. ok, a army of timberwolves are headed your way, wat u do?

  14. ok, a army of timberwolves are headed your way, wat u do?

  15. Girlfriend made me watch Spirit.... I never thought I would cry at a love story of two horses who don't even have any lines between them.....

    1. MidnightRose


      spirit is still a epic movie, i dont blame you for crying :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. where are you? everypony is wondering were u are in chat,

    1. MidnightRose


      welp, now ya know, you were talked about quite often, people got worryed u were gone all day :P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. i just stepped on a tack, and had to limp over to dads room to get it out of my foot....it still stings...ow? anything like this happen to you guys?

    1. MidnightRose


      i stepped on lego's lots of times, it doesent hurt alot anymore...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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