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Everything posted by Saronyx

  1. Shimmer nodded to him and continued to game for a few minutes more before shutting down the system and trotting over to a bunk to nap.
  2. Saronyx trotted alongside the tour, subconsciously using his wings to play with the snowflakes as they fell. He listened as Flake explained how the dragons here were friendly, and then the building before them
  3. Xukar nods, "I am." (Shortpostdyay)
  4. "If all else fails, I've been told I have a devastating hit." Xukar comments as he pulls his hood over his head, concealing him almost completely.
  5. Concern was fairly evident on Rune's face, "You alright?"
  6. Having heard the commotion as well, Rune came out of the clubhouse in time to see the strange pony fly off. He trotted down the ramp and over to AJ and Applebloom, "What was that all about?!"
  7. "I'm somewhat depressed now..." Velocity joked as Twilight took the mask from him. He stayed silent and she and Rainbow had their 'discussion'. He shrugged as she trotted away, "Wishful thinking perhaps, but maybe if she can locate their specific unique abilities, she can catalog them and enchant later models?" He trot-limped till he was about five feet from Twilight ad stayed at attention.
  8. Velocity scanned over te HUD a few times before answering, "Measurements for longitude, latitude, altitude. Calculations for speed, the velocity at which I'd take turns going at my current speed, plus a whole lot more. I wonder if these could be used to measure our physical condition as well? These would certainly be useful for soldiers." Shimmer looked at Bluestreak, "Up until the Changeling Invasion Velocity and I were somewhat a mix. We did some war fighter type assignments, some guard duties. But after that whole ordeal we became his guards. We were originally assigned to Princess Cadance, but after Princess Twilight's coronation we were transferred to become her personal guards, hence the gem in the center of our breastplate resembling her cutie mark. We didn't really get a chance to carry out our duties though until now." She pushed her oddly sheened mane back as she spoke, causing the light to dance off it, "My two other brother's were plain war fighters though. My oldest brother currently serves with Vel's and my old mentor, Commander Jetstream, in his personal company, the Sky Raptors. They're kinda like the Wonderbolts, but are primarily military, rather than stunt fliers. Though they still do that sort of thing on occasion." ((The Sky Raptors are partially my own creation and partially based off the USAF's stunt pilot team, the Thunderbirds. They're the Air Force's version of the Navy's Blue Angels, who the Wonderbolts are based off of.))
  9. Velocity saluted with his good wing when Twilight handed him the mask. He put it on, smiling as it conformed to his face, taking on the sandy tan hue of his coat, adding his twisting whirlwind cutie mark to either side. He gave a satisfied chuckle, which grew Into a full laugh after the HUD came online, "By all the lights in the sky! This thing is awesome! How long until these are standard issue?" He joked. He tapped a hoof to his chin, "So these things can help you calculate for Sonic Rainbooms? I've tried those before. I've managed to punch through the sound barrier itself on a few occasions, but never managed able to shatter the light spectrum like that."
  10. Saronyx lands, watching his breath vapors swirling in the air as he listens to Flake talk.
  11. Velocity trotted up to Twilight and Rainbow, looking at the mask, "What's that thing?" He said, tilting his head.
  12. Peridot helped her up again, concern on her face, "You want some help?"
  13. Denim nodded, "Sounds like a plan! And if need be I can cast a cloud walking spell."
  14. Saronyx nods, "I don't see why not. It would be nice to meet the bride if I am to be attending her wedding after all."
  15. "I'd like that!" Rune says, smiling as he sets another stack down.
  16. Xukar nodded as the plan was being explained, "If things with the Dogs go south, I can attempt something to buy us time, though it may cause us unneeded attention."
  17. Xukar chuckles, "That is because we seem to be an interesting race."
  18. Velocity chuckled at Rainbow's joke, but then actually took it into consideration. As such he did trot over to stand a foot or two from the door, but out of respect and decency stayed outside. Shimmer smirked as she took a long sip from her can, "What a way to end the day!" She said, stretching. She hadn't realized until now that she still had her armor strapped on, "Well that explains one thing." She said.
  19. "I can only imagine the conversation should she forget..." Saronyx said, joining in on the merriment.
  20. "There's a Zebra in this town?!" Rune said, getting excited, "I'd love to meet him or her sometime!! I was born and grew up in the Zebra homeland, so I've met plenty! They're all really cool. Who knows? Maybe someday I'll manage to get you guys over there so I can show you my home-base!" He said grinning. Home-base was a normal term to him when referring to where he used to live, it having been a military base He set another stack down, making sure all the papers were lines up perfectly. Despite not paying the most attention to the papers, he still manages to float them with relative ease.
  21. After watching his sister and Bluestreak for a few minutes, Velocity pushed his way off the bed and went to stand a few feet from Rainbow and Twilight. He assumed the natural stance of a Royal Guard, staring dead into space with no explanation.
  22. Peridot smiles, "And many thanks in return! Glad you're here to assist where needed. My name is Peridot."
  23. He nods and stands perfectly still, knowing she is studying him.
  24. Saronyx stayed in the air, but with the group. He took the building's architecture in fully. He was the son of an architect of sorts, so this sort of thing interested him, despite him leading a much different career.
  25. "Sounds good to me." She says, shrugging again. Velocity lay on the bunk, watching them for entertainment.
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