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Everything posted by Saronyx

  1. Denim waved, smiling, "Pleasure to meet you!"
  2. He nods shortly, "Yes. Though where I'm from we refer to them as Glyph Marks." (I'mma just cheat and post a link to a picture of what it basically looks like http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/228/8/1/DW_Symbols_1___Time_Lord_by_DanYeomans.png)
  3. "Oooh dear! How'd that happen?" Peridot asked, trotting over to her, untying the bandanna she was wearing in her mane and holding out to Satomi, "Here, hold this against it."
  4. "Oooh, very nice." Denim comments, eyes wide.
  5. Rune grinned, scanning the small building's interior thouroughly
  6. Xukar's turquoise eyes glinted in amusement. He gave a very small smile, aside from which his face stayed passive.
  7. Peridot came half trotting, half hopping out of the club after her. She noticed Satomi laying on the ground before a puddle and walked up to her, "Hey, you alright?"
  8. Denim followed her out of the shop, taking in the rest of Ponyville as soon as she was outside.
  9. Saronyx was watch the sisters with amusement. When they turned he sat himself back on the bench, chuckling inwardly.
  10. Rune looked around the clubhouse, "This s s awesome!!"
  11. The large zebra nodded his striped head, bowing partially to each of them (a sign of respect in his mind), "I am honored you would be so adamant about meeting one of my race."
  12. Velocity shifted his injured wing as Shimmer came to stand with him, Twilight and Rainbow, "I suppose since we're staying the night we should sort out the matter of our sleeping quarters, huh" She said, jabbing her brother's uninjured side with her wing. He shrugged, "Sounds logical."
  13. Saronyx raises an eyebrow at Dusky, crossing his forelegs imperiously.
  14. ((Heads up, character I'm using isn't actually me, sorry if I confused you with my last post )) The 'pony' Six String addressed pulled back his hood, revealing him instead to be a zebra. He spoke, "I saw these posters stuck all over Ponyville. I've been looking for an excuse to go on an adventure, and decided I'd tag along." He spoke with a thick accent, though his speech pattern did not rhyme, as most Zebra's did, "I hope my being one of the Zebrakind will not cause any problems. My name is Xukar (Zoo-car)."
  15. ((adfj df ksdfjhfdksjsgh aeih a'eihfaiehfa haiafpehi aisehfsihshworp)) (those are my fast forwarding sound effects... It's late, OK?!))
  16. Saronyx smiled and did a bow while he hovered, obviously a joking one.
  17. Saronyx nodded, tucking the troublesome section of her mane behind her ear. After doing so he drifted back through the air, "Better?"
  18. Peridot nods animatedly, "Extremely!" She doesn't hold back in shouting along with the crowd when Shadow steps on stage.
  19. Saronyx managed to keep his face straight, though his voice betrayed a chuckle, "Of course." He brushed the section of her mane back, "Should I tuck this behind your ear so that way it stays put?" he asks.
  20. ((That works.) Peridot turned to face Satomi, smiling, "Oh, hello! I'm doing splendid! How about you?"
  21. Saronyx laughed, but quickly caught himself, clamping a hoof over his mouth.
  22. ((Sounds good!)) Peridot had wandered her way to the club, and was standing near the back, actually enjoying the noise that was all around her.
  23. Saronyx's mirth was becoming slightly harder to contain. He turned to face a window lest his face betray him.
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