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About pollo20x6

  • Birthday 11/28/1985

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  1. The best thing about being a brony is being able to look at your friend's amazingly huge Power Ranger figure collection and knowing you'll never be able to do the same simply because you're a guy and it's MLP you like.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. pollo20x6


      @Quicklime Ohhhh. I see. Yeah, the stigma makes it much worse. Because it's not just how stigma affects how others view you, but rather how stigma affects how you see yourself.

    3. QuickLime


      Trust me, as a chick that got crap for liking DBZ, I getcha, but you can't really weigh yourself down like that

    4. Solana


      When it comes to what others think of me, I've always had a lack of a give-a-f*&k. That being said, pony figurines were never my "thing". I have my own fair share of things that are considered strange by others, but I don't let what others think have even the slightest impact on my decisions.

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