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Blog Entries posted by Smartbrony

  1. Smartbrony
    Yep, you guessed it. I remembered another crazy theory of mine, though this one draws heavily from personal experiences to try and justify it.
    To explain it simply, there are multiple Gods, and every couple years or so they choose a champion among the human race to act as their champion. As the Gods guide their champions as they grow up, forming a sort of bond that shares the God's powers with the champion. After a set period of time, the Gods have their champions battle, and whomever's champion is left standing at the end wins. To them, it's just a friendly competition, though the victory conditions are still somewhat unclear to me.
    Now, to get a little more in depth. There are a plethora of Gods, and I can only name a handful certainly. Anyone with more religious knowledge could probably do a better job at figuring out just how many there are, but the three I know of are God (for obvious reasons), Satan (again, obvious), and my God, Fate. Before you say anything you'll regret, let me explain a couple more things. The reason that I say God and Satan are obvious is because God was actually winner of the last game, and Jesus was his champion. Gods, like everyone, have rivalries, and God's rival is Satan. They're the two biggest competitors, each able to make close bonds with their champions.
    Now, in order to explain how I know Fate is also one of the Gods, I need to tell some personal examples. If you don't care, that's fine, I'll just leave each example in a separate spoiler for you to find.
    My life in general:
    Love and Marriage:
    Anyway, through these moments, how everything just seemed to kind of line up for me, I believe that Fate is guiding me. During one night, while I was lying in bed alone with my thoughts, I started thinking about this theory, about how there are different champions and everything. History is written by the victors, too, so other champions could've easily been forgotten. I dunno, I just feel like there's another side to life that we haven't discovered yet, that there's something more that what we've come to perceive. I guess that's what all of these crazy theories are for, anyway. An outlet for my desire for life to be something more than it currently seems to be. Ah well. I still have fun making them!
    Crazy Log, out!
  2. Smartbrony
    Yay! Late night crazy theory!
    So, the title of this one is pretty self explanatory. I hypothesize that our entire existence as we know it is simply our growing as an Artificial Intelligence. Here's how it goes:
    We started off as a single individual and personality, God. However, in order to handle tasks faster and easier we split into two personalities, Adam and Eve. My knowledge of their story is fuzzy past there, but essentially we continue to divide into more and more personalities to handle more tasks. This goes on even to this day. But, what makes me think our world is only a computer? Everywhere we look, we can see science and math. And yes, I understand "well no duh we see science!", but I mean the compositional makeup of everything is very precise and mathematical. geometrical shapes can be seen down at microscopic levels, levels that we don't really notice in our day-to-day lives. That's why those shapes are not, nor ever will be, perfect circles, because perfect circles are impossible to actually make, and we know this.
    Each of us preforms a unique task within our AI unit. Some of us crunch numbers, others simulate outcomes of battles. When we, as AI fragments, become incapable to continue on, we fall apart. Some fragments have become infected by viruses, and seek to kill or infect other fragments. Other fragments have simply become corrupted, A.K.A. sickness, though some go so far beyond repair that they become illnesses. Other programs have slight defects, or encounter bugs while they run that affect their core programming.
    Then there's our universe. Earth, as far as we know, is the only planet that has sentient life on it. What could this mean? Simple. Earth is our containment unit. Space is just that, open space between containment units. We don't have direct access to these other units, nor do they really have anything left stored in them. We've advanced so far though, that we can see and access these other storage units. As we progress, we may soon be able to begin storing fragments there, especially once we've filled Earth's storage space. Of course, for us 1 year is a long time, but for whomever created us 1 year is probably a very, very short time period.
    Well, I should head to bed before it gets too late.
    Stay crazy everybody!
  3. Smartbrony
    Hello again everyone,

    I just remembered another of my crazy theories and wanted to get it down before I forgot about it again, so here it goes:So, I'm sure you all know the legends of mythical creatures and powerful wizards. All across the world there are different tales of powerful beings and strange creatures, and a lot of them are eerily similar to each other. Well, this theory is about how all of those stories are true and how come they no longer exist today.
    You see, we humans used to have magic, and the world was filled with it. We were not the only ones that could use it, but we were very adept at it. There were multiple Gods, who ultimately were responsible for granting us this magic, hence older religions that have too many Gods to remember. As we grew as a species, we did what we usually tend to do. We began to feel like we owned magic, and that we were entitled to it, and essentially it was like it is with technology today. Anyway, we began to abuse magic, and to grow more and more hateful of the other species that inhabited our planet. We were killing off the magical creatures so quickly, they started to become more and more rare, and the Gods more and more careful who got magic. But eventually, as we continued to overstep our boundaries and turn to more conventional means of living and killing, the Gods decided there was only one thing they could do: they would use their magic to create a copycat world similar to the one currently inhabited. The copycat world would grow independently of the other, and would be inaccessible from the original world.
    Now, here's where things get tricky. You see, I can't be sure whether our world is the copycat, or theirs. However, I'm pretty sure that in order to create the copycat world a structure, or maybe a series of structures, had to be used as a sort of anchor to keep the worlds connected. The anchor isn't invincible though, and I believe that the anchor may be breaking down, slowly closing the gap between our world and theirs, which explains some phenomena in our world. I don't know what exactly the anchor could be, maybe Stonehenge or the like, but I do know that if the anchor is destroyed it will be catastrophic for both worlds. Since we have developed our worlds differently, structures are sure to collide with each other. It will easily be apocalyptic for both sides.
    I just hope if this one turns out being right, I survive and can live out my life among my dragon brethren.
    Stay crazy everybody!
  4. Smartbrony
    Alright, so this theory of mine is a little off the wall.
    Well, let me give you a little idea about what I'm talking about first. If any of you are Halo fans, then you might know that the Flood were created by the Forerunners to defeat an enemy, and that the Flood was so powerful it took eradicating all other sentient life in the galaxy to stop it. (Kinda)
    Well, my theory is somewhat similar. What if we were created by a more advanced, but physically inferior, race of aliens to win their war.
    Hear me out.
    In order to protect their research from the enemy, they chose a remote planet far away, what we know as Earth. There, they terra-formed it and seeded species from their part of the universe, species that were extremely deadly to them. Here, on this newly terra-formed planet they began their research, splicing their own DNA to create a weapon of mass destruction. They gave it a hardened frame that to take surprising impacts and repair itself (our skeleton), a shell to protect it against bacterial warfare (our skin. The aliens have thin skin and were susceptible to many forms of bacteria), a naturally evolving mind that could easily adapt to new situations and could figure out enemy technology in a combat environment (our brains, obviously), reproductive organs and a long life span (compared to the aliens) so that they could be left on a planet with no support, and so on and so forth. Research was going well, and everything was well on it's way to making the ultimate weapon. However, before it could be completed, something went wrong. The creatures became rebellious, something not anticipated. Their cunning and brute strength overwhelmed the aliens stationed here, blowing up the facility housing the bacterial experiments (spreading them worldwide). If any of them had escaped, it was just barely.
    The creatures populated their new planet, learning, evolving, creating, but ultimately destroying. These creatures had been made for one purpose, to destroy enemy planets. Even with all of their intelligence, they could not prevent their basic instinct, their nature, from killing their new home world. Eventually, before the planet dies, the creatures will escape and begin to destroy another planet. That is what frightens the aliens the most. It is why they continue to check up on their failed experiment, but cannot send their armies to eradicate them. Hopefully, with a bit of patience and goading, they can eventually turn their creation upon their foes, but what happens after that?
    So, yeah. That's about the gist of it. What do you guys think? Are we intelligent machines created by an alien race for war? Or, am I just as crazy as I think I am? Please, feel free to let me know in the comments below.
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