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Posts posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. Uhhh... Rainbow Factory does not seem like an appropriate thing for kids, dude. :/ I even thought about that when I was writing the post, but figured that things like that and Cupcakes would fall under the obvious NSFW stuff...

    And though the regular pony songs are great, I KNOW all of those already. XD Thing is, they sound kind of girly, and besides, he can watch the show and hear them any day. I want remixes, from the fandom, so I can introduce him to Bronies in a positive way that he'll enjoy. He likes music, and I figured this would be a good way.

    So yes, fandom music only please. No songs straight from the show. I've heard them. :P

  2. Hey there! So, I have a little brother, who is around junior high age. He likes ponies, but he doesn't really like bronies. To quote, "It's okay to like ponies. I like ponies. But Bronies scare me." Now, I think that Bronies scare him because, hey, it's adult dudes who like MLP. Little bit weird, right? I mean, for people who aren't in the fandom. :P He's never met a Brony that gave him a bad experience or anything (I am a Brony, but also female and his sister), he just thinks that adult guys shouldn't be into it.

    So, I would like to sort of ease him into the fandom, introduce him to it, and see if he likes it. So I had the idea of making a mix playlist of fandom music for him. It can be remixes, original songs, anything pony related. BUT, make sure you keep it all ages appropriate. I know MOST Brony songs are clean, but some people do original songs or remixes that may have curse words in them. So nothing that you would need to tag with NSFW on this site.

    So, I would like you guys to post your favorite Brony songs, original, remixes, whatever, so long as it is pony. I want to make my brother a mix playlist, but I'm not very into the Brony music scene as much as I would like to be, so my library of Brony tunes is quite outdated. So post stuff that's awesome and you think my bro would like! :P

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