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Posts posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. In the shadowy darkness, she had at first missed the armor, but upon viewing the pony as she made her presence known, the silvery armor made it quite obvious. Luna smiled at the formality as the Pegasus lowered herself to the ground. She deemed such actions unnecessary, but knew that they were still important because of customs. But before the pony lifted her gaze, she'd put on a serious face. [colour=#000080]”At ease, sergeant.”[/colour] The princess ducked her head in acknowledgment.

    [colour=#000080]“All is quiet this eve, I trust?”[/colour] she herself had been out on a casual flight, and had not heard any sort of commotion. Good to know that the guard were doing their job well. Judging from the look on this guard's face—Night Watcher, she'd said—she certainly hadn't expected a visit from a princess. Of course, Luna hadn't been expecting to run into a guard either. Still, it was good to keep them on their toes. A commanding officer may not have always been around, but you never knew who or what could be watching.

  2. "And I've cast a spell so he can't take them and hide them again." So.. that wasn't a good idea the FIRST time BEFORE he could steal them?

    Lol Mr. Beaverton Beaverteeth.

    Woah shoot, magical girl power sequence!


    So... apparently stoned creatures can hear things...


    Dangit Hasbro, ANOTHER Wilhelm scream?

    I feel more and more terrible for the animators of this episode...

    "If I'm going to be his friend, I have to start by giving him the benefit of the doubt." Seems legit.

    Gravy? What? But where? What?

    'Congratulations Spike, you're the new Fluttershy!'

    "I'll leave the Elements with you Twilight, just in case." NOT THAT THEY WILL DO ANY GOOD!

    So... Everything in Equestria can be solved by either friendship or magic. Sometimes both.

    So... Discord going to make regular appearances now?

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  3. [colour=#000080]Luna turned to Ice Storm. ”You see? It should be easy to send relatively the same advertisement to cities around Equestria. If there's not answer... well, you won't be any worse off than you are now, right? Certainly won't hurt anything to try to find them, especially if you don't even have to go anywhere. But maybe it will help ease your mind a little, knowing you're at least doing your part to mend the relationship.” she smiled sympathetically. Ice Storm had certainly had a rough time of things, but Luna knew all too well that she had been let down by many ponies in the past. And being a princess didn't stop her from being fallible and making mistakes either.

    “Thank you for the offer of attending a midnight tea party, all of you. I shall consider taking you up on that offer.” Luna took a sip of her drink. “I suppose this is sort of like a tea party though, don't you think? In a very broad sense of the word.” she looked around the cafe. “Although I don't think Canterlot is quite so bad. After all, you just attended a party here, no? And aren't your friends here residences of Canterlot?” she gestured to Fire Heart and Moondancer. “Anywhere you go, you're sure to find a few mean ponies. All you have to do is just look past them for the good ones.” she grinned at the red and white Unicorns.

    Princess Luna looked to Fire Heart next. “So Fire Heart, you don't own any dresses because you still haven't mastered your magic? That's silly, every filly should be able to have at least one dress. How else do you plan to impress the stallions?” The princess winked playfully. “You know, Rarity is a Unicorn. And I mean, so are you... I bet you could find somepony that could enchant a garment to be fireproof. That way, you wouldn't have to worry about turning the outfit to ashes.” Luna smiled at her own suggestion

    “That's quite a story, Moondancer.” The princess had listened patiently as the white mare went on about her magic studies. “I'm glad to hear the you didn't give up... and there was also somepony else who wasn't willing to give up on you. Sometimes ponies quit something when they're young, and nopony else stops them... and then later in life, it turns out to be a skill they wished they'd learned. I'm sure Celestia had something to do with her hiring. Encouraging the future generations is a valuable and admirable trait.” Luna nodded sagely.[/colour]

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