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Posts posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. [colour=#FF8000]”Oh, well you're very welcome.”[/colour] Spitfire smiled wide. Her fame was no secret, especially to herself, but not everypony could actually make it to one of the Wonderbolt shows, even if they knew of the Pegasus performance team. Spitfire wouldn't have normally accepted a discount simply because of her reputation, but seeing as Bon Bon's motive was actually to thank her in a way, Spitfire didn't decline. But accepting charity because of her status didn't seem fair, especially when she had no trouble paying. However, that was not the case this time.

    [colour=#FF8000]”And thank you.”[/colour] The yellow Pegasus took the two extra bits and placed them back in her saddlebag. She was about to put away the bag of chocolates as well, but decided that she should at least try one. So Spitfire reached into her Excalibur bag, pulling out one of the chocolatey confections and placing it on her tongue.

    Wow, these are good! she thought. Although, considering that the pony selling the treats was named Bon Bon, and she made bonbon's, that really shouldn't have been too surprising. [colour=#FF8000]”Well, I'm certainly glad I picked up the larger bag.”[/colour] Spitfire said. She wasn't exactly trying to advertise, but she knew well enough that there were probably quite a few ponies who had spotted her and were listening in to what she had to say. [colour=#FF8000]”These are delicious!”[/colour] Spitfire certainly wasn't going to overplay it like that Unicorn, she was just being honest. And considering that Bon Bon had given her a discount, it seemed fair for her to proclaim her enjoyment perhaps a little louder than a normal speaking voice. Of course, Spitfire was excellent at projecting her voice, as many of the Wonderbolt recruits knew all too well.

    Spitfire gave a final smile and nod before she went to leave, grabbing the bag with the remaining chocolates in her mouth and turning to place it in her saddlebag. It was just for a moment, but the Pegasus wasn't watching where she was going, and bumped into another pony. She looked up to see a light coloured Pegasus, one that looked a little familiar...

    [colour=#FF8000]”Oh, sorry. Excuse me.”[/colour] Spitfire looked up, studying the other pony. [colour=#FF8000]”Have we met?”[/colour] It was entirely possible. Spitfire met a lot of ponies after shows, so it wasn't too far fetched that she would run into a fan. After all, she'd just met Bon Bon, and the Earth pony was an admirer. And, as this new pony was a Pegasus, the chances were far more likely that she'd seen her at a show or just in passing in Cloudsdale.

  2. Davroth is right, there used to be a ranting/problems thread awhile ago. It got closed because some of the things people were talking about weren't appropriate for all ages. We know people have issues, and we totally respect that. However, Canterlot.com is not a therapist. If you want to talk in private message with someone about a problem, that's totally fine. But some people have troubles that should not be shared with all ages (namely children), and in that thread, people seemed to forget the rating of the board, both in their content and their language (cursing). So, it's a nice idea, and there's actually a reboot of that thread that's been set up in the 18+ section.

    I mean, there are lots of topics about people that get made fun of or are still hiding the fact that they are a Brony. And that is fine to talk about here. With other problems, I mean, there are a lot of people here that care, don't get me wrong. But like I said, Canterlot.com is not a therapist. If you are having real and serious problems, you should seek counseling from a family member, friend, school teacher, or other mentor, or even a health professional.

  3. Well, from what I've seen...Marcy's father is not a vampire, but a demon...According to the wiki, she is a half-demon...Not sure how accurate that is...So she's a half demon who was turned into a vampire...Wonder if "Ash" was the guy that turned her. :!:


    Well, she said she was a half demon in the Jake the Dog episode. Thing is, that was also in an alternate universe. So what's true in that universe might not be true in the current. But since some things are similar in the alternate world, they could overlap into the current.

  4. With fan works, I'm more likely to avoid a story or piece of media if it has an OC as a main character. I mean, I've read and I do write, stories with OCs in them. But I've just found that a lot of stories involving OCs just feel like self-inserts, a story written more on a personal level of how a person imagines their time in Equestria. It doesn't even have to be a human turns pony kind of deal, there are just a lot of stories that I get a vibe that the OC in the story is representing the author. There is also the trouble of a lot of OCs being Mary Sue, which is another reason I tend to avoid fics that have OCs. Although there is a tumblr, http://askmaryandsue.tumblr.com/ , that I enjoy reading--if only because the author realizes how ridiculous Mary Sues are and does the tumblr clearly for the lols. The thing is that, a lot of the time, I don't want to read about what some other pony is doing in Equestria. I want fics to expand upon the show, to write lore and make me think, maybe actually feel, that this really could belong in the series. That's another thing. Having had to study the show a bit more thoroughly for Canterlot related things in the past, I've delved a little deeper into the world, studied it, and kind of have a real understand of the world Faust built. So when something happens in a fic that meshes with the show, like some superfluous technology or oober power (even if used by the main cast), it can wreck the fic for me, because it doesn't fit into the world of the show. Then again, there are those things that I see in fics that I think... that would never show up in the show, but I can totally see it happening in the universe if the target audience were not still little girls, and the show not rated G. And I like expanding upon the universe of the show, but in a natural way.

  5. Why not recreate a similar Roleplay with those of you who are active? It's possible the runner of the RPer has gotten grounded or had a real life emergency come up. I don't think it's really fair, given that you don't know the circumstance and if the user has actually abandoned the thread, to take over. However, I think that creating your own Roleplay using what the previous game master as a base should be fine. That way, if the user comes back, you can continue the other Roleplay where you left off. And if they don't, you've got a thread to keep you occupied. As an alternative, just come up with your own unique idea, and realize that maybe the other RP will never come to completion without the OP (original poster). It's not fun when a game runner abandons a thread for any reason, but it does happen on any Roleplay site. Sometimes, you just have to let threads die, or stay dormant for awhile.

  6. Every minute that ticked by was a little bit of torture for the princess. Everypony else could feel the emptiness of the lack of magical aura in the area, but for somepony who constantly relied on a connection with the aether, it was quite unnerving. Her mane unnaturally brushed against her shoulders and legs, her lengthy tail skimming across the floor. She felt defenseless without her magic. Sure, she had her horn and her hooves, but nothing that would provide a large impact should there be an attack. Not that that was even likely—warning from one of the guards above would come before the threat could even breach the palace walls. Princess Luna just felt paranoid, and was still quite exhausted due to her restless days.

    And as if Changelings and other threats to Equestria weren't enough, now it seemed the Royal Guard couldn't be trusted. It wasn't that they were necessarily traitors, but somewhere along the line somepony hadn't taken their job seriously. It might just these two recruits that had caused trouble, or the problem may have come about further up the chain. It was true that Equestria was usually at peace, and thus the role of the Royal Guard was much more traditional and for show rather than for actual protection. But when there WAS a need to defend the princesses, and more importantly, the ponies of Equestria, the Guard did have to be trained and ready to fight. And if some of them thought that this was just some job where they could slack off and play games, how could they even be trusted to protect their country?

    [colour=#000080]”So, Shining Armor, is this the first time something like this has slipped through the cracks—“[/colour] Luna tossed her mane out of her eyes, snorting in irritation at the abnormal problem of hair in her face, [colour=#000080]”—or just the first one that one of the princesses has actually found out about?”[/colour] She raised a brow, her voice remaining level but saturated with annoyance. One small problem frequently meant that there was a larger problem afoot, and such a problem might be directly with Shining Armor, or somepony under him. More than likely it was the latter, being as the Guard was in charge of guarding and protecting his own wife especially, more so than the other ponies in Canterlot. And considering the recent events that had led to her recent but short lived replacement, it was surprising that security was not tighter than usual. And, knowing that the Guard was apparently slacking off, Equestria was not safe—and that thought made Princess Luna even more stressed than she already was.

  7. It sounds like there's a lot of stuff here you'd enjoy! First, there's the Writing Discussion, where you can read others work or post your own. There's also the Gallery, where you can showcase your pony drawings, or the Art Discussion, where you can show off your other works.

    What did you search for to find our site?

    Will the friend that introduced you to the show be joining us on the forum as well? :)

    Oh yeah, and if you're looking to Roleplay, check out the rules over here. If you're itching to Roleplay right now, you can totally just jump right into the FiM Free-For-All section.

    And don't forget, there are a lot of neat ponies to meet over in the Chat room (you need three posts before you can get there though).

    Welcome to Canterlot! :)

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