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Posts posted by MyLittlePonyTales

  1. Anypony knows where I can get episode 20 - Green isn't your color in HD?

    youtube has only part 1 D:

    They can be found right in this topic: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=509

    Nope can't be found there >_>

    is the same youtube link which is removed by hasbro.

    No, it's not. Those videos were put up by MyLittlePony1080p, not MASTERLINKX. If the videos had been taken down, I don't think the embedded videos would work anymore.

  2. Also, having ponies pull the train creates more jobs.

    I'll be honest. My first reaction was to reply with some snark about how Equestria isn't exactly driven by the American economy. But as I reached for a chip I realized, wait. Maybe the reason why ponies seem so well-adjusted and connected is because they believe in working for "the better good".

    I'm not talking socialism; I just mean, maybe their society is less focussed on economy. It's pretty common in cartoons, after all. So everyone's presented with the ideal that "everypony can help", be it making baked goods or growing apples or dressmaking, or...

    It's an entirely different economy in Equestria. It seems like everypony who is old enough is doing something. I mean, even Twist seemed to have some sort of job, and she was still a filly. You don't see lazy ponies. Sure, Dash is kind of laid back, but she can also do her assigned job quicker than other Pegasi. Ponies all have talents because ponies are all meant to do some sort of work to help society.

  3. My brother and I were talking about making a derpy hooves costume, but we were thinking of doing a quad suit. Something like this, minus all of the puppeterring rigging might actually be more comfortable to wear though.

    Quadsuits are so awesome. I was actually thinking it would be cool to have a pony one.

  4. Technically, though, since it was the buffalo's land first and no pony consulted them before putting a town there, I feel that the buffalo are kind of entitled to whatever's on the land.

    Nail, head. If your neighbor decides to plant an apple tree in the middle of your backyard, guess who's getting the apples in the fall. Not your neighbor. The buffalo were being fairly generous in allowing the ponies' use of the land to continue, I think.

    But then again, it's also kind of like the thing with the Indians. They didn't have any deeds to the land, because that's just not how their society worked. But, we also should consider that we don't know if ponies use deeds for towns/cities either.

    Seriously, if everyone would have just talked about things in the first place, the Appleloosians could have made the path through the orchard without wasting apples and having their town partially destroyed. The buffalo were understanding. Even if the Chief did like the apples, he could have decided the buffalo were going to destroy the town anyway, and just take the orchard for themselves. Although, if you think about it, it's kind of like the buffalo are USING the ponies to harvest apples for them...

  5. It's pretty clear that the worst part of this episode is Twilight's mispronunciation of 'everypony.'

    However, I contest that it's not necessarily the writers messing up, especially how easy it was to catch this time. I suspect that 'body' is thrown in there every once and a while on purpose, as to not overdo the use of everypony, anypony, and no pony. It keeps the dialogue on a chain and allows the universe the characters are in to be not so 'out of this world.'

    The way I see it, everybody is a kind of universal word, no matter what species someone is. I mean, if you look at it, it's a combination of two words, "every" and "body." Which is basically everyone that lives and breathes.

    The reason this episode does not sting me is because it is an effort to show that if two groups work together they can both come out ahead. Both sides have good reasons for needing the land; the buffalo had it first and they were using the land for traditional purposes, but the new settlers could not live without the trees. Through compromise, supposedly, both sides live better lives. Pie is not the solution to the problem- it is the reward brought about by the solution of compromise.

    But no one actually seemed to actually work together....It just seemed that at the end up things, yes, a mutual agreement was made...But what was it, exactly? The entire war could have possibly been avoided....if not for the main cast. The Chief seemed to be willing to talk about things, but not really the Sheriff...but Braeburn was.

    Dash and AJ got a someone from both parties to come and try to resolve the problem, and then they blew it.

    It kind of feels like the pies were a sort of demand from the buffalo. The Apple-Loosians give them apples in exchange for them not destroying their town and orchard. Technically, though, since it was the buffalo's land first and no pony consulted them before putting a town there, I feel that the buffalo are kind of entitled to whatever's on the land.

  6. Everything has probably already been said, but I was away for the weekend and just got to watch the EP.

    'I'd like to be a tree.'

    'Huffy the magic dragon.'

    Lol at the train being pulled by ponies.

    Rainbow Dash is Winnie the Pooh 'Think think think think think.'

    I really didn't like how it ended up ending. Rainbow Dash and Applejack managed to get a member from both parties to talk about it, but then they ruined the whole thing, which could have possibly been resolved without the beautiful clock tower being destroyed.

    I also like western gal Pinkie, but that was not one of her better songs.

  7. Say what you will, you have to admit that the costume technique to appear four legged while really only using two of them is pretty neat. That, and they DO look like their generational ponies.

    One could only think of the horror that would come about trying to do a costume like that with the G4s stylized style. :shock:

    It would be cool to know how they make those outfits, and maybe dress up as one....just because the costumes are so cool.

  8. Doesn't HUB's website have the episodes in their videos vault? I mean, they wont update until the weekend is over probably, but at least it's from a source that wont get 'taken down.'

    I think they only have a few of the most recent. The earlier ones aren't there anymore

  9. I've been a fan since the 1980s, though this is the first remake I actually like!

    I watched both My Little Pony and My Little Pony Tales as a kid, liked them both as well. G3 wasn't all that good, and I haven't even watched G3.5. So I was speculative of G4.

  10. You envy me!? You're the best artist on this board, IMO. All I did was copy and translate. You've got a sense of anatomy and design, and come up with great ideas. I wish I was half as good as you.

    yes. i envy you.

    i would love to work with pixels. XD




    :lol: Awesome! :lol:

  11. I don't really watch Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network these days because... well... I feel that most of their programming is trash. D= I'm sorry! I hope that doesn't offend anyone. I know that a lot of people my own age watch both channels, and I will admit that there are a few quality shows (like Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends).

    I don't even have cable, so I don't get to watch a whole lot of television. But you're right. A lot of the new stuff that has come out is really dumb and mindless. That's why I like MLP: FiM. It's a fresh break from the stupid, and it also brings back nostalgia because I watched original MLP. I think that part of what draw people to FiM is that it's like what cartoons used to be.

  12. I'd like if it was on adult swim if it doesn't get altered to be...er....well, vulgar? Is that the word I'm looking for? I don't watch Adult Swim all that much, because frankly, to enjoy some of those shows, I assume you need to be drunk or high--neither of which are things I participate in doing. I just don't like the type of shows that Adult Swim airs, and I don't want CN to ruin MLP: FiM.

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