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Everything posted by Monochrome

  1. Creepalina giggled. "Yeah, the green ones. They blow up, just like this!" she said, seeming excited at the prospect of talking to ponies. "Stand back!" she added. Her horn glowed, and an explosion immediately formed around her. She stood in the shallow pit she had created, seeming proud of herself and grinning up at the other ponies.
  2. As Bronzeshine came to a dizzy, painful awakening, he was shocked to see... A colt? "So, uh... What're we supposed to with him?" The battered brown pegasus questioned, poking at Bronzeshine with a hoof. "We wait, kid." a gruff voice answered from the shadows.
  3. "Oh, well, more of a communicator or something like that than a queen... Although they do listen to me, so I suppose you could say something like that." Creepalina giggled. "Oh, can I come with you? I love exploring!"
  4. "Uh... Is this your stuff, mister?" Creepalina said, a slight hiss still in her voice. "I found it over there." She stood for a moment, taking note of the other ponies' obvious confusion. "My name's Creepalina, and I live... Well, I live in a lot of places around here." She added.
  5. Creepalina's red eyes fluttered open, awakening from her peaceful afternoon rest. Sunlight dappled her mint green coat, and she got up and stretched, nodding a short greeting to a nearby creeper. She walked for a bit and came across some objects. A backpack, a map, a belt, the usual materials carried by the villagers. Creepalina put on the belt and looked around, noticing a pony she didn't know chopping some wood nearby. She approached the pony slowly. "Ss- uh, hello." she said, nearly forgetting that she was talking to a pony and thus must speak their language.
  6. [colour=#3D3D3D]You are REALLY good. I kind of want you to draw my oc now... Problem is, these seem to be commissions, and I'm broke. [/colour]
  7. Monochrome


    Welcome! If you ever need somepony to rp with or if you have any questions, I'm always glad to help out!
  8. Welcome, fellow gamer and Derpy and Vinyl fan!
  9. Sea Lily chuckled and got the group signed up for a couple of hotel rooms. After that was done, she turned to the group. "Well, we're all checked in to the nicest hotel around, so what now?" she said.
  10. 1) yes 2) eh, I wasn't' t sure what to put there. Meh, scratch it, I'll go with exploration.
  11. "Well, there are a lot of shops around town you can take a look at for work and supplies..." Sea Lily replied thoughtfully.
  12. It's sort of more of a force field thing. It creates a protective barrier around her while creating a small explosion more in front of her than from inside her. Sorry if that was confusing. XD
  13. [colour=#282828]Name: Creepalina[/colour] [colour=#282828]Gender: female[/colour] [colour=#282828]Age: filly[/colour] [colour=#282828]Species: unicorn[/colour] [colour=#282828]Eye colour: red[/colour] [colour=#282828]Mane/ tail style and colour: leaf green with strips of white and darker green, messy, short, part of bangs braided into a fuse-like bit that sticks up[/colour] [colour=#282828]Coat colour: mint green[/colour] [colour=#282828]Cutie mark: A black bomb with a smiley face on it, fuse lit[/colour] [colour=#282828]Specialization: [/colour][colour=#282828]exploration/construction/mining/farming/crafting/enchanting/alchemy[/colour][colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#282828]creeping? [/colour] [colour=#282828]Her family arrived a few years earlier than the others. As a foal, Creepalina got lost, and was from then on raised by strange exploding green creatures. She honed her magic to be able to explode without harming herself, and she learned the creepers' language. However, although apprehensive, she is curious and kind, and won't blow up if she likes you. She tends to explode when she gets mad.[/colour]
  14. Welcome! If you have any questions or just need somepony to rp with, I'm always glad to help out! I also have an rp in the Long Forgotten part of FFA that nopony's joined yet if you'd like to join~
  15. Welcome! If you ever need somepony to rp with, or have any questions, I'm always glad to help out! I have a role play in the Long Forgotten section of FFA that nopony's joined yet, if you'd like to join.
  16. Welcome! If you ever need somepony to rp with, I'm always glad to rp with somepony new!
  17. Welcome! If you ever need somepony to rp with, I'm always glad to rp with somepony new!
  18. You, sir/madam, are my type of person. Welcome! If you have any questions or just need somepony to rp with, I'm always glad to rp with somepony new! By the way, I suppose you are a fellow Gravity Falls fan? :3 *pokes your profile pic*
  19. Welcome, welcome! if you have any questions or just need somepony to rp with, I'm always glad to rp with somepony new.
  20. After a considerable amount of walking, signs of civilization began to appear. Scattered houses and shops came and went, becoming more and more until the group was in town. It was a wonder to see all the odd species wandering about, plenty of them normally rare to other places. Sea Lily led them to an old, ornate hotel, where they were met by a cream-coloured unicorn stallion, obviously a bellhop, with one of the desk bells on his head atop his uniform hat. He stood awkwardly for a moment and saluted them, offering to carry their bags and etcetera.
  21. "Oh, we can stop in Bridleburg! It's an odd little town where a whole bunch of different species, like sea ponies, live! You guys will love it there!" Sea Lily said cheerfully. "There's a hotel, plenty of shops, and everything else we could need."
  22. "Sure, I suppose I'll join you. I'll just leave Lionfisk some instructions to tend my garden while we're gone. Oh, and please, believe me, I've tried other things- not ponies, of course- and I didn't like anything else very much. You don't have to worry about me sampling any other creatures." She said with a nod, plucking a few more leaves and berries from her plants and putting them in a very soggy saddlebag.
  23. "Oh, no, we kelpies are far from a new species. We've been around since long before the two princesses... We are the stuff of scary stories of the past. Oh, by the way, I am Sea Lily. I tend this garden, and sometimes sell my flowers to ponies in town who are brave enough to approach me. I have also learned to use a wide range of herbs, and I have an equally large knowledge of poisonous plants as well. Oh, and... We are somewhere in the far outskirts of Bridleburg." the kelpie said softly, plucking leaves off of a few of her plants.
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