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Everything posted by Citoma

  1. >=U how can you be bored when you have heaven in a jar?

    1. AirForceBrony


      When it's hidden by a wooden plank. :3

    2. DerpyHoovess


      Nutellaaaaaa! xD

  2. eargh! D< canterlot, where ALL THE ROYAL GUARDS?!

    1. Corsair


      Not sure what you mean. Many Canterlot RPers have Royal Guard characters, or Royal Equestrian Army characters.

    2. tacobob


      Yeah. There's even a few RPs going on just for 'em. Like my Fire Walker :3

    3. Citoma


      oh it was nothing more than innocent randomness :'D but thanks for the info

  3. HEY CANTERLOT! >=D hope everyone had a SUPER AWESOME weekend, time to start another week of adventures! anyone got awesome plans for 4th of July? If not, COME HANG WITH ME =D

  4. Aww yeah Canterlot, Time to get FIRED UP >=D

    1. Volt


      You know, it looks a bit weird with the "UP >=D" in the second paragraph xD

    2. Citoma


      **** you auto word wrapping D= making my stuff apparently look weird >:l

  5. also, I dont mean to post again, if there is a rule against that, but is there someone I could possibly talk to in private messages? for questions and answers I may be looking for? if so that would be VERY Appreciated and make me VERY happy ^o^;;
  6. The name is Citoma, and I have come across this site on my own hunt to get some Roleplay in =D never really tried Roleplaying on forums before and I figured, since I find it extremely fun but yet cant seem to ever find anyone to Roleplay with, that I try here. Now if you excuse me o-o there are plentiful of rules I want to read over and over .
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