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Ginger Mint

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Image Comments posted by Ginger Mint

  1. Oh wow! I wasn't expecting this at night. Thats a pretty cool change of pace. Get it? Its cool cause it'd be like 30ºF colder at least. :P

    Seriously though, I like it. The trees by themselves don't seem so bad, and its extra impressive that they weren't just rubber stamped. But I must be totally honest in that you could have probably been lazier on the trees. They're so detailed that they might draw attention away from the mane six.... but you know, take any and all critiques with a grain of salt.

  2. Yeah, vectors can take a while, but the more you practice them, the quicker they get. One thing that I learned that makes it go faster is hotkeys. When I'm placing points down with the pen tool, holding down control and alt let me drag points to a better spot or manipulate their handlebars (whatever they're called) to change the angle of the curve running through a point.

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