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Everything posted by ERROR57noname

  1. Swift scrambles away from the giant, holding his head. He cries out, obviously in extreme pain. Five-Star sprinted at the monstrosity, readying his shortsword in his left hand, throwing daggers in the right. He jumped onto the monster with amazing precision, And broke bone after bone, tunneling his way into the beast.
  2. ((Also, I'll play as the rogue with my minotaur character, Five-Star.))
  3. ((The magic character doesn't have to be magical in the first place. The staff gives them the magic. Still, as for bronzeshine, how about the magic guy is an enchanter, who forges and creates magic items?))
  4. "More people can't hurt, I guess. Okay! Thank you soooo much!"
  5. "Indeed! This seems too- ...easy... Oh no..." Said Swift as he looked towards the center of town, only to see a Tomb Hulk running at them at full speed ((Tomb hulks are giants made out of tons of bones))
  6. "The cake they made was vanilla, with lots of cherries!" The young foal said with a reminiscent delight in his voice. He remembered how amazing the cake was, a long while ago. "Hey, Mix Master. mind turning up the volume? I love this song!" The grey foal said with delight to nobody in sight, which was especially weird considering that it was eerily silent.
  7. "No, I mean, um, let's talk later, she's rounding the corner!" He said quickly before running down the road to meet a filly who was covered in paint. He smiled as he started chatting with the nearly-adult pony, holding the sheet of metal above her head.
  8. "My friends are here, too! There's Harley, she fell really ill and died a few days later... Oh, and that's Inner Peace, he got in trouble with the wrong kind of ponies, and they killed him. So sad, but they're not annoyed about it. They love being dead! As for the cake, Mommy had this amazing recipe..." He somewhat cheered up, happy to be speaking with someone new.
  9. Swift Reaper looked up, "It's my birthday, and my parents forgot the cake! Now I don't get any sweet cake..." He sobbed as he sipped an invisible glass of water. In fact, it was apple juice from the spirit realm.
  10. Flying into Joran is like flying into a cliff face. "Oh, sorry!!! I'll pay double, I thought it was just scrap!" He said to the more-than-likely dazed shop owner, helping him up.
  11. "I think just repairing it would be nice, making it 'near indestructible' will still have it broken in a few days, instead of a few hours. Thanks anywa- Oh, it's her! Gotta run, see y'all later. " Joran said as he ran out the door, grabbing a large sheet of metal on his way out, "Sorry, I'll give it back tomorrow!"
  12. "Let me see, I'll try to take over that one. Okay, here goes... What the... I'm getting some kind of feedback. Looks like we have to kill 'em. Ruby, do your thing. Blue, see if you can get on a rooftop. Snipe 'em from there. The rest of you, with me. Let's do this." Swift smiled as he rushed the group of skeletons, zombie dire wolf at his side. The rogue flung dagger after dagger, the mage blowing them to bits with hellfire. They were no match for the adventurers. Swift jumped off the back of his wolf, turned mid-air, and slammed his back hooves into the head of one of them, then taking the skull and having it bite several others.
  13. "Agreed," said the necromancer, "let's go into town, I'm sure they have some kind of job for us." He packed up his gear and set out, only to find the town inhabited by skeletons!
  14. A large, strong grey colt walks up to the smithy. His armor is completely torn up, and he seems to make small cracks in the road as he walks. He carefully walks into the shop, earnestly trying not to break something. "Um, hey guys. Yeah, my armor got completely totaled. Think you could fix it? It's standard issue guard stuff, but I don't need to get yelled at, y'know? Plus, this weather..." He sighed as he accidentally stepped on a new crowbar, sundering it in two. "Curse it... Here's five bits for the crowbar."
  15. The necromancer animated the thing from the dead and tried to figure out why it had attacked the group. Most of the time, even dire wolves keep away from heavily armored packs of ponies. As of usual, he found nothing. He sighed, obviously displeased. "Wow, we really need another quest. I'm freezing my coat off here," It had been days as they camped outside of town in their usual spot, and nobody had come for help. This was getting suspicious.
  16. "20 per minute, but yes, that should be fine." he said as he caused the sack to vanish into the spirit realm. "Go ahead." ((I have no idea how to RP Sombra, FYI))
  17. "It keeps the souls from passing on. They can't pass through silver. Oh, we're here!" he said as they reched the 27th floor down, which was completely empty, the walls lined with silver on all sides, an airlock of sorts made of silver leading in. Swift reaper pulled a large bottle from the spirit realm and said, "Because of this dangerous spirit, I will require 10 bits per minute of translation. 20 bits if you want to speak directly with him."
  18. "I'm Swift Reaper, as the name of the shop implies. As for your question, yes I do! How do you think I have the money to purchase all of this silver?" He laughed, walking down the 15th flight of stairs. "We're halfway there." There was a room just like the last for every flight of stairs. It was quite impressive.
  19. The chilling breeze ran cold down the spines of the ponies as they camped by the fire. They shivered, but stayed relatively warm near the flames. There were but five ((More can join, but the first five (including myself) Will be in the main group)) huddled around the dancing tongues of orange and yellow. One was wearing heavy armor, and had a sword strapped to their back. Another had a magical staff, which glowed faintly blue. One was wearing leather, throwing knives being sharpened at the ready. Another wore a hooded cloak, and was fletching some arrows for the large longbow resting by his side. The last one wore a skull mask, and had a grey coat. He was a unicorn, and had a skull pendant around his neck. ((Recap: -Warrior: Ruby Boulder (stormchaser1991) -Mage: Bronze Shine (jac600) -Rogue: Five-Star (ERROR57noname) -Ranger: Blue Streak (Bluestreak) -Necromancer: Swift Reaper (ERROR57noname) SECONDARY MEMBERS: -Cleric: ??? -Monk: ??? -Druid: ??? -Illusionist: ??? -Protector: ??? -Alchemist: Sea Lily (Monochrome) -???: ??? These are are the main slots, though others may join as well.)) The strange and somewhat out-of-place heroes stood up and readied themselves as a large dire wolf burst from the undergrowth, leaping directly at the rogue. ((NOTE: This game is themed around a group of adventurers going on a quest in Equestria. The name is a play off of the game 'Neverwinter Nights'))
  20. It was Swift Reaper's Birthday. He was so happy, surrounded by his long-dead family. He chatted and talked, had some ghostly apple juice. However, they didn't have a cake! Being a foal at this time, Swift Reaper was so sad, and started crying. His parents' souls crouched over to him and told him it was alright, but he just kept on sobbing in the middle of the graveyard. His parents had just died a week ago, and he was glad to spend time with them now that they didn't have to work. Still, he was promised cake! "It's not fair!" he cried, tears flowing down his cheeks. He simply sat in the middle of the graveyard, crying. Any passerby would see a young grey foal crying by his parents' graves. He simply sat there, sobbing. ((NOTE: Please play your OC as when they were very young.))
  21. "King Sombra?" He asked, not surprised at all. He flipped through the entire book and grabbed another off a shelf. "My prized soul, indeed. Completely empty bottle, I keep it locked up tight. Bottom floor, right this way."
  22. "Very well," he sighed as he walked away, the rain pouring hard on his back.
  23. "Yes, it is! What is the name of the spirit you would like to contact?" He smiled, pulling out a directory book, about 1 foot thick, two feet tall, 1.5 feet wide. The thing looked like a brick, and there were 25 others behind the counter. None of them had any distinguishing marks anywhere on them.
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