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Posts posted by PyroBlaze

  1. Kireina looked over as the three fillies ran off after the train, which apparently still held the luggage of Gallus. That was unfortunate, and she sympathized with his plight, but trying to catch a moving train was a stupid idea... Sighing to herself, she looked back at the others before taking to the air.


    "Watch my luggage, please, I shall go help make sure they stay out of trouble." She said to Applejack and Sunburst before flying off after the trio. She was a fairly strong flier, so at least she wasn't getting left behind, but she didn't want to try pushing herself too hard trying to catch up to the pegasus filly out front. "Please slow down, you three! Even if you manage to catch a train, what do you expect to do then? They do not stop easily."

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  2. Magnus hummed a bit at the talk of Sombra just being bad a detecting hidden creatures. Well, Sombra's big defeats were not hidden threats, so there was little to back it up either way, but Magnus would take her word for it for now. The words of Sombra not being able to teach as much due to what he was born as were somewhat worrying, but Magnus saw no reason to cancel those lessons. Who knows what he could actually learn, after all. He simply watched her as she spoke more, revealing more about her long life before talking about power and the need for a purpose.


    "The purpose, initially, is vengeance. After that, I might take what once belonged to them, and I will likely need to fight off anyone looking for their own vengeance against me." He said, pausing for a moment as he imagined what he would do to his 'family'. "I am Magnus Durum." He added after a moment, nodding to her with his introduction.

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  3. Magnus was starting to wonder if he had overestimated this mare, he had been following her for quite a while seemingly without her notice, all the way to Trotscany. Sure, she was powerful, she had demonstrated as much with the fight against Sombra, but what good was that power if you couldn’t tell someone was following you. All it takes is one well-placed strike and you’re done. 

    He froze as she finally spoke up though, listening for a moment and letting out a small snort before dropping the invisibility and revealing himself to her. He would have used illusory clones, but if she could sense souls, they wouldn’t do much. 

    “Impressive, even Sombra couldn’t detect me. Though perhaps the recent fight with you was dulling his senses. Regardless, I came to learn from you, to gather strength.” He said, watching her. “Of course, I do not expect to receive something for nothing, I know how the world works.”

    • Like 1
  4. Tiger nodded at Star’s words about going to the quartermaster later to get outfitted, and that he could use his own weapon if he wanted to. That was good, it meant he didn’t have to worry about getting used to the weight and the limits of a different spear. He knew what his could do, and he was very much used to the balance of it. 

    “Sounds good to me, Ponyville’s a nice place. I helped out with their most recent Winter Wrap-Up, and I’ve been there a few times besides that.” He smiled, responding to Blueblood’s words. His eyes rested on the papers for a few moments before moving to Star and back to Blueblood. “So, what first? Paperwork or the quartermaster stuff?”

  5. Tehengu hummed slightly at Andrea’s plan, and the little back and forth between her and Slash. It was already his job to cover the team. Thinning numbers before they overwhelmed the front line, picking off certain targets, or just plain old covering fire, but his job was to do it for the whole team as much as possible. He nodded to Slash’s words, stretching a bit in preparation before they went off to start the fight. 


    Terry smiled as Kat put the flower in his hair and complimented how he looked with it. He raised an eyebrow at Allen’s muttering, not really able to pick out what he said. Probably just complaining about the flower more. 

    “Thanks, Kat, it sure is a pretty flower.” He smiled as they walked to the arena and were almost immediately called for over the speakers. “Yeah, unfortunately we’re up already. Cmon, lets go show them what we can do.”

  6. That was an interesting reveal, he supposed. It had initially looked like a Long, though maybe a bit smaller than most, but that notion started to go out the window as the mismatched features came into view one after the other. All in all, it was, well, a chaotic amalgamation of a creature. Xieye returned the bow warily, not entirely sure what to think of this Discord if he was the source of the attackers. They were only wielding pillows, so there was likely no intention to actually harm anyone, but if he truly was the one he had heard about assisting the centaur, there might be a problem. Still, he didn’t want to make any more of a mess of his host’s home than had already happened, or make an enemy of the unicorn by attacking his guests, so the longma pushed the thoughts aside until a later time. 

    “Greetings, Discord.” He nodded to the chaotic creature before his attention turned to the pegasus at the mention of some drink. “Yes please, that sounds good.”

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  7. Liviel smiled at the gathering of ponies that had formed during her conversation with Sunset. Giving the unicorn a bow, she turned towards the rest of the group to start her lessons. Perhaps she should start at the beginning, at least give the rest of the ponies here an idea of what she was teaching them. After that, perhaps a more focused look at water or fire. Or some combat practice, she would have to see where the lesson took them. With that though, the diamond dog bowed to the crowd, introducing herself and beginning the lesson. 

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  8. “Well, the more the merrier, as they say.” He responded when she mentioned others that could use a visit to the inn too. She hadn’t really answered his question about helping out though, maybe she just wanted someone to keep her company? He could definitely do that. 

    “So, until someone else shows up for interviews, what would you like to do?” Terry asked, smiling over at her. “We could play cards, just a friendly game, or something else.”

  9. Tehengu looked over at Andrea, humming slightly before responding with a grunt. "If you want to keep your guard up, go ahead and do it, but try to save it for after the match. Distractions on the battlefield are a quick way to lose. Or die, depending."




    Terry just sighed to himself as Allen went around being Allen, looking away as he fixed Kat's shirt and looking back after. He wasn't going to join their little competition for leadership, he didn't have any real aspirations of leadership, so he was fine where he was in the team. Looking down as Kat started asking about her flower, spotting it soon enough and reaching down to pick it up.


    "Here you go, Kat, I found your flower." He said, smiling at her as he handed it back to her and offered an arm to lead her towards the arena. Seemed like it might be fun, a friendly bout like this. At least it meant nobody was in any real danger.

  10. Tehengu nodded, preparing himself mentally for the battle ahead and pushing thoughts of possible security breaches to the back burner. There was no room for distractions like that on the battlefield, even if it was just a friendly match between teams. He had to be focused to help his team as best he could. 



    Terry was laying on a roof nearby to the garden the other human was in, his sword laying on the roof next to him. He was wearing a white dress shirt type thing, with the sleeves rolled up to above his elbows. Over that was a pale yellow vest, and down below was a simple pair of pants matching his vest in color. When he heard his name, the human turned his gaze from the sky towards the source of the noise and saw his teammates. Well, two of them, at any rate. 

    He sighed slightly before getting up and putting the sword away again, wishing he could just skip the fight. He didn’t want to fight anything, really, he just wanted to use his skills as a magician and make people happy, maybe run an inn or something. He understood the need to fight the Grimm, and that the world needed all the fighters they could get for that stuff, but he just hoped he could get the chance to follow his dream someday. 

    After climbing back down to ground level, he made his way over to the others, stretching a bit as he went and giving the two a wave in greeting. 

  11. Terry stepped into her office, looking around the room briefly before Golden produced the paperwork and started filling in her stuff. He nodded along as she began explaining some guidelines as well as fees and possible profits. He looked it over himself once she was done filling it out, just to make sure he heard everything right and help him retain the information. He didn’t expect her to try and sneak anything into the contract, but who knows if some lawyer snuck it in without her noticing, so he was also on the lookout for any of that. Thankfully, everything seemed to be fine, so he smiled at her and signed the paper before giving it back to her. 

    “Well, I guess that takes care of that for now. Is there anything you need help with? My day’s pretty free, so I may as well spend it helping others.” Especially those he liked, but he decided to leave that little tidbit out. “Also, I’d love to have you over at the inn sometime. You can be the guest for a change, take a load off.” He added, smiling at her warmly. 

  12. “And that’s the kind of thing that makes you so great.” He chuckled, smiling over at her. He listened as she started laying out the options for his act, thinking about it before he responded. The bigger theater meant a larger possible crowd, but it also meant he’d get less of the proceeds. Not too much of a problem, really, he was still getting most of it, and the money wasn’t why he did this stuff anyways. 

    “Yeah, that all sounds good, I’ll take the Grand slot, I think. Lead the way, Golden, I’m right behind you.” Terry nodded, motioning for her to go ahead. 

  13. Terry had thought this new guy was just another musician. A good one, granted, but nothing aside from talent to make him stand out. That was, of course, until the last song started and the toys and such started moving around. 

    After the song finished, he stood as well to give Sky a standing ovation. Terry smiled as he watched the pegasus sit down with Wind Dancer, it was always nice to see creatures in love like that. He hoped he could find himself something like that someday...


    The arrival of another pony shook him out of his thoughts, and he looked over to see none other than Golden Bit herself. He liked her, she was kind and generous, and always seemed to look good on top of it. He smiled a bit as his mind almost started wandering again towards daydreams of them together, but he was quickly brought back as she began speaking to him. 

    “Hi, Golden. Yeah, that was quite the show alright. I mostly thought he’d be just another face in the crowd of musical talent, but he has the skill to make a name for himself. Especially if he can pull off more stuff like that last song, that’ll definitely be leaving an impression on the crowd.” He nodded, looking over to watch Sky briefly. “Seems like Wind found quite the stallion there.”

  14. Terry smiled as she returned the compliment, nodding along as she responded to how her day had been so far. Sometimes he felt like he wanted to know what that was like, worrying about paying out that many bits and still be in the black, but then again he was enjoying living the simpler life of a smaller business. Probably helped that he was only partially in charge of it, he had Leche to help out. It was her place originally anyways. 

    “Yeah, winnings like that are likely to make them overconfident or overprotective, either they’ll keep going and lose most of it, if not all, or they’ll just stop altogether. That’s a little hard to do around here though, especially for those that come to experience that stuff.” He shrugged slightly, pretty happy to play for little to no stakes. It let him practice his skills without feeling like he was actually cheating anyone out of anything. It’s not like he won all the time when he did that, that would take all the fun out of it for everyone involved. 

    “Yep, making the rounds, seeing what I can find. You’re my first stop, and the best one if past experience is anything to go by.” He chuckled, giving her a smile before continuing. “Fridays seem good, maybe Saturday. Catch that fresh off the work week crowd. My schedule is pretty open right now, so what kinda stuff you got on those days of the week?” He asked, trying to narrow it down some for her. 

  15. Name: Shocking Sonnet, usually just goes by Spike. 

    Sex: Male


    Age: Stallion 


    Species: Unicorn 


    Eye Color: Red-orange


    Character Color: A darker green, with some freckles on the face. 


    Mane/Tail: His mane is fairly spiky, and falls towards his right side such that it mostly covers the eye and reaches down to his cheeks. In the back it reaches down to his back. His tail is also spiky, reaching down to near the ground. It starts going up, but quickly curves downward. Both are three different colors divided into sections, with an orange-yellow color being the center part of both. The next level on both sides is a dark blue, and then finally a light sky blue. 


    Physique: He likes to keep in shape, but he’s not training for any athletic ventures, so it just skinny and keeping it that way. He’s taller than average for stallions. In his left ear he has two ring piercings, with both rings being gold. 


    Residence: Las Pegasus home he shares with his husband, a writer named Shoddy Lore. 


    Occupation: Musician 


    Cutie Mark: A stylized skull that shares the same dark blue as his mane with eyes the same color as his own. He always saw it as a sign that he had picked the right genre of music to focus on, that rock and punk music was right for him. 

    He got his mark during a school talent show, where he rocked the socks off his class and the rest of the audience. He had started somewhat hesitantly, but as he played he got more and more into the music and played with more enthusiasm and energy, his magic playing multiple instruments without him really thinking about it. After the song, he was met with stunned silence, and he was initially worried he had blown it, but they soon exploded into applause. His confidence surged as his mark appeared, cementing in his mind that this was the life for him. 


    Unique Traits: Magic; Even though he doesn’t have a job that requires great magical skill, he’s no slouch when it comes to spell casting. He has a particular talent for electrical magic, but he dabbled in all sorts of fields so he knows all sorts of different spells, such as one that switches a creature’s gender. In fact, he sometimes uses it to get female vocals from himself or Shoddy. 

    Instruments; He can play various musical instruments, such as drums, piano, and bass guitar, though he prefers his guitar and singing. He could technically be a one-pony band, but he tends to leave the drums for his husband to play. 


    History: Growing up under a couple scholars of magic was rather difficult for him. He could do most of the stuff they forced him to learn, but he had little interest in what they did for a living. He had always been interested in music, ever since he picked up a spoon and hit a pot with it. This led to him doing musical pursuits in secret, playing at friends’ houses primarily until the day came when he got his mark and finally showed his parents what he loved to do.

    Thankfully, they ended up at least tolerating the choice, though they would sometimes try to steer him back towards more scholarly pursuits. They could appreciate the magical skill it took to play multiple instruments at once though, and that was likely the main reason they did tolerate it. 

    When he got old enough to leave home, he did so, turning into a traveling street musician at first, perhaps some small venues like bars. It was during this time he first met Shoddy, an aspiring author, at a gig in Baltimare. They hit it off pretty fast, and became good friends for a while, until the wanderlust hit Spike again and he decided to move on. It would be hard to write letters to someone without a permanent address, so they promised to meet back up eventually. 

    It took a while before they found each other again, and both had started making a name for themselves. They had also made a realization about love, and this time became more than friends. Eventually, they got married, and decided on making Las Pegasus home since it let Spike do his thing without leaving home as much. 

    Over the years, they had a kid thanks to a bit of magic Spike remembered from school, and they couldn’t wait to raise it in a supportive, loving environment. 


    Personality: He can be somewhat cocky and arrogant, especially with those he’s never met before, but it tends to tone down around folks he knows. He’s still very confident in himself, of course, but it becomes clear he really cares about his friends and family. He is very loyal to those he cares about, and he’d never cheat on Shoddy or hurt his friends knowingly. 


    Summary: Initially an arrogant rockstar, he’s actually a real friendly guy once you get past all that outer stuff. 

  16. Terry sighed to himself as he walked down the road, rolling his shoulders a bit. Honestly, he was trying to figure out what to do with himself right now. Maybe he should hit the gym... He still had to set up some gigs for some point, and that would likely be better before the gym so he didn’t have to get cleaned up again beforehand. 

    The earth pony slowed to a stop in front of one of the casinos, looking over at it. This was always a good place to put on a show, and Golden Bit was always a pleasure to work with/for. Fair division of profits, he always thought. Nodding to himself, he made his way inside, smiling as he looked over the patrons he could see. He usually wasn’t one for staying in a place like this, as evidenced by him living in his inn, but he understood some ponies liked it. Besides, as long as they weren’t hurting anyone, he figured they could do whatever made them happy. He could agree playing in a casino could be fun though, mostly the ones that needed some form of skill like the card tables. 

    In any case, he soon enough caught sight of Golden herself near the entrance and gave her a wave before heading over himself. He ran a hoof through his mane along the way, taking her in once again. As always, she was a good-looking mare filled with a great personality, both things he could appreciate in any creature. 

    “Nice day, huh? Are you enjoying it so far?” He asked as he walked up to her, giving her a friendly smile. “You look great today, by the way.”

  17. Trying to figure out who I want to bring. There’s Terry, he’s been around for a bit. He’s also got his own little inn, but he could just be making the rounds to find some gigs... 


    Then there’s other performers like Burning Aegis, but he’s a night guard in Canterlot, Yiska Noctis, but I’m not sure how she’d deal with the noise of Las Pegasus since she navigates primarily through echolocation type stuff. 

    Honestly it’d probably be either Terry or the new musician I’m making, at least on the performer side. Not sure if I have anybody that would want a job at a casino otherwise, maybe Flux, she likes making friends and she’d definitely see a lot of different creatures come through...

  18. “Well, that’s what the security is for, to hopefully spot that sort of thing before it happens and stop it. There is nothing wrong with remaining wary, especially after an incident like last time, but don’t push yourself too hard. You’ll be no use to anyone in a crisis if you’re too exhausted or strung out to help.” Tehengu sighed, looking towards the list to see who they were fighting. An Atlas team? Interesting. He couldn’t say anything about them without knowing how they fought though, so he would just have to wait and see. 

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