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Posts posted by PyroBlaze

  1. Tehengu lowered Aquilam after a few seconds of watching the motionless bird. Had it really been that easy? That had been no trouble at all, really. He looked down at Midnight again, crouching down next to her as he began checking her for wounds. He couldn't find anything that serious, though he let Slash check her over as well.

    "Midnight, are you alright?" he asked, looking at her as she laid there. "I could carry you if you needed me to."

  2. Tehengu glanced down at Midnight as she slid to a stop by his feet. She seemed to be staying there, and he couldn't really blame her after a hit like that. He simply looked back up, continuing his barrage of arrows at the bird as Slash did his best to hold the bird down. He took aim at the beast, firing arrows into the bird's neck to try and take care of it before it really became a problem.

  3. Tehengu ignored the female's follow-up questions, taking aim again as Slash and Midnight rushed forward, Slash dragging the bird's head down to the ground. He fired his arrow, the projectile burying itself in one of the beast's eyes. He simply kept firing arrows into what looked like weak points, ignoring the female's words save for what applied to the fight. Coordination and planning were all well and good, but they didn't really have the time to do that stuff this time.

  4. Tehengu ran across the bridge as well as the Nevermore circled around. He skidded to a stop when the Grimm landed, his bow in his hand and loaded by the time he came to a stop. He took aim and fired, the arrow heading straight towards the beast's eye. Before it reached the beast, he already had another arrow loaded and was aiming again.

  5. Tehengu looked at the girl impassively as she asked about his eye. He remained silent for a bit as Slash spoke, saying she shouldn't ask things like that. No doubt the cat wanted to ask the same thing as well. At least he was being nice though. He looked back to the path, casting a glance at the skies, before responding.

    "Yes, it is." He replied simply, answering the female's second question as he continued.

  6. Tehengu looked around after Midnight's question. He wasn't quite sure where to head himself, but he guessed returning to the start would probably be best.

    "Let's just head back. I think that's where we need to go." He said, stowing the piece he was tossed and turning to head back into the forest. That's when Slash emerged, asking what they were doing, and the human female appeared behind him.

    "We were grabbing our relic." He said, casting a glare at the girl. "If it's all the same, I'd rather save my strength for the Grimm." He said to her simply, heading off into the forest again towards the cliff.

  7. Tehengu mulled over Midnight's words a bit as she went about selecting a piece. It seemed a distinct possibility that they would be paired with another two, though it seemed strange to pick teams this way. He looked up again as she asked if her choice was good.

    "Black knight..." He said simply, scanning the area but not finding the black one. "Yes, that one should work just fine." He finished, looking back to Midnight.

  8. Tehengu looked back up at the Grimm for a few seconds before shaking his head. He kept walking as he responded to Midnight.

    "Let's not fight it. I'd rather not test my luck against that right now." He said, continuing along the path and eventually reaching where the relics were.

    "Chess pieces... So, which one should we bring back?"

  9. Tehengu nodded at Midnight's words, heading off in the direction he had indicated together. He hoped he hadn't just pointed them in the wrong direction, but he believed he was correct as to this being north. He looked up at the sky as he walked, and his eye widened when he saw a large bird shape flying around.

    "Be careful, there's a large Grimm up there in the skies." He warned, looking back to Midnight.

  10. Tehengu raised an eyebrow at Midnight's actions. This was a side he hadn't seen before, though there was nothing wrong with that. He looked around after her question, trying to get his bearings. Midnight was his partner now. That was good, he much preferred her to the human girl. Although Slash would've been good, Midnight was just as good.

    "That way, I think." He said eventually, pointing off in a direction.

  11. Tehengu simply looked around a bit more as Midnight began speaking. She seemed very nervous about something, and was talking about how she assumed he had yet to get a partner. Well, that much was true indeed. After she finished, he looked over at her. He watched her for a second before responding.

    "Sure, Midnight, I'll be your partner." He said, still looking at her.

  12. Tehengu was simply traveling through the forest, the journey being rather quiet after the first encounter. Eventually, he heard the sounds of conflict, and he sped up a bit, coming onto the scene just in time to see Midnight collapse onto the ground with various Grimm around. They were all dead though, so they were nothing to worry about. He walked closer to her to check on her, but he could tell from where he was that she was just tired. Fighting that many Grimm by yourself was undoubtedly tiring.

    "Nice work, Midnight. You go ahead and rest, I'll wait here for you and keep watch." Tehengu said, looking away from her and watching the surroundings so that no Grimm would sneak up on her while she was resting.

  13. When he was launched, Tehengu simply watched the scenery pass him by impassively. Even though this was just a test, he was on the job now, which meant he had to stay focused. He rolled when he hit the ground to dispel momentum, drawing his bow before continuing on, an arrow already notched. He paused as he noticed some grimm a little ways off through the trees. They hadn't spotted him yet, so he calmly drew the arrow back, taking aim before releasing and killing one of the creatures. The other two looked around, eventually spotting the source of the shot, though that's when the second went down with an arrow between the eyes. The last one charged him, and he switched his bow into his blade, standing at the ready. When the beast got close enough, he blocked the swipes with his sword before stabbing upwards, the blade coming out the top of the beast's head.

    After retrieving his arrow that was still useable, he moved off into the forest, his sword a bow once again. He had to wonder who he would get as a partner. It would be nice to get Slash, but Midnight wouldn't be bad either.

  14. Tehengu looked over as Midnight waved at him, and he returned the gesture before the leader began talking, explaining what they were doing here. Seems he was right that they were going to be testing the student's skills in the forest. Well, it shouldn't be too hard to get around. He did originally use his archery for hunting animals after all. He got a serious look on his face as he got into position, waiting for his launch.

  15. Tehengu frowned slightly at Slash's words, though he knew he was right. Some people didn't like faunus as a rule, and they applied to every faunus they met. It was sad, really, that someone would be bullied and ridiculed for something they had no control over. He sighed slightly, remaining silent as they came to the cliff and stood on separate platforms just like everyone else that had arrived already.

  16. Tehengu awoke slowly, opening his eye to see it was still dark out. Well, he didn't feel tired, so it may as well be time to get up. He stood as quietly as he could, getting dressed and going through what he could of his morning ritual before heading out of the ballroom, heading out into the courtyard to get some fresh air. Slash was already out there, so he simply leaned against the doorway, watching him for a bit before turning his gaze skyward to look for the sunrise when it came.

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