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Everything posted by MetalBronyATL

  1. Blood cut down another horde soldier before looking at Maple. "Have I ever told you that you look sexy as hell doing that?" He teased before stabbing another barbarian. The giant trolls growled and all charged the Ursa. They were only half the size but there were more of them. Several mammoths entered the scene as well.
  2. Best version of Phantom of the Opera I have ever heard. Metal makes everything better.
  3. Blood tore through the horde as he flew into the middle of a large group, cutting them down easily. He stabbed one of them trough the throat before kicking another towards Maple and Shade. Silent lit his horn and disappeared before landing on top of Shadow, stepping on his throat. "You won't quit, will you bat?"
  4. "Well, let's not let a kid show us up. Cmon!" Blood said, charging in after Oakly. Ash changed into her half dragon form and immediately descended upon the horde, burning through them. The Canterlot and Crystal armies clashed with the Horde, with Kane immediately tearing through the horde soldiers.
  5. Kane turned to a soldier at his side and nodded. The soldier blew a loud war horn and the troops began to move forward. "Show no mercy. You will get none." Blood opened his wings and gripped his swords. He cracked his neck to both sides. Ash lit her horn and her body glowed in flames. "For Snow."
  6. ((Alright, let's go)) The horde marched over a hill with an army of unbelievable size. Silent glared at the forces of Canterlot with an evil stare. He smirked to himself knowing his sabotage had weaken their army. Amongst the horde were giant troll-like creatures who growled loudly as they carried large stones and makeshift weapons. On the other side Kane stood with his large army and his Pheonix Armor. "Round two, brother." Ash stood with the other Elemental unicorns, her face painted with white markings and wearing a white fur cloak in memory of Snow. Her horn lit as she couldn't wait to get payback. Blood stood with his brother and the other few bat ponies remaining. "I have to admit, the guy can pull an army out of his ass." He commented on Silent's new tidal wave of soldiers.
  7. Kane placed the helmet on his head and drew the swords, turning to them with a determined look on his face. "We have a battle to fight." ((Timeskip to the next battle?))
  8. Kane was in shock by the gift. It seemed to be a long process to prepare for this moment by all those who came before him. He slowly approached and took hold of the helmet, looking at its face. "The Pheonix King...."
  9. "Before I was even king they put a plan in motion for me? Why?" Kane asked as Azure approached a strange lever.
  10. Kane followed them through the new door along with Oakly, wondering what was next in this process.
  11. Kane grit his teeth until the burn went away. "Understood, but you know I've always considered you equal to me anyway." He said returning the smile. "I'm lucky to have you all."
  12. Kane knelt and did the same. The position was unfamiliar to him, he hadn't had to kneel before anybody in a long time. But it didn't matter to him. He held his left hoof out along with Oakly.
  13. Ash sadly turned to Steel. "Thank you Steel. It means a lot. And again, I'm sorry if I seem weird around you. I just..." She trailed off before she finished and just turned away. "So its because of you that I've been kept alive? I'm...I'm honored, friends." Kane said with a smile. "I'll take this oath."
  14. I would do anything for love! Yes I would do anything for love! I would do anything for love.....BUT I WOOOOONT DOOOO THAT!

    1. Solaria


      Can you make me some magic with your own two hands? Can you build an Emerald City from these grains of sand? CAN YA GIVE ME SOMETHING I CAN TAKE HOOOOOME?!

  15. Normally Ash would have butterflies in her stomach from Steel's affection, but Snow's loss was too much for her. She leaned her head against his chest as tears streamed down her face. Finally she stood up and lit her horn. The pyre Snow was on caught fire and began to burn. After burning for a few moments, a cold, snowy wind blew over the pyre extinguishing the flames. All that was left was a pile of a mixture of ash and snow, with a white rose growing from it. "Azure? Dawn? Stryker? You're part of this?" Kane asked in surprise. "So this is an order my father started with the others? For what purpose?"
  16. Kane was taken aback by the striking resemblance between Oakly and Trax. "The Creed? Inducted? My father and the others started this?" ((Don't forget theirs a funeral scene going on for Snow))
  17. Kane was shocked at what he was seeing. "How do you know about this? I didn't even know this was here."
  18. Kane raised an eyebrow." Son? Trax had a son? Who is Ally Bloodfang? And who are the 'others?'"
  19. Kane was confused by the sudden appearance of somebody he couldn't recognize, but decided to follow him anyway. "Who are you and what's going on?"
  20. Kane went as far away from everybody else as he could so nobody could see him before dropping to his knees and softy sobbing. "I'm sorry father....I'm not worthy...."
  21. ((If you don't mind, I wanted Kane to show some grace. The dialoge can stay. Besides, Shadow will have plenty of chances to blow steam off the next day at the battle.))
  22. Kane stared down at the glowing blade as every death he witnessed flashed through his mind. Killjoy's death, his fathers death, Trax and Tavi's murder by Kage, Thunder's death, Blade's death, Vi's death, Black's death, Una and Dossay sacrificing themselves when he found the Jagged Crown, the Order's sacrifice, including Storm, and now Snow was gone as well. He thought of all who died in his name and those who continue to die for him. He thought of all the suffering he felt. The insanity slowly faded from him as tears began to fall from his face. He finally slowly dropped the knife into the fire and walked away. "Let them go....." He said quietly as he walked away with watery eyes.
  23. Kane gripped the glowing hot knife tightly in his hoof as it shook violently. "Why should I care anymore...." He said in an unsettling tone. He looked at the horde soldier that insulted him with a crazed stare, staring right into his eye. "An eye for an eye....right?" He said unsettlingly as he gripped the glowing dagger tighter. Ash and an acolyte gently floated her to a funeral pyre on another stone table. Another acolyte took her foal from Ash away from the scene. Ash looked at Snow's body as her eyes teared up again. "It's been hard getting used to this, away from my home....she made it easier. She was like a second mother...." She said in a faint voice.
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