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Posts posted by QuickLime

  1. There is still a LOT to work on,

    1: you don't explain her cutie mark at ALL you just gloss over it, this needs to be told in detail, we need to know what it symbolizes

    2: "At the age of 16" needs to go, we don't use number ages for ponies

    3: There are no "superiors" and "inferiors" in the WonderBolts, they are a TEAM! You are making up a lot of lore on how the WonderBolts work, and I don't think you quite understand how they work here.

    They are a flying team that when needed perform aids for Canterlot, like dealing with Dragon problems, but they are primarily a elite flight team, your characters history makes them sound more military which is a more combat sort of thing than what we are going for.

    I don't think you really understand this fully enough to be a Wonderbolt, your app needs to come down several notches, as it is a MOUTHFUL to read, and the made up lore doesn't help

    All I know is that your pony is a workaholic obsessed with the wonderbolts

    Focus on the Wonderbolts LESS and focus on your character more.

  2. QuickLime, do you think it's possible that you could give some criticism on what the OP? I haven't worked on it for a long time, so it would be good to know where to plug the holes.

    Sure I'll look it over the moment I get a chance :D

  3. Scootaloobanresize.jpg

    Scoots was practically beaming as AppleBloom opened the present..it wasn't nearly as glamorous as the others, she HAD given her a present earlier, and it HAD been a bow, but Scoots had brought her TWO presents, yeah that's right, not ONE not THREE but TWO presents! The first one was something nice, but THIS was something Scootaloo had made /herself/.

    It was a photo album, the leather was bright red and it had a golden apple button glued to the center of it, inside were pictures of their adventures they'd been on! There was them standing proudly by a gilded apple float..and then them looking sheepish and watching it sink...There was them having fun at the park, at school, just in general it was tons of little snippets of their time together as friends.

    On the back of the first page in rather wibbly handwriting was written

    "Happy Birthday AppleBloom: You are One of My bestest best friends and I can't wait till we can go on more adventures together!

    Your most rad, most awesome, friend Scootaloo"

    There were a few blank pages so AppleBloom could put her own memories there.

    Scootaloo glanced at AppleJack and grinned "Oooh MAN AppleJack that sounds SO good right now you have no idea!" Getting back onto her wobbly feet she went over and planned to eat just one..but ended up gobbling at least 4 , glancing at Applebloom she grinned with her cheeks puffed to high heaven.


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  4. I know it's not abduction or kidnapping, but the scenes when the video is ending is definitely something that is not right. After all, it's a totally different message I'm seeing compare to a temporary Peter Pan moment.

    Had the mention of a colony been avoided, we could easily see it as Luna taking children for a fun midnight romp, however it kinda makes it sound like she abducted them to make a colony..

    Plus the original song IS used to abduct children XD

  5. *LOL* Well, that might be very, ah, interesting. But I was thinking of keeping it in the grain with just having a few mares up for auction, and then having ponies (if mares want to bid, I'm sure that'd be fine, too, it's for charity) bid on them.

    Might be a different story if you're having him pose as female, though. That could be interesting. *lol*

    I...yeah no I'll just pass, nevermind, Cashmere doesn't want to be bid on by women :P Good luck with your thread then I suppose

  6. GingerKickBanner-1.png

    Ginger stared down at the colt, her face stayed gentle but was also stern "Now now Kiddo ah can't quite have y' doing that" She said shaking her head "'Yer just a colt! A growing colt has plenty of energy and don't need caffine, I'll be happy to make you a Mochchinno but I cannot in good moral give ya yer drink"

    Ginger knew she had been young when she got her cutie mark, but that was sipping a practice brew and that was NOT a shot of espresso! She smiled seeing all the customers seemed happy, though one pony looked like they drank their coffee a touch fast...

    "Might wanna ease that pardner" She chuckled "That stuff can churn yer guts like butter if you swallow it too fast!"

  7. Zecorafbanner.jpg

    Zecora was thankful the Guard was able to give her a tour! "My happiness does abound! I cannot wait for you to show me around!" Though her conversation with the very considerate Guard was cut short by a white pony with an orange and red mane, making her tilt her head "I am very much enjoying this day! And I am from Unyasi which is very far away" Zecora smiled softly at Pyro "It is a pleasure PyroBlaze, I wish you the most brightest of days!"

    There weren't very words that rhymed with Zecora so she just offered her hoof then "My name is Zecora, it is so nice to meet you, how do you do?"

  8. That was Time 2.0 not original. (So, no time travel.) and I kind of wrote that from what he knew. So it's what he thinks. He's not the best historian in the world so it would make sense that others knew about that time. He just doesn't know them. (Time's a hermit.)

    As for the PMing the relations...Time doesn't have any. Time 2.0 has never met Luna.

    After going over it again that's only thing that says to PM. To me that seems like sending you a friendship or what not. Which Time 2.0 doesn't have with luna...

    Ah well so long as the above is true then alright :D Works for me I'll let you take an OC Slot :)

  9. Well crud I was gonna send in Era's accepted app but I'll just throw that out the window. *Play window breaking sound*

    Anywho, in the words of Pinkie Pie "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!"

    Name: Time Spinner

    [colour=#282828]Link to WOE Approved Application: [/colour]

    http://www.canterlot..._+time +spinner

    [colour=#282828]Reason for involvement : Time has studied history for all of his life. He loves it and after finishing history and opening his office, he started to research legends and myths. Time knows of the legend of the moon, The lunar rebellion, and the turning of Nightmare Moon. Time Spinner is the only one who can recall the events of her ascension, and is someone she has nothing against. Time Spinner knows that every darkness has a light, and wants to help in anyway he can.[/colour]

    If you used him you wouldn't be allowed to use time magic, I want this show canon, and I don't really like the idea of him being the only one that can recall the events so I can't really see this working.

    And I said to PM The relations to me too

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