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Everything posted by Total-Tortilla

  1. I'm very disappointed in you, Penumbra. Go download VisualBoyAdvance and a ROM of Pokemon Red RIGHT NOW!
  2. New episode here Dozens of odd talents shown I wish I knew French...
  3. Skyrim...or Rayman? CHOICES.

  4. Skyrim...or Rayman? CHOICES.

  5. Derpy as the Mad Hatter? Here, let me just give you all of my money.
  6. I don't know what to say that hasn't been said. That's how awesome you are.
  7. You may very well have the coolest looking OC here. I admit defeat.
  8. You have no idea how many inappropriate pictures there were for this one.
  9. How is Nier then? XD Your avatar has no mane at all. Props for individuality!
  10. I've now got it set up so that it shuffles through a folder of around 90+ pictures every 15 minutes, but this is one of my favorites so far.
  11. True, but he's moving up in the ranks, which I approve of! Also, nice Witcher card. How is that game anyway?
  12. You are soon to evolve from the rank of Cutie-Mark Crusader. Well done!
  13. I just noticed that's a human skull on your ponies avatar. This frightens me in a good way.
  14. Schwarzeneggerize: (Verb) To make one manly and buff. Example: Yeah, I'm going to the Gym with Mike later. I'm gonna help Schwarzeneggerize him.
  15. "Adding to the dictionary?" you question. "What's that supposed to mean?" It's simple. Haven't you ever come up with a silly term to describe a situation or action that doesn't already have a word? It's time the world got to know about them! Simply post with a term or phrase you've coined to describe something. Remember, it doesn't have to be Pony related. Let's break open our Sweetie Bell's and get writing! Tetris: (Verb) To organize things in the most orderly and compact manner possible. Example: "There's no more room in the trunk of my car, I Terised everything as well as I could. Other forms: Tetrising, Tetrised
  16. While not a fan of previous incarnations of the show, I like how your avatar touches on the earlier series!
  17. You're one of the craziest crazies in the "Last Post Wins" thread, which I admire.
  18. Hi hi, Ginger Mint Always starting with "hi hi" Why do you do that?
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