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Everything posted by Sailu

  1. so i've been gone from here for the last like oh 6-8 months because of work and just meh but i've noticed that i'm just alone, yes i have friends and i do hang out with them from time to time but after that i feel more alone then before, all i do is work and try to find a 2nd job and just be alone... i really have no idea were i'm going with this but just yeah...
  2. hey everypony i wanna start RPing again

  3. sup everypony long time no see what's everypony been up to?

    1. SilverSwirl


      Listening to the Scottish Referendum

    2. CrazyScion


      Murdering the innocent. Just the usual for a psycho earth pony.

  4. sup everypony long time no see what's everypony been up to?

  5. have any of you played the EVH wolfgang guitars i understand they moved production to china seeing as the Japanese plant closed how is the quality of the Chinese made one

    1. Sailu


      for the specials i mean

  6. my album is in its starting processes 3 roughs down 7 to go then final mix

  7. i'm back and i'm going to start recording my demo CD very very soon in like a month's time

  8. i need to make a drum and bass band or work with dubstep artists

  9. its all fixed now like 90% but its not gonna drive the same
  10. well my car is fixed 90% so im happy as ****

    1. SeriousSam


      Good to hear! Hope it gets to 100% soon!

    2. Sailu
  11. i took a corner way to fast in a round about and clip the curb on the right side mostly
  12. yes it does i drove it home at like 20mph and from what i hear it could be just the tire rods so like a good $130-160 fix
  13. yeah and i'll pretty much be fired from both jobs i work cause i have no way to get there now
  14. i need to crawl in a hole and die....

    1. MessageinaBottle
    2. Sailu


      i ran over a curb going 45 in my car and ****ed up the axle..

  15. i think i may have totalled my car by running over a curb going about 40mph if its not totaled then it will be hell to fix and $$$$$$ i dont have at the moment...
  16. so Dr.wolfs youtube channel has been taken down for no reason what so ever i'm just spreading the word

  17. can some one link me to todays Ep i missed it

  18. well i've got another fanfic up on FImfic now thinking of how to continue the story... hmmm?

  19. *facehoof*.......*facehoof*.....*facehoof* this is a little disheartening well partly cause my own editing still suck because i can't see my own flaws as i write (aside from spelling) and i have my fic 99% there its just frustrating when you go to submit once, fail. make the corrections and then learn you have more to do as you've failed once again *sigh* fun. standers

  20. so my new fic is about 200 words from being 1000 anypony wanna take a look and edit it prior to submitting to fimfic? PM me

  21. working on a Luna fic from the eyes of that loves her night

  22. would anypony want to be my editor?

  23. hmmm i don't know what to do now

    1. XanXeto


      Well, you could always pony.

    2. Sailu


      haha indeed lol

  24. well got my Fic submitted and i did some editing to it as well to clear up the grammar and spelling snafus

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