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Everything posted by Davroth

  1. Why hello sit right there, thank you for your interest in this fine forum. Why don't you tell us a little about yourself? What are you interests, what brings you here, what you like about ponies, that kind of stuff. Anyways, welcome to Canterlot. It's save here.
  2. He was getting close, he could feel it. Seeker had started using his telekinesis to move the sticks now, and that had increased the speed significantly. He could almost feel the fire now, it wouldn't take much longer. Protecting his eyes with his goggles, Seeker had leaned in closer and his head almost touched the ground. "Concentrate! Concentrate!", he thought, while trying to maintain the speed. He wasn't used to use his magic for this. A Pegasus stepped into the fleeting light. Seeker couldn't help but to take a slight look. Only for a split second, then returning to his sticks. "Curious, I think I've seen that kind of armor before," he thought "I wonder if there is a connection to the 'guards' I saw around Ponyville. They had similar armor, didn't they?" The sticks moved slower and slower, while he tried to figure this out. The mare stepped closer, her hoof armor glistening in the moonlight, her pelt so white, it seemed to glow now. Seekers concentration broke. His magic flared up for a moment, lighting up the clearing. The two sticks he had used in an attempt to make fire broke in half, and flung into the night sky. "IN CELESTIAS NAME!!", he cried in frustration
  3. I wish all 3 of them could be in one picture, but that would probably temper with the colors.
  4. THEY PROMISE YOU PIE IN THE FUTURE!! WE HAVE PIE RIGHT NOW! *chomps down on a chaos pie, thoughtfully provided by a lesser demon*
  6. I LOVE zombie flicks. What's your favorite zombie type? And what's your stance on the creature-movies of the 30s? Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula and the like?
  7. YES!! LET SLIP THE COLTS OF WAR!! *starts growing again*
  9. ALL HAIL APP-LESTIA!! *demon energies rise again"
  10. The act of punishment is a tool of order, not so much of chaos. And gallows as an execution tool for ponies makes little sense to me. As for the "CMCs human skulls on headband"-thing, I argued with that before, but honestly, I think that's a case of us (the fans) overthinking something that the artists on the show didn't think about at all. With that logic, I can argue that ponies are indestructible, based on all the physical abuse Rainbow Dash takes over the cause of the show, and therefore can't be executed.
  11. Guy, I finally got the solution. I'll resolve all of it! With a speech:
  12. The sun was setting, as Seeker walked onto the clearing. It was no use to continue the search in the dark, and this seemed like a good place to rest. In the fleeting light, he tried to get a fire running. "Good thing I collected some firewood on the way", he thought. Seeker heard a rustling nearby. The local wildlife started to wake it seemed. He wasn't afraid. The locals had told him that there were no really dangerous creatures in the Whitetail Woods, and he had traveled the outskirts of the Everfree Forest before. He just hoped that Blacky was alright. After the Running of the Leaves, Seeker had spend hours asking around the other participants and the bystanders if any of them had seen his dog, but he only earned blank expressions. Oh sure, some of them remembered him striding around Ponyville, but noone had noticed anything past that. Without thinking to much, Seeker had bought food and water for a few days and had set out into the Whitetail Woods, looking for Blacky. This had been the longest they were separated for years, and Seeker was unusually worried at the moment. Blacky was smart enough seeking out a water source, surely, but just how long would he be able to sustain himself with just water and grass? Seeker just couldn't get a fire going. Maybe he was to preoccupied with his worries to concentrate properly, or maybe the wood was too damp. The weather seemed to be stable, and he couldn't see a single cloud in the sky, but it was autumn, and naturally it was getting colder by the minute now the sun went down. It was times like this when Seeker most missed the deserts. "In Celestias name, distracted again. I need to get this fire going!" he thought. And so he continued rubbing sticks together, silently cursing into the night.
  13. So, since you love cookies, what's you favorite cookie flavor? I'm big on white chocolate/macadamia, myself. Anyway, welcome to Canterlot. It's save here.
  14. So, I like all of the stuff you listed here. Does that mean I'm a nerd? Anyways. welcome to Canterlot. It's save here.
  15. I could be wrong, but I'm quite sure that gallows aren't really a thing in Equestria. And death references in general are usually ill received from all I've seen until now. The rest looks fine.
  16. So when you say horror movies, what kind exactly do you mean? Anyways, welcome to Canterlot. It's save here.
  18. *opens a portal to the chaos dimension and counters the orbital friendship cannon* CHAOS WILL PREVAIL!!
  19. *while growing even bigger, wonders if BFL knows that everything is chaos, and that order is just a feeble illusion"
  20. All those wallpapers are super cute. Nice work!
  21. FOAL!! FRIENDSHIP IS CHAOS! IT WILL JUST MAKE ME STRONGER!! *grows to adult dragon size*
  22. HYDRA CALLED, THEY WANT THEIR SCHTICK BACK!! *continues slaughtering through the cyborgs"
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