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Image Comments posted by Davroth

  1. I must urge you to try it. It was the best thing I ever did, pony art-wise. XD

    If you ever got 50 spare bucks, I'd consider investing them in a cheap wacom tablet.

    I mean, feel free to look through me gallery, it basically shows you my complete progression on pony art. It might seem hard, but I know I improved a ton since I started using a tablet.

  2. I didn't ship them with any particular intent. I closed my eyes and pointed at a couple of ponies and there we had it XD It could be friendshipping, if that's any better.

    Pinkie does seem like the type that makes something for everypony on hearts and hooves day. Even for the jelly guy.

  3. Also to avoid the artifacts and because it is a vector based image, I would save online copies as a 24-bit PNG with alpha transparency instead of a JPG.Hope that helps.


    Thank you! I didn't know it was so easy. And thank you for the suggestion. Now I only need to come up with some clever tagline.

    THIS is what Vectoring is for

    Quiet, you... XD

  4. Sorry, sorry... :P He does have the kind of facial expression I'd expect from someone who's trying to take over the world though.

    No need to be sorry, I thought you were going for a pun or something. XD

    Who's to say I don't try to take over the world?

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