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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. I'm happy to jump in when you start the thread.


    If you leave it open you probably won't get that many if any people that just join in. However, you can always write (invite: see OOC) and give a link to this thread at the beginning of your post. That way you can accept people who wish to join in before they post. Can be good to link the OOC thread anyway just to work out any OOC stuff outside of the IC thread :) 

  2. Image result for yona yak


    Yona listened intently as the Headmare she knew and loved stepped down from her position. The yak's eyes filled with tears at the proclamation that Twilight would no longer be in charge to the school. She looked up as the Princess looked down at her students as the brimming tears fell from her eyes. She had learned so much form Twilight and it seemed such a shame for her to go. 


    "Yona no get too ahead for herself." The yak spoke quietly to herself. She'd been working on her self control and now was as good a time as any to practice. Twilight said she'd back to check on them and so at least Yona had that!


    She sniffed loudly as the alicorn's talk turned to that of her chosen knew Headmare. If Twilight had picked her then whoever it was they would be good! No, they'd be great! Yona trusted Twilight. As Bluebelle was introduced a hush fell over the crowd for a moment. It was all quite a lot to take in and Yona felt her head swimming with the changes that were flying fast and furious.


    Applause started near the back and then filtered forward, though some hooves were a bit tentative at first. This was big news to take in!




    Yona's mouth dropped open for a moment when some small prickly guy she'd never met before started cheering loudly. The gaping muzzle turned quickly into a grin.


    "If Twilight say Bluebelle new headmare then Yona say GO NEW HEADMARE!" She hopped up and down in place which caused the whole place to rumble slightly and a tremor to go through the crowd.


    "Bluebelle! Bluebelle! Bluebelle!"  


    Rumble, quake, rumble...


    The ground shook as the yak hopped in place with much excitement!

    • Like 3
  3. Name: Lamp Light

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye Color: Hunter green gradient. 

    Coat: Slightly fluffy dark red brown that fades to cream as it travels down his legs. His fetlocks are entirely cream, his hooves as well. 

    Mane/Tail: His mane and tail are cropped and slightly spiked, reaching past his neck and down to hocks respectively. Both mane and tail are a deep rich briwn with streaks of pumpkin orange throughout. He has long forelocks that fall over his left eye and also a short beard that is cropped short and well kept. He keeps his locks well maintained, brushing and oiling them daily. 

    Physique: Not extremely well built or at all chubby, Lamp is in good health overall.

    Residence: In Ponyville he lives in the Keeper's room at his inn the Honest Hearth. It is decorated with lots of polished wood siding and flooring, sumptuous rugs, and handsome framed paintings depicting the great outdoors. 


    Occupation: Lamp is the Keeper of his inn and works tirelessly to make sure the ponies that stay with him receive the utmost for their bits.   


    Cutie Mark: A small glass lamp with a flickering flame illuminating a crimson colored quill and red bound sign in book.


    Unique Traits: He's prone to rambling if a pony gets him talking. Mostly of his adventures in the fields and forests around Ponyville with his hounds. 

    Lamp enjoys his pipe now and again, mostly while sitting in his cushioned chair in his keep. Lamp also has two hounds that are well trained and loyal. A female red tick hound named Merelda and a male blue tick hound named Bluedown. 



    Lamp was born to loving parents in the outskirts of Ponyville proper. His parents were ponies of earth and field though more for study than working. His father is a botanist and often traveled to Canterlot and beyond to share his learning on flora. His mother is a herbalist and keeps a greenhouse next to their cottage. Lamp learned much about the earth and its ways from his parents though as he grew he learned that it was not his calling to follow in their hoof steps.


    As a young foal Lamp enjoyed nothing more than playing house. At first his parents thought it was a passing fad. They were delighted to watch him pretend to bake, clean house, and even set up his room as if he was going to have a guest stay there. As they saw him enjoying his pretend games more and more they started to see that Lamp really had a talent for entertaining and making things perfect for guests. It was during a day of turning their home into a pretend hotel that both parents had to stop Lamp from baking welcoming cookies to point out the hospitality cutie mark that had appeared on his flank!


    Lamp had lots of friends at school and was well liked as he had a very charming nature. He could make up conversations from thin air to entertain others and help them to relax and laugh. He was also liked by his teachers and earned top marks in almost every subject. Once he was old enough his parents encouraged him to pursue a higher education. Perhaps he'd like to go to Canterlot to study sciences or art? It turned out what he really wanted was to study business and also home education. It was an odd mix but his ever supportive parents were happy to see him loving what he was studying. 


    When his studies were done it was no surprise to anypony that the Lamp began pursuing having his own inn. He had worked at various establishments during his studies in Canterlot but found most of them to be too fancy for his tastes. He wanted ponies to feel at ease and at home when they visited his establishment. Through his work at various hotels he was able to form up exactly what he wanted in his mind. He continued to work until he saved enough bits to work in partnership with another pony to start his first inn in Ponyville!


    A few years after their inn the "Honest Hearth" was opened that his partner pony was called away to Canterlot on family business. Rather than fold the inn, Lamp decided to buy his partner out and now he owns the inn outright! It's everything he's ever dreamed! He's never prouder than when he's able to welcome ponies to stay at his inn! The only thing missing from Lamp's life at this point is love but he's yet to find the perfect stallion to match him.


    Character Personality: 


    Lamp is well liked by most ponies. He has a knack for conversation and is very easy to spend time with. He does tend to ramble at times but bring s himself back when he realizes it. He loves owning and working at his inn. He also loves to go on far and wide rambles in nature. Sometimes he takes other ponies, sometimes he goes just with his hounds Merelda and Bluedown. Lamp knows what will make ponies comfortable no matter who they are and is willing and happy to make friends with pretty much any pony.


    His specialty in magic involves fixing, cleaning, and verbally making things more pleasant. When he works his magic it comes with a warm orangish yellow glow. 


    Character Summary:


    A jovial chap, happy and talkative, most ponies have a hard time not liking Lamp Light. Whether he's in his inn serving his guests, out afield with his hounds he seldom has less than a cheery outlook on life and a smile to offer a friend.  

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    "Oh those poor creatures." Futtershy trotted around her cottage, fretting over the packing of her saddle bag. "Being taken from their homes and held against their will." She carefully placed a sachet full of animal treats neatly on top of her chosen camping supplies and snapped the saddle bag shut.


    "Oh my!" She glanced to the side noticing Angel Bunny with his little paws akimbo, his hind paw tapping on the floor with impatience. "I'm so sorry Angel!" 


    The kind to a fault pegasus filled the bunny's bowl with a carrot and a lettuce leaf and placed it neatly in front of her little pet. "There you go," She gave a small smile to the bunny. "Sorry it's a bit rushed Angel."


    The bunny frowned at her, his eyes narrowing. 


    "You know I have to go," She tried to pat his head but he moved to the side. "All those poor little animals need my help."


    Angel took the carrot from the bowl and hopped to her saddle bags, planting himself on the top of them. 


    "I wish I could take you Angel. But, it might be dangerous...in the...*gulp*....forest..." She trailed off meekly, not even liking the thought of what she was getting herself into. She'd have to be strong though. There were animals that needed her help and she'd rescue them no matter what!


    Angel didn't move, no matter how much she coaxed the bunny so eventually the Element of Kindness left the cottage with a bunny poking his head out of one of her saddle bags. 



    As Fluttershy got closer to the designated meeting area she could feel her small amount of confidence fleeing. She didn't really know any of the ponies that were coming on this trip, except for Applebloom. Well, she knew one of the others but wasn't at all sure she wanted to interact with him. King Sombra made her want to run and hide not matter what his current intentions were. She had to remind herself as she trotted nearer that she was doing this to save poor helpless animals.


    Fluttershy gulped, giving Sombra a wide birth and Firewalker a soft smile as she made her way up to Alizarin and Apple Bloom. 


    "Oh hello there Ms. Fruits," She smiled at Apple Bloom after her introduction. "Good to see you Apple Bloom."


    Then she spotted the little corgi dog who was at the moment intent on watching a butterfly. "Oh my! Aren't you the cutest little thing?" She called to Gumby, hoping he'd come over to say hi. "Who do you belong to little guy?"

    • Like 3
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    AgeOlder Dri (what yak call female yak)


    Eye colorPale olive

    CoatMilk chocolate brown and shaggy as can be! The skirt of her coat leaves off just at her fetlocks, exposing her cleft hooves. Her face and ears are of a light tan color that continues to lighten as it moves towards her muzzle. 

    Mane/TailYak not have mane! Yak only have forelock! Yona has very long forelocks. So long that she has them done up in looping braids in front of her ears. The braids are done up with pink bows to hold them in place. Her forelocks are a bit deeper brown than the rest of her coat. Her heavy horns protrude from her forelocks, curving gracefully inward. 


    As far as her tail goes, there's not much... Yak have perfect tail! Good for...good for...ummmmm....good for being yak tail! 


    PhysiqueWell, she's built... like a yak! A bit ponderous but also very strong!


    ResidenceShe currently lives at Twilight's School of Friendship in Ponyville. Her ancestral home is the frigid land of the yaks, Yakyakistan.


    OccupationA student at the School of Friendship.


    Cutie MarkNA Yak no have cutie mark!


    Unique Traits:  Things tend to go boom when Yona is around. Or crash, or smash, or other destructive noises. She may not always mean to but she has a knack for breaking things. This may be unique to ponies but is somewhat standard to yaks.


    She has a habit of going off on her own and singing to herself, generally about whatever mood she happens to be in.


    Yona is seldom seen without her signature earthy green yak rug. It sits atop her body and keeps her warm or sheltered from the sun as needed. All good yak have yak rug on back!


    HistoryYona was born and raised in Khanate the homelands of Yakyakistan among the frozen peaks. Yak hold family and kin dear and Yona was raised in the typical yak fashion. She was dearly loved and as such quickly brought up to endure the climates and culture of their home. Yaks are often rough and sometimes barbaric in their nature and so the loving family of a yak may not have the gentle hugs and nurturing support that pony cultures embodies. They do raise their young well however and Yona was happy as can be in her early years!


    Yona remembered when she was very young a happy pink pony coming into their village. It took the yaks to come around to Pinkie Pie but before long they had developed and understanding and eventually yaks became friends with the Pink One. Other ponies came to visit and soon enough the leaders of the yak homelands decided diplomacy twixt nations would serve to bolster both nations in many ways. As a sign of their good intent the yaks went through their ranks to find a young one, just come of age, to send to Twilight's School of Friendship. Yona happened to be the right age and of very good temperament to learn from pony culture.


    The first season at the school was not the easiest. It seemed there were disagreements on how students were being taught. After a time of tribulation for Yona and her new friends, the situation resolved. The Friendship School became an independent entity and as such Twilight could choose students and curriculum as she desired. Yona was happy to stay on at the school with her new friends.


    She continues to grow and discover as she spends time at the School of Friendship. Yona, along with her friends, have had many adventures during their time as students. All of them are growing and learning more about themselves and what it is to be a good friend. Recently Yona has become more open minded to cultures outside of yak tradition and was even open minded enough to learn what was needed to be a perfect pony pal at the first annual Amenity Ball!


    Character PersonalityYona's personality is a big reason why she was chosen by her homeland to represent yak kind at Twilight's School. She still knows in her heart that 'yak is best' but she finds herself open and willing to learn from others. She is not as brash or brusque as many yaks tend to be. Yona has a very sweet heart and truly wants what is best for those she cares for. 


    Though she speaks in first yak as most yaks do, Yona is quite intelligent. She picks up on information quickly and retains lots from what she learns. She is also good at reading others and can quickly pick up on their needs. Because she genuinely cares about others, many creatures find it easy to open up and talk with Yona. 


    She still fairly unsure of herself. She will try to fit into the norms sometimes which usually ends up with things going smash and Yona feeling terrible about herself. She responds well to quick pep talk though and is soon back to her regular boisterous self.


    Character SummaryYona is a yak with a big heart and a kind nature. She can be loud and boisterous at times. Since she is still learning about herself she can also be easily swayed  and over trusting at times. She is also a trustworthy friend and will give it her all to please those she cares about.

    • Hearthoof 1
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    The young buffalo beamed as Rarity spoke of her growth. "Yes, I have grown. In fact I was given my very own teepee about three moons back!" She pranced proudly in place, happy the unicorn wish to know of her family. "My father is quite well and we have been doing much stampeding lately. He says it keeps our people strong and helps us to know our lands and be one with them." She nodded sagely, taking the words as pure solid fact. "We have been enjoying a season of abundance alongside the ponies of Appaloosa. Being friends has been good for buffalo and pony alike!"


    Applebloom grinned, enjoying the fact that she'd have a good couple of days to spend with the young buffalo. She knew Little Strongheart but not as well as she'd like and it seemed like such an adventure to get to know a buffalo. Their culture and way of thinking enraptured the young farm filly. "Hey Strongheart? You want to go check out the main arena?" She questioned her friend. Strongheart nodded and after smiling warmly at Rarity the two took off together to explore!


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    Applejack glanced around the rodeo as the scene as being set up. Tomorrow this whole area would be full of ponies and buffalo, all here to see herself and the other rodeo ponies preform! It made her heart pound harder for certain and she tried to keep it that way at least for the moment. The mare was as full of doubt in herself as she'd ever been. The rodeo was old hack for her, but mixed with whatever was going on with Rarity it felt like a ticking time bomb.


    She trotted away from the others, intent on making sure she knew the arena she'd be working in tomorrow. It was very important to know the footing, the grade, the depth of soil, before going into an event. All those factors and more played into a great round. As she came around the far side of the venue she spied a vendor setting up her shop for sales during the event. The craftsponyship on the vendor's wares was very nice. Applejack may not have an eye for jewelry but if it was functional AJ knew what was high quality. This particular vendor had an array of western finery. Bolos set with tiger's eyes and gems, hat bands of fine plant leather and semi precious stones, and numerous fancy bits that AJ knew less about. Her eyes settled on a polished silver belt buckle, studded with turquoise and quartz. 


    "H'i know yer not open fer business yet but..."  A few minutes later she'd hoofed over bunch of bits and was clutching a small simply wrapped package lightly in her muzzle. 


    What in Equestria was she doing? She shook her head, giving over to her whims. "H'i guess this is what we're doin' now huh? Actin' like a right silly filly," Her muzzle lifted in a half smile around the package. "Nope, it's just a friendly gift. A thank you for comin' to watch me gift." She stowed it in her saddle bag and trotted back over to where Rarity stood. Little did she knew that Braeburn had seen her purchase the gift. He'd been watching his cousin since she stepped off the train and had a pretty decent idea of what was going on.


    "So uh, what do you think?" AJ asked Rarity as she trotted up. "Pretty big show happenin' here tomorrow!" 


    Braeburn made his way over at that point. "So, we ready to get some grub?" He sniffed. "Smells like some of the food vendors might be open for business tonight." The smell of grilling corn on the cob, baked beans simmering, and corn bread baking wafted by them. The stallion glanced at Rarity, wondering if he'd get a chance to question her briefly without AJ around.


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    Twilight felt herself calm once more as Rainbow came up with what sounded like an awesome idea for a salvaged dinner. It helped tremendously to just talk about normal stuff and working through the small problem of dinner was the perfect activity. She wished she'd thought of the two of them cooking before now. That was a much better idea than what she'd planned. It just showed how little Twi knew of romance. She'd pretty much studied everything in the world except for matters of her own heart.


    "Sha-Shakshouka sounds really good!" The Princess began to levitate ingredients that Rainbow had mentioned towards the center of the counter. There was still some residue from the messed up meal there but it was mostly cleaned and good enough for preparing a second and what would probably prove to be a better dinner. 


    When Rainbow mentioned cake supplies Twi's first response was to call over to Spike to see if he knew but she stopped herself. It would be easier to navigate pretty much everything in this semi awkward situation with just her and Rainbow. She didn't need the further embarrassment she'd suffer of having Spike hear more of her awkward attempts at wooing Rainbow. 


    She trotted to a big set of built in cupboards on the far wall. After glancing through the dry good inside she nodded and turned to RD. "Flour, sugar, baking soda, salt. Yep, I think we've got enough stuff for a cake. There should be some butter next to the eggs in the ice box." She trotted over and opened the ice box. "Yay! Yes we've got cake supplies too!"


    She glanced at Rainbow with a half smile on her muzzle. "So, start with the tomato sauce?" It was a pleasant inquiry. With this new task at hoof it was just like always. Friends, working together to figure out a predicament. Twi was used to such encounters with Rainbow. They'd get this figured out and she'd do her best to leave the matters of her heart for after dinner. 


    As she got a large pot on the stove and started placing the tomatoes for crushing inside of it the Princess remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot!" She used her magic to levitate out a small keg out. "Applejack dropped this off a couple days ago. Sweet Apple Acres cider!"

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    AJ watched as her cousin pretty much literally deflated in front of her. It hurt her heart to know she'd not given him the answers he was looking for. She didn't like to see anypony, family or not, disappointed in her. But well, there was nothing to be done. In the end, honesty would always win out for the farm mare. Thankfully time and again honesty had paid off in the end, even when the journey to conclusions was difficult.


    She let out a small sigh too as Valen gave a traditional Manehatten courtesy bow and trotted off. Applejack watched him go, wishing fervently he'd find the ability to be himself someday. Until he did AJ would be there, encouraging him to have the courage to be who he truly wanted to be.


    "Yer welcome cousin," She spoke quietly and far out his earshot. "Hi hope yah find what yer lookin' for sugar cube." 


    With that the farm mare turned towards the apple laden tree nearest to her and prepared her hind legs for some good old fashioned buckin'.




    "Yeah!" The pegasus hovered in place while she watched a group of new weather ponies adjust the storm clouds. "Yep! Just like that. Now give it a little push!" She grimaced. "No! Not that far! Get on the other side and move it back a little. Ok, yep perfect!" She whipped a wing across her face, dashing away rain water. "Now, just keep this up for at least an hour. After that we'll start clearing it away slowly." 


    The group of pegasi nodded to what could only be considered a sage weather pony at this point. Sure she was also an accomplished Wonderbolt and a savior of all Equestria but Rainbow never forgot her roots. She'd had most of her early flight training moving weather patterns across the skies above Ponyville. 


    "Um, time to not be out in a down pour," Rainbow muttered as she winged back to her home. The weather ponies could continue to train but RD had little need of that. Nope. She'd go home, have a hot shower and relax with Tank for an hour or so before going back out to direct the next weather change. "Speaking of out in a down pour," She spied somepony looking like they were calling up to her home.


    Rainbow winged low, spraying rainwater as she went. When she got closer she could see who it was.


    "Valen! Um, what are you doing out in the rain?" She knew by looking at him he wished to have a word and the rain was only increasing in intensity. She nodded to a nearby coffee shoppe. "Meet you over there ok?" She would have invited him in of course but he'd have fallen right through her house since he wasn't a pegasus and Twi wasn't around to cast any fancy spells. 


    Rainbow landed with a clacking of hooves on cobble stones outside of the shop. There was an awning to stand under and dry off before entering. Water flew everywhere as the mare shook herself off not unlike a dog. As Valen made his way over she beckoned him.


    "Let's get out of the rain!" 


    Inside was warm but not stifling. RD could feel the rain evaporating from her coat and she sighed, knowing the hot shower and hang out with Tank time was going to have to wait. She was just too interested in what Valen might want to talk to her about.

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    Spike lit up when Flaire mentioned the need for some oats and apples. He knew he'd be able to help the troupe with everything the stallion had just mentioned but going over to Sweet Apple Acres would be fun! There was always happy ponies and interesting things going on at the farm.


    "Well, I know where you can get the food you need and probably some grease for that wheel too!" He puffed up his chest a bit, taking the compliment with the grace he'd been practicing. It just wouldn't do for Princess Twilight's number one assistant to have a head so big he couldn't fit through the main castle doors! "I'm sure Applejack or somepony in her family would be happy to sell you some of their oat harvest and you're right about the apples!" The dragon licked his lips at the thought. "I know dragons don't usually go for fruit but even I've got a taste for Sweet Apple Acres apples and of course apple pie!"


    The dragon headed across the road towards the direction of the renowned farm. He continued talking as he trotted along. 


    "I'm actually not sure about the make up, but I'm sure we can figure that out. As for places to stay..." He trailed off for a moment, thinking of a good place. "Ah! Yep, the Lamp Lighter would be perfect for you guys. How many are there in your group again?"


    The sun was beginning to dip even lower as they made it to the entry of Sweet Apple Acres. Orange light was beginning to tint the sky and herald Luna's soon and coming moon raising.


    "I hope they're still open for business!" Spike glanced around, wondering who from the Apple family he would spot first.

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  10. Hi there! :D I’m happy to assist you in getting your character app approved for use in WoE RP!


    Overall it’s a well written app and a solid character. Just one quick edit and I’m ready to stamp this one. 


    In the last paragraph of history and three times towards the end of personality “people” is used to describe others. Since there are no people in WoE it’s best to stick to “ponies” or “creatures” or something of the like. A little bit nit picky I know but we want to make sure writers stick as close to what is presented in FiM as possible our WoE sections ;) 


    Once you’ve edited please respond in this thread and I’ll be happy to stamp this app for you!

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