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Food, Family and Friendship! [invite: see OOC]


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Hawthorn takes a deep sniff of the air and exhales in satisfaction. "I knew we'd make something special together if we tried, and you sure as sugarcane didn't let me down! Good work, my little ponies!" He gathers his younger siblings in a group hug at the end of the table, admiring their work. Today had been their first time cooking without him ever putting a hoof on the food. Of course, he had been there to give more than enough advice, and it had taken almost a week to find the absolute highest-quality ingredients for the occasion... but it still felt like the four of them did this all themselves. Looking at the scrumptious results, he can't stop smiling with pride.


Moments later, the front door opens and the sound of Ginger Snap's sweet voice snaps Hawthorn back to reality. "Goodness! So much food! What's the occasion?" she asks the group.

"Ah! Ma! Well, y'see, you were gonna be workin' all day, so I figured..." Hawthorn starts.

"Big bro's teachin' us all to cook!" Sage abruptly chimes in. 

Ginger Snap blinks, then bursts out laughing. "Oh, you silly fillies and colts! This is very sweet and all, but don't you think you took it a little too far?"


Hawthorn looks around one more time. He can't see the table under all the food. There are loaves of bread stacked as high as the Smokey Mountains. Fried apples and apple pies line the counter tops garnished with the omelettes they didn't have space for. Sticks of carrots and celery dangle from the wall clock and are spilling out of the cupboards up high. Most upsettingly, a pile of dirty dishes threatens to spill over and eat the food before they can. "Maybe we did go a little overboard..." Hawthorn admits sheepishly.

"Aw shucks, did we mess up after all?" Sage puts her head down in shame.

"Naw, I figure it as long as we had fun together it was no mistake!" Hawthorn grins and pats the filly's mane. "Still, no way we're eating all this before some of it spoils... Sure would be a shame to let any of it go to waste..."



The next day, Hawthorn is out taking care of business in Ponyville, noticeably lost in thought. It is while giving the ground a thousand yard stare that he accidentally takes a wrong turn and ends up on a street he's never bothered to visit before. He trips on a rock and goes headfirst into the dirt, breaking the trance-like state of troubled thinking. He slowly stands up on shaky forelegs and brushes some of the dust from his mane while trying to get his bearings. "Oww... Great, ya done it again, Hawthorn. This ain't the way to market..." He's about to turn around and head back when he notices a mare and stallion couple laughing and waving behind them as they leave a rather homely-looking building. On further inspection, it seems to be an inn of some kind. Hawthorn suddenly remembers the extra food from yesterday and his cherry red eyes light up with inspiration. He quickly trots up to the door and knocks, but suddenly feels silly for doing so. This is a business during service hours, after all... so he pushes the door open and steps inside. "Hello? Is the owner in?" he calls out. "I have a bit of an odd suggestion, if you'll listen!"

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Lamp Light closed the registration book on the well oiled welcome and guest services counter of the Honest Hearth Inn. The stallion waved goodbye as the couple he had just checked out of their room exited the front doors.


"Goodbye and thank you both! Be sure to stop by the Honest Hearth again soon!" Lamp sighed and moved the large tome over to the side of the counter. He pulled out a small cloth and wiped down the counter, straightening the ledger quills in their holding container, and stoking the small fire that flickered cheerily in the iron and white oak wrought fire place. The fireplace was the namesake of the whole establishment, with its mantle full of memory pictures framed above it.


He looked over his work with satisfaction. "Everything's just so. Ready for our next guest." He spoke to no pony in particular. Sometimes he did that. Spoke to the inn at large. He hoped nopony heard him doing so as they might think it odd, but he had such an enduring affection for his establishment. He was so proud of all the work he'd put into the inn, and he was so happy it felt like home to so many visitors.


The unicorn stepped out from behind the counter, intent on checking to see if any of his other guests had put service cards out on their doors when a tapping came from the front doors. He looked over at them. Heavy oaken things, polished to a sheen with thick crystal inlaid in them. There was a pony out there for. Had he accidentally locked the doors somehow? Before he go further in his thinking the pony pushed his way in. Lamp felt a small wash a relief. He'd never want a pony to think they weren't welcome to enter.


"Hello there!" Lamp responded happily, trotting up to the stallion. "Yes, he is. I-i mean I is..." He took a breath. Sometimes he got a bit flustered. "I'm the owner." A small chuckle escaped him. "An odd suggestion? Yes, yes of course! Please," He motioned the stallion to enter the reception area. Lamp leaned on the reception counter. "I'm Lamp Light by the way." He smiled in a friendly way. "You are?"

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Hawthorn blinks, taken aback by the innkeeper's demeanor. When he recovers, his eyes fall upon the stallion's horn. A unicorn? For some reason he had imagined that an inn in Ponyville would likely be run by an earth pony, though him being a unicorn makes sense of the crystal-adorned door.


After a short moment, he realizes he's staring and shakes his head, trying to act natural so as not to offend anypony. "I-I'm Hawthorn! I tend a local garden with my ma and siblings, and, uh..." he cuts off. No need to go over his life story; the other pony only just gave his name. "Anyway, um, that's not the point. How do I say this...?" He ponders for a moment before speaking up again. "I know you rent rooms to ponies who need them, but have you ever considered renting out a room other than a bedroom? Like, say, your lobby or a dining area? I ask because my brothers and sisters made probably enough food to feed half of Ponyville!"


Recognizing how insane that probably sounds, he quickly adds, "Not that you have to do it just for me, of course! Hosting a party with good food and fun could be really good for business, you know!"

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Lamp Light listened as the stallion introduced himself and eventually got to the point of his visit; asking if Lamp would consider letting a room other than a bedroom to guests. He smiled as Hawthorn spoke of food and fun being good for business.


"Can't say I've done in often," He tapped his muzzle with a front hoof in contemplation. "But I have rented out my dining area to guests a time or two. Small parties for family reunions are what I've had experience with." He glanced towards the area used for dining at the Inn. "Most guests like the outdoor appeal of the kitchen and dining area." He pushed from his leaning position to one of all fours, motioning towards the door.


"Would you like to come take a look?" 


The keeper trotted ahead of Hawthorn and held the door for him. Surprisingly enough it lead to covered veranda from which paths went out in various directions towards the suites. "It's just there," He pointed towards an area with a few smaller tables and one long board table. "The kitchens open to the outdoors, unless of course the weather isn't clement. There's the grill and bar-b-que." He pointed out some of the accoutrements of what was certainly a charming and quaint dining arrangement. "Guests often enjoy taking breakfast or lunch out here and sometimes we do evening carrot grills." 


He took a seat at one of the wooden outdoor dining chairs. "So, what do you think? Will this suit your party needs? Oh," He cocked his head in a questioning fashion. "When would you be needing to book for?"

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Hawthorn smiles wide and nods enthusiastically when the other pony offers to show him the dining area. "Outdoor appeal? Oh, yes please!" He trots excitedly alongside the unicorn, all the while taking in the delightful little inn. This Lamp Lighter clearly had a talent for making ponies feel at home. He pauses for a moment to admire the building before noticing that Lamp is holding the door for him. Not wanting to make his host wait, he rushes through the door.


When he sees the dining area, Hawthorn's jaw drops. He follows Lamp's hoof around the various amenities of this space and continues staring even after the unicorn is done pointing things out. "Suit my needs? Why, it's incredible! The perfect mix of traditional and practical! How'd you put this together?" Thinking it rude to talk while pacing, Hawthorn makes himself sit down across from his amiable host. But when the stallion's other question occurs to him, Hawthorn's content smile suddenly turns to a face of panic. "When?! Oh, beetroot! I got so caught up in scouting the place out I totally forgot about the time!" He looks apologetic, making the closest thing to 'puppy-dog eyes' a pony like him can manage. "I don't suppose... tomorrow afternoon is too soon? I-If you need help getting the place ready, I'm certainly willing... and I'm sure the other guests will-" he gasps suddenly. "Ah! I haven't even invited anyone else! What was I thinking?!" Hawthorn raises a hoof to meet his brow as his head tilts back. Even if he were to postpone, there wouldn't be much point. That food won't keep forever, after all. 

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Lamp's chest swelled a bit as Hawthorn praised his outdoor dining facility. It certainly was a wonderful place to take a meal or relax over a cider with friends. Speaking of which...


"Ah well thank you friend! It was put together with the minds of myself and my late business partner," As he spoke he trotted into the kitchen area and returned a few moments later with two flagons of cider. It was a sweet blend from last fall, not overly high on the alcohol content. Generally a perfect drink to enjoy over conversation. He sat down with a flagon for himself and pushed the other across the table to Hawthorn. "The whole inn was actually. Took a fair few seasons to get the original structure built. After that we added on bit by bit until," He waved a hoof over the general area. "We finished with what you see today." The stallion took a sip of his drink. "Oh! An' by 'late' I mean no longer a business partner. An amiable transaction made me sole owner of the Honest Hearth an' he works in Canterlot now."


As Hawthorn asked, fair begged, for a chance to use the kitchens and dining area tomorrow Lamp chuckled lightly. "You're in luck there's nothing booked out here for at least another week." He chuckled lightly. "So yes, tomorrow afternoon will be fine." 


Lamp took a gulp of his cider. "Ah! Sweet Apple Acres at its finest!" He savored the sweet front and slightly earthy back to the dark amber liquid. 


"Was going to ask how many guests but perhaps I've got an answer for that one." He took another sip. "I have a friend or two that wouldn't mind the chance of good food and good company."

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Hawthorn watches his host calmly walk over with two flagons of cider and offer him one. He blinks in silence then chuckles softly. "Is this your subtle way of telling me to relax? I guess I probably am overreacting." He takes a small sip of the drink the unicorn offered him, but when the sweet cider hits his tongue he can't help himself from taking a hearty swig. The distraction gave him a moment to clear his head and think rationally, so he starts planning the party in his head while making idle conversation. "Was your partner an architect? You strike me as more of a designer than a builder yourself."


Lamp was going to invite a couple of his friends, and he himself was of course invited to attend. Rosemary would probably love to play waitress. Hawthorn pictures his little sister serving food and drinks to hungry friends in an adorable little apron- she would certainly bring smiles to the party ponies! Counting himself, Hawthorn was expecting five total guests. Not a bad turnout, but it probably wouldn't hurt to advertise a little. Maybe he could just put up a sign outside? "Come on in! Free food and drink for everypony!" Would that really work? If it drew in even one more guest, he supposed it would be worthwhile.


"Oh, Lamp, it slipped my mind to ask, but how much am I gonna owe ya for the afternoon? Money is no object- I'm sure this will be worth every bit." 

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Lamp couldn't help but chuckle at Hawthorn's response to the offered drink "Well, I hadn't quite thought of it that way but it does help one to relax!" He sipped his own drink again as Hawthorn asked about his partner. "Truth be told we both did the designing and he took care of architecture. I've got a good imagination but I'm no good with the details of planning a structure. That as part of the reason we worked so well as partners. We hired the builders in mostly from Canterlot, but we both chipped in where we could with that too."


He'd been so caught up in the plan and the excitement of renting out the outdoor dining facilities that cost of rent had almost completely slipped his mind! "Hmmm," He used for a moment, looking over the place and trying to recall what he'd charged the reception that he'd rented to last. He knew he had it in the books but it would be easier if he could just remember. It was only a moment before he let that thought go and finished off his flagon. He set it down and sighed with contentment.


"Well, the way I see it, this event may help to bring business to the Honest Hearth. That being known I'm willing to give you full use of the outdoor dining area and some of the kitchen area on the house," He raised an eyebrow to Hawthorn. "That sound like it would work for you?" Lamp didn't see any harm to letting the space be used for free since it would give his inn exposure and he was thinking of attending himself with a friend or two.

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Hawthorn nearly drops his drink in surprise. "You're sure? Well, that's mighty generous of you! I guess I'd better get ready if I want to make sure we really give our guests the best experience we can!" Hawthorn rapidly chugs the remainder of his cider then flashes Lamp an enormous grin. 



The next day, Hawthorn would return to the Honest Hearth with a large wagon in tow. A pony with his frame looks a bit ridiculous in the larger harness, but the stallion seems to be keeping up a decent pace with only moderate difficulty. Just outside the inn the wagon wheel abruptly hits a rock, causing something within the wagon to emit a surprised squeal. "Whoops! Sorry, sugarcane. Just sit tight for a minute and let me get Lamp, alright? Then you can jump out and surprise him." Hawthorn smiles and hears a tiny "mhmm!" back. 


With that squared away, Hawthorn trots up to the entrance. He shoves the door open with some force, excited to find his new friend and hopefully meet the unicorn's friends too. "Lamp? Laaaaamp?" he calls, looking around. "I have food and supplies to unload! Do you want me to take them around the back?"

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Lamp Light was quite pleased to see his new friend with a large cart in tow. It had been a long time since a party had been thrown at the Honest Hearth and he was eager to get things underway. The unicorn trotted over from the back room behind the front counter where he'd been doing some book keeping. He wiped fresh ink from his hooves and greeted Hawthorn warmly.


"Well hello there Hawthorn!" He nodded to the cart. "Wow! That looks like a lot to pull! Yes, there's a side entrance to the outdoor area just around the corner if you don't mind pulling a bit further."


He trotted around back and opened the side door to allow Hawthorn and the cart through. "Go ahead and pull it up over next to the kitchen entrance for unloading." 


Once it was in position Lamp couldn't help but lift the corner of the canvas to take a look at what Hawthorn had brought with him. "Wonder what you've got in here..."





Spike and Yona made their way down the street towards the inn. The yak bounced up and down with excitement. "Yak not been invited to pony party like this before! Yona hope she make good uhhhhh..." She tapped her snout thoughtfully. "Good impression on ponies for School of Friendship!"


Spike patted the yak on her shoulder as they walked on. "Oh I'm sure you'll make a great impression! I'm just excited that Twilight gave me the afternoon off of chores to come along with you! Lamp's a fun guy. Me and him meet up at the donut shop on the regular. He's a real outdoors pony!" Spike had a bit of a boy crush on the stallion. He imagined himself to be a rugged outdoors explorer when Lamp told him stories of his rambles in the country. 


"We there soon?" Yona questioned. She glanced at the shops and houses as they walked through Ponyville, wondering which might be the party inn.


"Yeah!" That's it right over there. Spike pointed with a claw to the Honest Hearth. He could see Hawthorn pulling the cart around to the back of the inn. "Looks like there's guests here already!" 

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"In the cart? Oh, y'know, food, drinks, a couple decorations..." Suddenly, a highly enthusiastic little green filly with a short, fluffy red mane leaps out at Lamp. "Oh, and a little Rosemary for garnish." He holds back a laugh and drags the cart the rest of the way to the back area, leaving it oriented so that they could easily unload his cargo when. The first thing he pulls out, however, is not a platter of food but a long display of some kind. He grips one end in his mouth, then Rosemary quickly trots over to grab the other end and together they display the whole banner for Lamp to see. It reads, "Free Food and Festivities at the Honest Hearth! Come on in!" Around the edges are a multicolored array of fruits and vegetables clearly drawn by a child. After a few moments, Hawthorn drops the banner so he can speak. "Ya like it? I let my brother Thyme help make it. Thought we could put it up to advertise. Err, well, you could..." he corrects himself. "I'd put it up myself, but, you know..." Hawthorn grins sheepishly and points to the spot on his head where a horn would be if he were a unicorn.


He then spots the two other guests approaching the inn. A... baby dragon and a... yak? Lamp sure had some strange friends if they were who he mentioned yesterday...

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Dream Wanderer flew through the skies above Equestria. This day had found him heading down to Ponyville from Cloudsdale where he had been visiting his parents for a brief time. Dream Wanderer had always been a wandering stallion since his young days, even more now since he moved out of his parents home. The bright orange coated stallion could easily be seen flying in the clouds above Ponyville. Approaching the quaint little town he swooped down to get  a look at things from above. He was always on the lookout for some work to do. He could always find a permanent job, and live in one place, But he always seen that as boring. He rather much enjoyed traveling from place to place in search of odd jobs, and errands to run. To him i was just so much more exciting and refreshing to always be doing, and seeing something new everyday. 


Glancing around as he flew slowly around town he noticed an Inn which had a rather quaint and inviting look to it. It had seemed from the look of things that they where getting ready for some event. Dream Wanderer decided to land near the Inn. Places like these where always one of the best places to go to socialize with the locals, and search for some work. Even if he didn't find it, The locals always seemed to know somepony who needed help that they could recommend. Folding his wings against his side, he was able to relax them a bit after a long flight. Trotting up to the Inn, his purple eyes glanced the place over. It was a rather rustic and quaint looking place, as most places where in Ponyville. The main entrance being a heavy oak door with crystals in it. Approaching the door he pushed the heavy door open with one of his front hooves. Stepping inside, Dream wanderer surveyed the interior around him. The heavy oak door closing with a *clunk* behind him. It was a rather cozy place he had to admit. "Hello there." He said softly greeting anyone that was inside. It seemed most where outside setting up for something. 





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Lamp jumped back in surprise as Rosemary made her appearance from the cart.


"Oh!" He regained composure quickly enough and smiled at the filly. "Pleasure to meet you! Glad you could come to this fun day with Hawthorn! I'm thinking he's your brother?"


He questioned her lightly, getting acquainted to what he hoped would be a new friend. Then the banner was unrolled. Lamp couldn't help but beam at the work.


"Wow! You all put a lot of work into this. I can tell!" He lifted the banner with his magic and stretched it out fully to admire the work. "Let's take this out front and get it all set up!"


He moved towards the lobby and smiled knowingly, hoping Rosemary would follow him. "Something tells me there's a new guest waiting." Soon enough he was pushing his way through the lobby door and found a pegasus he didn't know. "Hello there! Welcome to the Honest Hearth! I'm Lamp Light, the owner of this establishment and this is Rosemary! " He gestured towards his new friend. "You've certainly came to visit on a fortunate day. I hope you weren't waiting here for very long. We're having well," He smiled and held the banner out for Dream Wanderer to read. "A party!"




Spike and Yona had followed Hawthorn around the side of the inn and pressed through the small gate into the outside dining area. Spike had been to the Honest Hearth more than once and his friend Lamp had shown him around.


"Looks like they're not set up yet," The dragon glanced around.


"Maybe we too early!" Yona looked worried. "Yona want to make uhhh..." She tapped her chin. "A good impression on new friends. Shouldn't be early!" The yak began to back up to leave.


"No Yona!" Spike encouraged her to come inside. "It's ok really! Lamp's a good friend. I'm sure he won't mind at all if we're here early."


"What about other ponies?" Yona pointed a hoof towards Hawthorn.


Spike trotted up to Hawthorn and smiled, rocking back and forth on his heels a bit. "H-hi there!" He cleared his throat. "I'm Spike and this is Yona! Are you a friend of Lamp Light? 

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Dream Wanderer stood for a moment inside the Inn's entrance looking around at the interior. It didn't seem that anypony was inside at the moment. Just as he began to raise his hoof to head outside the door to the lobby opened, as a chocolate brown unicorn came in holding some kind of banner. An event of sorts was being set up? He thought to himself. Dream listened as the unicorn introduced himself and his friend. "It is nice to meet you, Lamp Light." Dream Wanderer replied with a smile. "My names Dream Wanderer, But you can just call me Dream, or Dreamy if you like. I'm a bit of a traveler you could say. " The orange pegasus returned the introduction. He tilted his head slightly as Lamp Light unraveled the banner for him to read. Ah a party. It was certainly good timing indeed. This would be a good place to get to know some of the local ponies, and to look for some work or hear some rumors. "Oh no, I wasn't waiting long at all." Dream Wanderer replied as he looked at the banner. "Say, Would you all need any help? I'm always more than happy to help." He asked out of curiosity.

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Rosemarey beams from ear to ear when Lamp immediately identifies her and Hawthorn as siblings. "Mmhmm! Hawthorn's my big bro, and my name's Rosemarey!" She trots around Lamp giving him a look over. "My brother said you two were fast friends, you know! He said you 'had an easygoing and inviting disposition,' whatever that means." She guesses it means he's a nice guy. That seems accurate to her.


She didn't contribute much to the banner and is ultimately bored by the bigger ponies talking about it. As such, the filly is about to wander off and explore when Lamp starts heading out front. She decides to follow him, hoping he'll go and greet some of the other party guests.


Her wish pays off when she and him end up encountering a pegasus from out of town. She smiles and nods as Lamp introduces her. Maybe it was a bit rude not to let her introduce herself, but hey, it was also less work on her part! But when the pegasus starts asking what he can do to help, her smile fades. Doing her best to imitate her mother's stern voice, she says, "Oh no you don't! Party guests are not to lift a hoof to help with the work. You have fun, and leave the hard work to Lamp, Hawthorn, and your adorable waitress Rosemarey!" Acting stern was already tough for her, but with that last line she cracks. Her voice raises back up to its usual pitch as she stifles a giggle.



Satisfied that his sister is in good hooves with Lamp, Hawthorn decides to greet the other two guests he saw. But just as he is making a move to say hello, the baby dragon has already approached him. "Yes, I think you could say we're friends! Even though we met yesterday!" he chuckles. A baby dragon and a yak... and just the other day I met an Aerion... This is shaping up to be a very interesting week, he ponders.


"I'm Hawthorn, by the way. Pleasure to meet you." He glances over at the yak, noticing she's seemingly being led around by her smaller companion. "A bit shy, is she? No need to be nervous, Yona." Hawthorn tries to encourage the yak to stand next to Spike.

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Lamp couldn't help but smile as Rosemary told the new guest just exactly he would be doing at the party. It was true though, this party was for guests and the set up was almost complete. 


"Rosemary's right Dream Wanderer! Thank you for the offer but we're pretty much under way here. Would you like to go out back and meet who's here?" The stallion trotted out the front door for a moment to use his magic for hanging the sign above the inn. It looked perfect and he hoped it would attract lots of attention.


He ducked back in and led the way to the open dining/party area. "So! What bring you to town Dream Wanderer?" Lamp lead the way out towards the others.


"Oh Rosemary!" He nodded towards the dragon and yak. "Come meet my friends!"


"Lamp!" Spike turned from Hawthorn for a moment to greet his friend. "Cool to see you outside of the donut shop!" The dragon grinned and held up a claw.


"You too Spike!" He high hoofed his friend and nodded to Rosemary. "This is Rosemary, the sister of my new friend Hawthorn." He pointed a hoof to Spike and Yona. "This is Spike and Yona!"


Yona puffed up a bit as Hawthorn talked about being nervous. "Ha! Yak not nervous!" She tossed her braids back and grinned. "Yak not afraid of anything! Especially not making new friends!"


Lamp couldn't help but laugh with good nature. "Well then, you've come to the right place Yona!" He glanced around. "Looks like most of the set up is complete. Does any of the food need to be cooked or just laid out?" He questioned Hawthorn.

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Dream Wanderer smiled a bit at Rosemary's response. Pausing for a moment as Lamp went outside briefly to hang the sign up. Admittedly Dream wished he could've helped in some way, but as they said It had seemed most of it was already taken care of. He heard Lamp Light mention of going to meet the others. He was rather much excited to get to know some new ponies, and hear the latest talk in town. "Sure." He replied as the unicorn headed back out to the others. Following along behind him, Dream Wanderer thought for a moment at Lamp Light's question. "Oh um, I'm just passing through. Mostly its work and exploration that brings me here." "I usually travel from town to town in search of small jobs and errands to do, and take in the views while I'm at it." The orange pegasus said with a smile. Making their way out to the open dining area, Their appeared to be a few others there already. Looking around as they where introduced to Rosemary. He could see a green earth pony, along with a small dragon, and a yak.

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Hawthorn laughs at Yona's response. "Ah, well, it's good to meet ya either way!" He then notices the other group approaching and turns his attention to them. "Just need to set the table, Lamp. Rose and I have it covered. Speaking of, she hasn't been annoying y'all too much, has she?" he teases.


Rosemarey pouts and protests, "Of course I haven't! Lamp's been happy to have me, hasn't he?" She looks expectantly at Lamp. 


"I'm sure he is, Rose." Hawthorn smiles. He's quite glad he decided to bring her along now. She could bring life to the party that his down-to-earth demeanor wouldn't likely provide. "I'm gonna work on unloading the cart now. You wanna help, sis?" Without waiting for her response, Hawthorn immediately drags the first large platter out of the cart. It seems to be some fancy stew served inside of a hollowed-out pumpkin. He carefully hauls it to the side of the cart and then eases it onto his back to be carried. 


Rosemarey gasps. "Oh no! I forgot my dress!" How could she forget when she was so excited to wear it? Ginger Snap had picked it out just for her. She dashes away from the group and moments later comes back wearing a dress and apron befitting of an old-fashioned waitress. With her head up and a smile across her face, she picks up a smaller plate of appetizers and follows her brother towards the dining area.

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Spike noted the apron bedecked filly and smiled. "Wow! This is turning out to be a pretty fancy party!" He nodded to Yona. "Come on Yona! Let's go check this place out!" When he saw that Yona probably wasn't ready yet he turned to Hawthorn. "So uh, what's to eat?"


Lamp nodded as Hawthorn told him that things were under control. "Nope, she's not annoying at all! In fact, it's been a pleasure to get to know another member of your family!" The stallion smiled down at his newest little friend. "Quite happy to have you Rosemarey!" He glanced over at Yona who looked rather worried. "I think there's certain yak over there that might need your assistance." He encouraged her over to Yona, hoping the two would take to each other. 


Yona looked a bit worried as Spike mentioned it being fancy. She was not a big fan of fancy and had failed a pony fanciness before. She spoke to Rosemarey. "Yona didn't know we were wearing dresses! Is Yona not fancy enough for pony party?"

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Stepping out into the open dining area, Dream Wanderer made his way over to the middle of the dining area as they unloaded the cart. He had felt a little early to the party. Honestly he felt bad for not helping, But he had to put that aside. Unsure what to do the orange Pegasus wandered over to the group. "It seems I'm a little early to the party." He said broadly trying to think of a good conversation starter. Dream wondered for a moment what the occasion for the party was. Was something being celebrated? or was it just simply a party? "So whats the special occasion?" The orange stallion asked curiously.

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Rosemarey sets down her one tray and already finds herself the center of attention. Cautiously, she looks up at Hawthorn, who rolls his eyes with a smile to show he's not upset and nods back to her. She then smiles her appreciation back at him as he sets about doing the rest of the unloading himself. The filly wonders if all siblings are able to communicate in this way. Probably not, but that was beside the point. She now has permission to focus on chatting with the other guests, and an opportunity to talk up a storm wasn't going to get by her. 


"Yona," she starts, "I'm glad you like my dress, but it's not all that formal, is it? I'm just a waitress, that's all. Besides, I think what you came wearing is just as pretty!" She notes that Yona is the only other guest to have come here wearing something, probably clothing traditional of yaks. It is the simplicity of the cloth that she finds so appealing, so bold against the glamour and frills of much of pony fashion.


The filly then turns to Dream Wanderer. "Sure, you're early, but that doesn't mean you can't hang out! Maybe Lamp could get you something to drink while you wait for the feast to start?" She helpfully suggests. "Oh, and about the special occasion? This is Ponyville, silly! We don't need an occasion to party!" Rosemarey laughs, but Hawthorn helpfully adds, "We made too much food and decided to share it."


Having organized the wagon's storage to be easy to unload later, Hawthorn finds himself making very rapid progress on the setting of the table. He expected nopony to approach him until he was done, but perhaps unsurprisingly, the baby dragon seems interested in the food. "Hey, Spike," Hawthorn says, somewhat glad he was thoughtful- or hungry- enough to keep him company while he works, "Stews, soups, salads, grilled carrots, sweet potato fries... Cupcakes and pies for dessert... Just about anything anypony in Ponyville could ask for. This was kinda my siblings' super-mega-comprehensive exam on our cooking lessons so far." He then grins and chuckles while setting down a serving bowl of what looks like... squash pudding? "No gems though I'm afraid. We were mainly cooking for ponies, after all."

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