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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. Image result for my little pony discord


    *this post submitted for judging*


    "Swim across a raging river that's probably infested with sharks, lined with the sharpest rocks, and colder than an iced tea on a freezing day in winter?" The Lord of Chaos stood at the entry area for the Iron Swimmer event.


    The old earth pony swimmer running the event nodded his head with an expressionless face. 


    "Get myself across and back, then across again with no magic to enlisted the help of an army of goldfish and sea turtles?" Discord gasped, hardly able to comprehend any pony much less a draconequus such as himself could complete the challenge.


    The pony started walking away shaking his head.


    "But if I do make it I'll have a crowd cheering for me and probably a statue made in my name for my feat a bravery?" He cringed at the mention of a statue. "Well maybe not a statue... how about a sculpture of me made out of cupcakes? No no no... hmmm ah! A sculpture of me made out of pickles and jam! Yes that's it!"


    The pony he'd been conversing with was long gone but that mattered not to Discord. Neither did cheering crowds or sculptures. He'd do it just because he felt like it! Yes that was it! And maybe a little bit because Fluttershy might be watching. He blushed and tittered to himself while trotting towards the contestants area for the Iron Swimmer!


    "So," His brows dropped low over his eyes as he scoped out the challenge. And quite a challenge it was! "no magic, just moi!"


    Soon enough it was his turn. Discord moved towards the start line with an inflatable yellow duckie around his waist, a swim cap firmly in place over his head with his horns poking through, and a snorkel and mask strapped on tight! 


    "Uh hem?" The earth pony judge moved in front. 


    "Oh! None of this then?" He dropped the mask, snorkel, and cap. "Oh ok..." He shimmied out of the duckie and dropped it to the side. "You're no fun." He commented dryly before plunging into the river!


    The shock of the cold caused a gasp as he surfaced to suck in air. The draconequus struck out towards the opposite bank with well...tiny limbs.


    "Oh well now, this will never do!" It was all he could do to keep himself from using a bit of magic but no, he'd do this right! 


    Focusing on his swimming the God of Chaos began to undulate his body in the fluid motion helping him to move through the water despite the current pulling him down river. He began to pant as he went, exerting all his strength to keep himself going. If that wasn't enough things were about to get worse!


    "This is proving why I use magic all the time." He grumbled while continuing onward. "Life's no fun without it." He rolled his eyes as an ominous shape moved towards him. 


    A huge fish was coming right for him! He could see its spiked dorsal fin above the water and could only guess how many teeth went along with all those spikes. It shot towards him and Discord whipped the back half of his body to the side and out of the way. As the fish went by he lashed out with his tail and bonked the fish a good one right between the eyes. 


    "You want some more?" Discord threw the challenge out, feeling better than he'd like to admit that he was getting through this all on his own. The fish receded down river and nurse his wound and probably prepare to assault another competitor. 


    On he went and the other side of the river loomed near. Just as he was coming up on the place where he could push off to go back the way he came a bunch of branches came tumbling down the river! The draconequus launched himself up on the first large branch and then hopped along the others until he had touched the designated mark and headed back the other way. He entered the water with a splash as the branches and logs were carried away from him.


    "I can hardly wait to see what's next." He rolled his eyes and tried to keep his breathing even as he struck out for the side he had started from.


    As if on cue the river began to get rougher. Small waves turned into larger waves and soon Discord was being tossed around by large rollers that came from somewhere upstream. He was still being tugged by the current and for a few moments he floundered, letting the current do its thing. He gulped in a mouthful of water and gagged.


    "Well now this is just too much!"  He turned and swam directly at the waves, ducking under them to keep from being washed away. Once he was back in line with the course Discord swam with the waves, using them to launch him towards the river's edge. He was there soon enough and starting his last leg! 


    This last crossing would prove to be a test of all his mettle. The draconequus wished that he could snap his fingers and end up warm and sipping tea in his cottage in Chaosville but no, Fluttershy would just love to know he'd finished the course on his own. The pegasus thought so well of him though he'd failed her time and time again. He'd let her down and she'd stick by him and prove to him what friendship was. Yes Flutters was one in a million and he'd do his darndest to make her proud of him!


    He swam as hard as he could, using the rest of his energy to get the finish line within his reach! Then the water in front of him began to light up!


    "What now?" Discord grumbled and ducked below the surface to take a quick look. "Oh isn't this a pleasant surprise? What river race would be complete without a wall of electric eels?" 


    The eels pulsed with electricity in rhythm and  this gave Discord and idea! He gulped in a huge breath of air and dove down! To his surprise the current lessened in the deeper part of the river. He waited, watching the eels swimming back and forth. He'd have to time this just right.


    One, two, three...now! He struck out swimming in the same undulating style that had helped him thus far in the challenge. Under the eels he went as their pulse turned off and moments later back on. He surfaced and yelled out.


    "Yowch!" The electric current got him just on the tip of his tail! "That's bad form you know?" 


    He complained while climbing up and out of the river. The draconequus was still rubbing his rear when he crossed the finish line. The cheering crowds snapped him to attention and he began smiling and applauding his performance. 


    "Yes yes, I know," He grinned. "I'm amazing!"

    Image result for my little pony discord

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  2. image.jpeg


    *this post submitted for judging*


    Kerfluffle was just absolutely tickled pink! Well, not as pink as Pinkie Pie she was actually more of a sky blue sort of color... but that's beside the point! The real point was she was in Ponyville! She was in town to visit her newest group of friends and especially to see Rarity. She had plans to go over some of her new designs with the famed fashionista herself! Also, it just so happened that this was the time of the annual Iron Pony events! It had been super wonderful to have the Mane 6 in End of the Rainbow when the Rainbow Festival was in full swing and now her she was for one of the biggest and most fun events of the year in Ponyville!


    "Oh oh oh, this is jus' so excitin'!" She paced near the starting area of the Unnecessarily Extreme Rock Climbing wall. 


    The ponies running this event eyed the pegasus skeptically. She sure didn't seem the type to do well in an event like this. It was unnecessarily extreme after all. Pretty much designed for ponies made of the sternest stuff... this particular pegasus seemed to be made out of clouds and marshmallows.


    Kerfuffle turned to glance at them and winked. "Now I know what yer all thinkin'. No need to hide what's plain on yer faces," She smiled disarmingly. "But as you'll soon see there's more to me than meets the eye!"


    The event ponies sighed with relief that they hadn't offended a contestant. That would be bad form!


    Fuffle made her way to the designated start area and took a quick trot  in place to loosen herself up. She had recently worked on her prosthetic leg making sure it was in supple and oiled condition. She checked to make sure are her small of hoof chalk was secured properly to the belt around her middle. She was ready for action!




    The start whistle sounded and she took hold of the wall! 


    The first section she was presented with was cool, rough granite. Easy to grip and press off from. She kept her wings firmly on her side and started upwards.


    "Well now! This is pretty easy donch'a know!" She couldn't help but call out as a crowd gather behind her to watch the intrepid pony ascend to the heights! 


    Kerfuffle got her hind hooves under her and pressed up, using the large muscles in her hindquarters to do the lifting work. Hold after hold was presented to her, for the time being all in easy hoof range. Up, up, up she went...well not really up per say as the wall was swallowed up behind her and more appeared not far ahead of her. The magic of the wall was not lost on the pegasus. She was quite fond of magic!


    Soon the holds started to range out a bit. This made the hoof holds harder to reach and she really had to stretch for a few. The mare began to use the hoof chalk that she kept in a little bag at her side. Sweaty hooves did not make gripping easy. She had to press off on tip hoof and let herself fall out to the side just a little to reach a particularly wide ranging hold. But she was able to grip it and on she went! It didn't take too long before her forelegs began to burn from the effort but she kept on climbing!


    Image result for my little pony birdsTweeeet twitter tweeet!


    The mare glanced up and saw a cloud of little birds circling above her. As she got closer to them they began to sing louder and swoop around her. They weren't attacking her, just trying to get her concentration to slip. Fuffle smiled at them.


    "Well you guys sure are cute aren't you!" A few birds flew about her head. "But I gotta keep on climbing so shoo please! Shoo shoo!"


    The birds stayed a bit longer, swooping near her when she tried for a couple difficult hoof holds. Fairly soon though they fell behind her and were swallowed up with the rest of the magical wall. Almost at the same time that the birds disappeared a warm wind began to pick up from her right side. The wind blew harder and harder and she could feel herself beginning to loose her grip! She re-chalked both her front hooves and grit her teeth with the effort of continuing to climb. 


    It wasn't long before she realized the wall seemed to be trying more and more to make her fall! Not only was the wind super strong but now it was growing more and more slick and seemed to be moving faster too. She had less and less time to reach the next hold before she was deposited on the ground from the rate of the wall being swallowed up! She began to pant with exertion, knowing that her round was about to be over!


    "Holy moley! This wall's no joke!" Then she gasped as...




    ...she looked up and stared wide eyed at a gigantic red horrible toothy quarry eel head! The animal was snaked partially out of a cave and the holds she was using were heading straight towards the beast!


    "Ummmm, yikes!" She shouted as the eel locked eyes on it's target! 


    The monster lunged at her and in a boost of adrenaline she launched from the rock wall and landed right on the top of the eel's face. The impact snapped its jaws shut and she launched from there to a second quarry eel that had appeared right above the first! 


    "EEEeeek!" She squeaked as the eel's jaws opened for her. It looked so real she thought for a moment she might really be in danger and then...




    She was standing on firm ground, sweaty and puffing but with a triumphant gleam in her eyes. The ponies in the crowd stared at her dumbfounded for a moment. Had that little fluffy pony just managed to ascend all the way through that many obstacles? It was only a pair of quarry eels that had finally bested her! Really just one quarry eel as the other had gotten his face stomped!


    The crowds erupted in cheers and applause and Kefuffle couldn't help but giggle! She was beat and needed a stiff cider something fierce but she was unshaken! There was more to her than met the eye, that was for sure!

    • Like 4
  3. image.jpeg

    *This post submitted for judging*


    "OK now, you got this Thunderlane!" The pegasus worked on physicking himself up for his soon and coming Longest Yards run. "Time to show em' you got what it takes on sky tracks and on the field!" It didn't matter where he was, Thunderlane would give whatever he set himself to his very best effort!


    Sweat beaded on his brow as he took his place at the start line and the stallion found himself staring down the course. His eyes bugged a bit as the ponies charged with running the event helped to get the potato pack in place. It was a heavy green sack, bound over top of his wings and secured with a strap that went under his belly not unlike a saddle girth. 


    "There you go bub! Uh..." the help pony glanced at what he'd just helped strap to Thunderlane's back and stammered. "G-good luck out there!"  Even the help poines felt bad to strap so much weight on one single pony!


    Sure it was heavy but Thunderlane could put the extra weight out of his mind for now. He could feel strength coursing through his legs, back, and neck. The stallion was glad he had done training specifically for this event as of late. Yes he'd still been giving it his all around the flight poles at the Wonderbolts facility but he'd also been hitting the team gym harder than usual the last couple of months. So much so that some of the other 'Bolts had started jesting with him about bulking up to attract the mares. He snickered when he noted how he'd 'forgotten' to mention he might have been doing it for the stallions too. Either way he was pretty much bulked up as much as he'd ever been and right now he was thankful for that!


    "Down the course, around the flag, and back over this line," The course keeper nodded to the chalk line they were standing behind. "Got it?"


    Thunderlane nodded, narrowing his eyes on the flag the flapped lazily on the breeze 100 yards away. "Got it." He spoke out of the side of his muzzle, concentrating on the task ahead. 


    "Ready, set..."


    Thunderlane sucked in a breath. 




    The stallion reared up and was off! The rear shifted his weight and thus the bulk of the potato pack back a bit, so he could use the power in his hind legs to propel him and the potatoes forward. He could feel his wings instinctively trying to open under the pack and forced them down against his body. There'd be no flying in this event, no wings needed. His hind legs took the extra weight and boosted him forward, kicking up quite the dust cloud around him as he thundered down the first 100 yards.


    The pegasus' gate was not his usual ground eating gallop. It was more of a lumbering canter. His hind legs kicking off the ground hard in canter fashion and his forelegs reaching as far as they could to cover ground. The gait was slightly odd to look at but certainly helped him to cover yards quickly and disperse the weight of his potato load throughout the larger muscles of his body. The flag appeared before him, less than 25 yards off when he began to blow air. His muscles began to produce lactic acid and he could feel the burn all over! He'd been here before, this was the first wall and he would smash through it!


    His brows lowered as he grit his teeth and blew hard through his nostrils. He came upon the flag and the pony watching to make sure contestants rounded the pole. Thunderlane charged forward to make his u-turn when he thought he saw a familiar pony in the cheering crowds. Was that his brother Rumble? He couldn't be sure but just the thought of Rumble powered him forward! He'd spent lots of time telling his younger brother how important it was to find what one really wanted and to strive for it. This was one of those times. Thunderlane loved to push himself physically and this was the perfect opportunity to do so!


    A few moments later the flag was behind him, his hoof prints marking the completed turn around the pole. He now focused on the pony at the line 100 yards away. The pegasus shifted his weight again, moving to center the pack's weight as best he could. His large muscles were burning and it was time to shift to the smaller ones. He used his chest muscles now to pull him towards the finish, making large steps with his forelegs. His gait shifted to a trot and he grit his teeth in the effort of moving on under his burden.


    The closer he got to the finish line the lower the stallion got to the ground. The weight of the pack was slowly overwhelming him but he wouldn't let that stop him, not until the finish line was in his rear view. On he went, focusing on his back muscles to help him carry the weight effectively. The method of switching muscle groups had worked thus far but now with the finish line only 20 yards away the stallion began to flag. It was the second wall and a whole lot tougher than the first!


    Sweat poured down his face and flanks but still he hefted himself on. Dust entered his muzzle as he took to breathing through his nostrils and mouth. He ducked his head slightly, focusing all his remaining strength on getting him over that line. It was only ten steps away now! With a final concerted effort he lunged over the line and walked a couple more steps before standing shakily until the helper ponies had removed his pack. Once it was gone he felt like he was floating! 


    "Well, I guess that's that!" He smiled to himself while wiping the sweat and dust from his brow. Now he just had to wait for his completion time to see if he would join the ranks of the Iron Ponies!

    • Like 2
  4. Hi again :D


    Ok I've been thinking this through... At first I was going to put my Zecora up but then I decided my Fluttershy would be quite fun to RP in this sort of setting. She's got a great motive after all.


    "Oh oh oh, I just can't stand the thought of all those poor creatures being snatched from their homes!" 


    It would be a great learning experience for her and help her work on standing up for herself and for the causes she lives by. Plus, I'd love to see her try to interact with other ponies on this thread.


    "Of course if you'd rather have a magical zebra around, I'm such ol' Zecora could also be found."







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    Image result for big mac, applebloom, babs seed


    (I hope I got things right with this post. Just let me know if something seems out of order as far as what everypony is doing and I can change it :) )


    Babs half smiled and blew her bangs out of her eyes as Wind Walker made the cutie mark comment. "Yup, though I'm still not convinced that should really be my calling. I mean don't get me wrong, I like to cut and style manes and tails it's just that..." She raised her eyebrows. "I'm not very good at it yet."


    She watched the pegasus pick up the ring and give it a toss. "Hmmmm, a tornado with wings huh?" She remembered seeing marks sorta like that on some of the Wonderbolts.  "Maybe yer meant to be a trick flyer? Are you good at air maneuvers?" Babs still wasn't the best at this whole friend making thing. She was unsure of herself and she knew the other filly could probably tell that. But, she'd keep trying. She had to admit it made her feel much better to be friendly with other ponies instead of trying to bully them.


    The ring sailed towards the candy apples and Babs smiled as it bounced off one apple and then landed right over the top of another. It was covered in bright red candy that had sprinkles stuck in it. "Oh! Good toss there Wind Walker!" She looked back and saw the Abby was just seeing off Big Mac and Valen was just getting himself situated. No problem! She's get the apple herself! Soon she was trotting back with the prize. "Whoa! This thing's kinda heavy!"


    Abby trotted back up then. "Got yerself a prize huh Windy?" She giggled at Bab's attempt to carry the apple back to the winner. "It is a bit heavy cause it's got about six layers of candy under that one, all different colors! We call it the All Day Apple!"


    Babs hoofed it over carefully to Wind Walker as Abby looked to Fast Track. "Hey there Fast Track! You're given this a try too I hope!"


    Just then Rocky showed up. Abby thought he always acted a bit strange but he was also really nice so no problem there! "Howdy there Rocky!" She waved at the country stallion. "Happy to have y'all come to play!" She smiled winningly at him. "It's only a bit and you get three tosses!"

    • Like 2



    (just gonna snap back and forth in time for a brief moment to complete conversations :D )


    Pinkie received the head pat from Pathfinder with a trademark eyed bugged giant grin. She'd always been a fan of Pathfinder and her antics, finding a kindred spirit in the go get em' nature that Pathy had in spades. Plus she always had stories of adventures. Crazy out there stories that were right up Ponk's alley! 


    "OOOooooo, secret training grounds! Sure does sound top secret! Maybe me and you can go investigate that sometime!" She nudged the mare fondly. "Okie dokie Pathy Wathy! See you around I'm sure!" 


    With that she bounced off in search of more ponies to meet and greet. 



    As she went she noticed quite a few ponies make odd faces when she came near. She giggled, it was probably her amazing amounts of energy and her winning personality! Some ponies could be so shy! Yep she's need to make sure to say hi to that purple unicorn and that spotted pony. They both looked like they could use another friend!


    Soon she found herself in conversation with a super nice mare named Sea Salt!


    "Oh wow! You've got fish as pets huh? What kind of fish?" As she spoke Gummy blinked up at their newest friend. He slowly reached a claw out towards Finnie. "Wow, he hardly ever does that!" Pinkie watched in fascination as her gator reached for the light blue mare. "Looks like Gummy wants to come on over your way! You mind a passenger for a couple minutes?"


    She smiled broadly as the pegasus spoke of the cloud diving event. "Well that explains the water then! Fish as pets and the diving event. Something tells me you like the water!" Finnie was super nice and Pinkie felt happy to be making a new friend! She did notice another pony not far away with a scowl on her face. Perhaps Finnie knew her? "Is that mare," She nodded in Ali's direction. "a friend of yours? She looks kinda down..."



    Thorax smiled back at the young dragon as she spoke of more dragony types of exploits. "Yes you're right Smolder. I'd love to see you in a lava surfing competition! I'm sure they have those in the dragon lands. Must be quite the sight!  Perhaps if they had a shape shifting competition I'd be making the record books too!" He sighed. "But the barrel weave will have to do for now!" 


    Soon Thorax found himself wandering back towards the area Pinkie was in. She was talking to a blue pegasus and Gummy was doing his best at being the center of attention. Thorax smiled, these pony folk were always the interesting lot!

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  7. image.png

    Submitted for Judging


    "Weeeeee!" Pinkie bounced about in the main customer section of Sugar Cube Corner. "It's alllllmost time!" She got down low and crawled until she was right in front of Gummy. The Ponk wagged her tail with excitement. "My favoritest of favorite Iron Pony events is tomorrow!"


    Gummy blinked his eyes one after the other, his mouth opening an then shutting once.


    "Ha ha! Silly!" She popped up and glanced at the stacks upon stacks of cupcake trays that could just barely be seen in the kitchen. "The cupcake eating contest is my favorite to get ready for! The Super Sure Shot Sniping Session is my favorite event to compete in!"


    Gummy blinked again.


    "Oh Gummy! Of course I have my super special secret silly surprise shot ready to go! I made them weeks ago!" She zipped up to her room and then zipped back down in a flash. 


    "See! Just like party cannon balls but smaller." She held out a small hoof full of what looked like marbles with colored glass at the center. "Oops!" One of them dropped from her hoof and hit the ground...




    A shrill squealing noise followed by a puff of confetti appeared. Where the shot hit the ground there was now the imprint of a smiling pony's face. She reached down and quickly rubbed away the mark. "I'm not sure the Cake's would really like my marks all over the floor..." She stood and smiled. "But they are pretty amazing don't you think Gummy? Plus they fade away on their own after a while."


    Another blink.


    Pinkie disappeared into her room to finish fine tuning her skills for the competition in the morning.



    It wasn't long before Pinkie found herself at the 5S range! She had her 6S shot all ready to go and tested three of the slingshots that could be used for the competition before selecting what she figured to be the bestest one.


    She glanced at Lonna Longefletch. The griffon eyed her and nodded for her to begin her round.


    "Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie exclaimed before whirling around to the target range. Somehow in the blink of an eye she had donned her super sky outfit. Black suit, tie, and all! Mission Impossible music started playing from nowhere as she sighted her targets. Pinkie's face was grim.


    "Targets sighted." She loaded a 6S into the sling shot and pulled back...


    Shot #1: There were soooo many fun things to aim at! She couldn't really decide where to focus so she just pulled back and let a round fly! As the round hit a mark it exploded with confetti which instantly relieved her of her serious mode. "Ha ha ha! Those are just great! Too bad there's no pinatas to aim at!" A severe glare from the griffon running the show got her back on task.


    Shot#2: She couldn't help but giggle when she saw a cut out figure of Discord in the closer part of the range. "How could I just let this opportunity pass me by?" She giggled again and let fly at that pesky draconequus!


    Shot #3: Oh wow! How much fun was this?! "Hee hee hee!" Was that a cut out of the cloud of parasprites? "I mean I should really just march you guys out of town buuuut..." She aimed and fired at the parasprites cut out.


    Shot #4: Time to try for some targets worth more points! She scanned about, taking back her spy demeanor. "Ok, where to next?" Ah! There was a whole bunch of fruits and veggies! "Time to make a fruit salad I think!" She aimed for a stack of oranges with her fourth shot.


    Shot #5: The fruit salad continued on with a stack of banana bunches! "Woo hoo! Let's make a banana split!" She couldn't help the maniacal laugh that escaped her muzzle as her 6S sailed towards the target.


    Shot #6: How could she possibly not take a shot at the big ol' watermelon. Just sitting there, asking her to aim at it!


    Shot #7: "Hmmmm," Her eyes widened as she saw the bottles and can lined up. "Those look like fun!" There was a few colored bottles all lined up sparkling in the sun. It would be so cool to see a round of 6S hit one of those!


    Shot #8-#9: She couldn't stop herself from trying to hit a couple more bottles. They sounded so cool when the shot hit them and all that confetti everywhere made the whole range look like a party!


    Shot #10: Pinkie pulled out her spy binoculars and spotted the golden cupcake! The binoculars vanished and were replaced by the slingshot. "Okie dokie cupcake..." She sighted as best she could as the target was super far away. "Got you!" She shouted as she released the shot, hoping it would fly true.


    Pinkie bounced away from the range as the squealing of the 6S faded and the last bits of confetti blew away. There was nothing the Ponk couldn't turn into a party!


    [Lottery Numbers: 9, 12, 35, 48, 51, 78, 49, 50, 88, 95]

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  8. image.png


    *post submitted for judging*


    The King of the Changlings did indeed incur a few curious stares as he made his way to the start line of the barrel weave. He'd gotten fairly used to the attention by now as he's been visiting Ponyville frequently enough as of late. Spike, Pinkie, and many others had been gracious in showing him the ropes of pony life and he'd come to make quite a few friends and enjoy his stays in town. This visit was... how did Pinkie put it? Hmmm, ah yes!... 'especially special', as the Iron Pony competition was taking place. And what's more, he'd decided to join in the games!


    After looking over what was available he could think of no better option than the barrel weave. He just couldn't see himself gorging on cupcakes or being pulled into a mud pit but he could certainly run. And if running around barrels was all there was to it, well then! This was certainly the event for him!


    "Go get im' Thorax!" He heard one of his friends shout from the sideline. He so loved having friends! It gave him the best feelings of courage and hope! His energy soared as he eagerly took his place.


    "Three, two, one, go!" A pony charged with clocking the event gave the changling the go ahead and off he went.


    Thorax's body had changed dramatically and he still couldn't get over his leg agile legs! He felt as graceful as a deer every time and ran! Grace would certainly be needed to clear all the barrels effectively. The King was upon the first barrel quickly, avoiding it with the delicate hoof steps of a dancer while at the same time maneuvering with high speed. On to the second, third, and fourth barrel! He tore by them in rapid succession, his light steps hardly even kicking up dust.


    He wanted to laugh out loud from sheer enjoyment which caused the king to falter for a moment at the half way point. He hadn't judged the distance very well on the blue barrel that was now right in front of him. It was all he could do to control himself to not open his wings and fly over the obstacle! 


    "Come on Thorax! You've got this!" He spoke to himself in his head, helping him keep his confidence. 


    The changling king reared up on his hind legs just enough to keep his front hooves from touching the barrel. He swiveled to the side and then used his hind legs to launch himself forward. Within a couple of strides a regained himself and was onto the task of the next few weaves. 


    In and out, around and through! He was breathing hard now and he couldn't help the smile on his muzzle. This was serious competition but it was also really a fun experience for him! 


    Around the ninth he went and towards the last one! On Thorax charged, thrilled by the sounds of the crowd cheering him on! The tenth barrel was soon behind him and the changling slowed to a trot. He may not have been the swiftest runner but Thorax certainly was graceful!


    He waved to the crowd as they cheered for him, soaking in the joy and kindness around him.


    "This is wonderful!" He proclaimed to nopony in particular. Few ponies could know the gratitude  the changling felt in his heart for the magic of friendship!

    • Like 2
  9. image.jpeg

    *post submitted for judging*


    Welp, why not join one of the competitions before heading back to Sweet Apple Acres?


    Big Mac had been watching the event from his place at the candy apple toss and decided he might be right good at it! The stallion trotted up to the registration table and was pleased to discover he wasn't too late to join in! Now it was almost his turn and he needed to get himself stretched.


    He watched the battles that went before him as he warmed himself up. That winged guy, Feng was it? He put on the quite the show. Staying out of the mud for longer than Mac would have thought possible, using a very cleaver technique. Then there was a grey stallion. This guy had tried a technique as well though it didn't seem quite as effective. Big Mac shrugged, they'd both given it their best shot in a contest that was certainly a test of strength and determination.


    "Big Mac?" He heard the announcer call. "You out there Big Mac?"


    "Yep!" He'd been watching so intently he didn't realize they had an opening for him to go next.


    "You good to go next?"


    Mac nodded to the sky blue pegasus. "Yep!"


    He trotted out towards his end of the rope, mentally going over what he had to do. He'd seen some techniques already but he had his own way of taking care of business. The red stallion reached down and gripped the rope with his teeth. He tossed part of the end over his withers and then gripped it firmly in his muzzle. 


    "Three, Two, one, pull!" The announcer called as cheers rang out from the crowd that had gathered to watch the spectacle.  


    The ponies of the other side of the mud pit wasted no time with the order and Mac felt the rope go taunt with a quick jerk!


    Tug, tug, tug...


    They hefted away in rapid succession and Mac felt the strain instantly in his neck and jaws.  That wasn't good, those were not his strongest muscles. The stallion leaned back, intent on taking the strain where he was strongest. He had Apple family buckin' legs and that was where he'd get the strength he needed to hopefully outlast the other competitors. He dug his hind legs into the dirt, grinding them into place for purchase. From here he was able to rock with the pulls from the other side, at least for a little while. There were three well muscled ponies over there though and he knew he couldn't hold out too much longer.


    Mac sat back on his haunches as best he could with so much strain going forward. They were going to pull him forward but he was a lot to pull. Little by little he was dragged closer and closer to the mud bit. The stallion grunted with resistance, holding out as long as he could. He fixed his gaze on the ponies across from him, eyeing them with defiance. The lead pony raised a brow for a just a moment at the challenge. That bought him a couple extra seconds but then they retaliated with a tremendous tug!




    Into the muddy muck went the farm horse. He landed face first and rolled over with a chuckle of good nature, breathing hard. 


    "You had enough buddy?" One of the tugging ponies called over to him with a smile. "You put up quite a fight!"


    Big Mac nodded as he waded out of the mud. "Yep!"

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  10. Image result for kerfluffle pony


    Name: Kerfuffle

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye color: Vibrant violet

    Coat: A light minty blue/green

    Mane/Tail: Most of her mane and tail are light pink. Her mane has a large swath of light pink at the front.


    Her mane is piled mostly onto one side of her neck with just a bit fluffed on the other side over her ear. This part is adorned with a small pin cushion that she often uses at work. Her mane and tail are full of fluff and bounce. She controls the fluff of her tail with two purple band one in the middle towards the end. 


    Physique: She's just a touch on the pudgy side for a pegasus but nothing out of normal range. 


    Residence: Kerfuffle resides in a loft apartment atop her boutique in Hope Hollow aka End of the Rainbow.


    Occupation: She's a seamstress by trade and also a fashion designer who's quite inspired by Rarity's designs. 


    Cutie Mark: A ball of purple yarn with knitting needles crisscrossed through it. There are pink swirls on either side of the yarn ball.


    Unique Traits:  Well it's no secret that she has a prosthetic hind leg on the left side. She also has a knack for seeing colors even when others can't. She's able to match the perfect accessory to pretty much any pony.




    Kerfuffle was born to loving parents in the town of End of the Rainbow. Her parents knew she would be special from the moment she was born. She was different than most little fillies in that she didn't have the bottom half of her hind left leg. That didn't slow the little bundle of joy down one little bit! Her parents had her fitted in lots of different prosthetic legs as she grew and she was just as active as any other young one. 


    Fuffle made lots of friends in school and they played together in town every day. End of the Rainbow was very much into togetherness and nopony ever treated her any different because of her leg. Her sweet temperament and desire to be kind to others made her a magnet for friendship! She also liked to try her hooves at many of the different clubs the school had to offer. One of these was a hoofball team! The filly happily trotted onto the field to play but was stopped short when an errant kick sent her leg out from under her! It had been made of wood and just wasn't strong enough for that kind of play.


    Another filly saw how sad Kerfuffle was not to be able to play hoofball. This filly had a talent for fix-it jobs and made it her mission to build a leg strong enough for Kerfuffle to take part in anything she wanted to! It took a while to make the leg and in the mean time Fuffle had found she had a knack for a skill with a little less concussion on the legs. The knitting club! She found out that the filly was making her a leg and on the day she presented her gift Fuffle gave her a scarf that perfectly matched her coat! When they went to attach the leg both fillies noticed Fuffle had her cutie mark! From that day on Kerfuffle continued to play hoofball but she also began devoting herself to fashion design. 


    A few years later Fuffle and her family took a trip to Manehatten where they caught a glimpse of the Manehatten branch of Rarity's Fashion for You! Kerfuffle was hooked on her designed from that moment on! It wasn't until the Mane 6 showed up in Hope Hollow that Fuffle was encouraged to strive for her own designs. Using her knack for color choice the skill came easily with a little help from her fashion idol Rarity!


    Character Personality:


    Kerfuffle is one of the nicest ponies you could hope to meet. She has a cheery nature and though she's still a bit unsure of her design skills she's ready to give it her best! She's quite encouraging and ponies often feel better and stronger after spending time with her. She really likes to visit and can often be seen in the town coffee shop conversing with a friend or two. Her shop has been receiving more business than usual since the color returned to town and she's often a bit swamped with ponies wanting more of her wares. She's learning to take the all in stride and remains a cheery mare!


    Character Summary:


    A bit boisterous but sweet to the core, Kerfuffle is the kind of pony most ponies find easy to befriend. She's not held back by much these days, though she still works on the confidence she has for her work. She also has the desire to travel more and has plans to visit Ponyville very soon!




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  11. Hi :D


    I'm happy to help you get this app approved for use in WoE!


    Super cute character! You've only got a couple things to edit and she's all ready.


    • Give the app a quick read through to fix any grammar or punctuation errors. Make sure to use periods to end sentences not commas. Also make sure to capitalize the beginning of your sentences. 
    • Your history section appears to be one run on sentence. Please break it up into a few sentences. 


    We want to make sure everyone accepted to play in our WoE sections has a good grasp on properly writing and punctuating in English. 


    That's all I've got for now. Once you've had a chance to edit just reply here and I'll take another look. ;) 

  12. image.jpegimage.png


    The unicorn tittered lightly at Flaire's amendment to calling her a friend. "Oh but of course we're friends darling," She winked with humor at him. "How could a resist getting to know a stallion of your talent and subsequent good nature!" 


    She was going to offer him suggestions on which shops close first when Spike made a re-entrance to their conversation. 


    Oh ho ho! Another admirer then! Spike mused as Flaire recounted the dragon's great and glorious efforts in the Crystal Empire. Rarity put a hoof over her eyes for the briefest of moments, not wanting to watch Spike's head swell with pride once again. She really was proud of him of course but the young dragon often took praise too far.


    "Oh that little thing?" Spike inquired of the statue. "Yeah I was just doing my part you know," He smiled, trying to stay calm. He was working on taking praise in stride. "Glad I could help you and glad to meet you!"


    Rarity to pleasantly surprised. "Yes, we certainly are lucky to have you around Spike!"


    Flaire mentioned going to the printing press and inquired as to what Spike had come back for. "Oh yeah!" Spike thought back. "Twilight wants to know if you can stop by her castle on the way home."


    The unicorn was getting ready to go home so now would be the best time to stop by. "That sounds perfect. Thank you Spike, I'll head there now if you wouldn't mind taking Flaire to the print shop?"


    Spike saluted the beautiful unicorn. "You got it Rarity!" He turned to Flaire. "Ready to get going?"


    The dragon lead Flaire not too far away from the boutique to where the post office and printing shop were located. "This is it! I wonder if they've got time to run another print today?" He looked at Flaire. 


    It wasn't too much later that the press was fired up and the show bill was being printed. 


    "So uh, what else do you need to get?"

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