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Posts posted by RainbowFoxxy

  1. Image result for big mac, applebloom, babs seed


    Truth be told both fillies really hoped the nice stallion would ring a prize! It was much more excitin' for somepony to win than not and they had brought along more that enough prizes for pretty much every pony to be a winner. This venture wasn't really about hauling in the bits as much as it was to teach the filly cousins some valuable customer service and business lessons. The first two tosses hadn't gotten anything and Applebloom stifled a gasp as he giggled right at the cast of his third and final ring.


    "Uh oh..." Babs blew her forelocks out of her eyes, sure the third would be a miss as well. 


    And then...


    "Woo hoo! A dead ringer!" Abby bounced back towards Big Mac. "We got our first ringer big brother!"


    Big Mac smiled, enthusiastic for his younger sister. "Yep!" With that the big stallion reached out and collected the treat with the ring over it. He passed it to Abby who took it up to the stallion.


    "Here you go mister! This is one of our best creations! It's a zap apple coated in salted caramel, dipped in zap apple jam and then candy coated with rainbow sprinkles!" She passed the beautiful rainbow confection over to Flaire, noting that the bottom of the stick was painted red. "An' looks like you won a bumper prize too!" She reached into another basket that had small caramel apples in it. "Two small caramel apples!"


    Babs chuckled. "Maybe you kin give em' to your friend once they've cleaned up?" She smiled in a friendly way. "Looks like they got all they could handle on that obstacle course!"


    Then a filly and foal showed up to the stall. 


    Abby waved enthusiastically. "Wind Walker! Fast Track! Howdy!" She smiled broadly. "Glad to see you both! Want to try our game?"


    Babs took a breath. She's changed since her last visit to Ponyville but the young citizens of Ponyville didn't know that yet. Well, she had her work cut out for her. Thankfully Applebloom cut in and reintroduced her.


    "You both remember my cousin Babs?" She nudged Babs, helping her along in reaching a friendly hoof out to the pegasi. "She's in town for business lessons since she's gonna be a famous mane dresser someday!"


    Babs blushed. "Uh, hi there Wind Walker, uh Fast Track. Glad to see you!" She smiled, trying her best to be genuine. 


    Abby noticed Valen and nodded to Babs and then to Wind Walker and Fast Track. "Babs here will help you two with the game!" She trotted over to Valen.


    "Hey there cousin," She rubbed one front hoof behind the other awkwardly. Applejack had talked to her about her treatment of Valen over the past few months and told her Valen would be showing up to help today. Sort of time to smooth things over between them. Abby hadn't meant any harm, but she felt bad for what had happened. She'd only been trying to help. She sucked in a breath. At least they had work to do to make this less uncomfortable. "Glad you could make it! Big Mac's ready to go back to the farm so if you could help pull the apples that ponies ring that would be great!"


    There. That had sounded natural, right?

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    "Come on, come on, come on!" Pinkie bounced about, impatient to get to the pavilion.  She nudged the changling next to her who looked down on the pinkest of mares with a slightly jaundiced eye.


    "Are you sure Pinkie?" He glanced at the fair number of creatures that were in the tented area already. That was a lot of meeting and greeting! "I'm not even sure half of them would even care."


    "Care? Care?!" Ponk pulled the changling King's head down close to hers. "Of course they'll care! Who wouldn't want to show the ropes to the King of the changlings?" She had promised Thorax that when he next came to town she'd help him get to know other ponies. He was still practicing his friendship skills and this was a perfect opportunity! "Come on now big guy! Let's go mingle!"


    Thorax was going to say something but before he could she had bounded ahead of him and entered the pavilion.


    "OOoooooo!" She eyed the cherry treats that Pathfinder had just laid out. "Those look delish!" She smiled broadly at her favorite Daring Doo enthusiast. "Hey there Pathfinder!" She scooped up a cherry fritter and crammed it in her mouth. "Mmmph! You break your cloud diving record from last year? Gulp!" She glanced around, wondering where Thorax had gotten to.


    The King entered the pavilion and looked about quietly. He was a bit on the reserved side when around creatures he hadn't met. His demeanor seemed to radiate confidence which had proved useful a time or two. There was a large group of creatures in front of him and so he moved in that direction. Ah! There was someone he knew. He trotted up to Smolder.


    "Hello there young dragoness!" He smiled down at the friend of his Ocellus. "How have you fared in the games thus far?" 


    Pinkie also bounced in the direction of the gathering of ponies and others. She noticed one mare mention something about fish and that same mare was all wet!


    "Hi there! You say you've got pet fish?" She grinning and searched through her mane for a moment before producing Gummy. "This is my pet Gummy!" The toothless gator blinked slowly at Sea Salt. He'd been sleeping and wasn't in the mood to be awake yet. "Ooooo! Were you just competing in one of the challenges?" She smiled broadly while barraging the mare she didn't even know with questions. "My name's Pinkie Pie by the way. What's yours?" She was a lot to take in but most ponies couldn't help but smile upon meeting Ponyville's resident friend making machine.  

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  3. Image result for big mac, applebloom, babs seed


    Applebloom did a happy little prance to which Babs couldn't help but giggle!


    "Looks like yah got a customer!" The filly commented as she blew her forelocks away from her eyes.


    "That didn't take long at all!" Applebloom trotted right up to the stallion at the stall. She knew the look of a pony hungering for a good apple when she saw one. That happened quite often when you grew up around the sweetest and juiciest apple in pretty much all of Equestria!


    "Hi there!" Abby spoke as she took her place in the front of the stall. She'd be running this enterprise with Babs all day! "Well..." She glanced at the stack of tossing rings as Babs placed them neatly on the counter in front of her. "Sure is a tossin' game! All you gotta do is take one o' these rings and toss it that way!" She pointed with her hoof towards all the sweet apple treats ready to be won. "If you get a ring around an apple, you win it! Plus, some of them come with extra prizes too!"


    Babs came up next to Applebloom just then. "So what d'ya say mister? Ready teh try your luck? It's only one bit to play!"


    Abby eyed her cousin. They certainly didn't lack when it came to enthusiasm!  

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    (Open to all, have some fun!)

    Big Mac stopped the cart and gave a sigh.


    "Whew!" He exclaimed as he cast the rungs from his shoulders and let the heavy weight he had been hauling bump gently down.


    "What?" Babs Seed jumped from the platform to the ground and nudged the big stallion. "You tired already cuz?"


    The red guy turned his head and lowered it to glare at the filly. "Nope."


    His expression soften to a smile as he trotted to start unloading. "Come on back an' help me with this...cuz," He was happy to have Babs along for the day. It would be much more fun to run a fun little game stall than to run the obstacle course...especially if he ever had to do it dressed as a mare again! 


    It wasn't long before everything was set up. Being ever the sales mare Applejack had brainstormed up this idea a couple nights back and Mac had lent his hooves to getting everything together. It wasn't much really. They already had all the bits and pieces. Just took a little time to get them turned into what was fast taking shape near the grand stands where the fans were seated.


    "Apple Ring Toss!" Said the hoof painted marque sign above the stand.


    The rules were simple. Pay only one bit and get three rings. Toss them at the candy apples that were propped up in the middle of the stand. Whatever a contestant managed to ring, they got to keep! Of course most of the apple would just squeeze through ring if it was tossed just right but that was the fun part of the game!


    "There you guys are!" Abby trotted onto the scene. She had some mud clinging to her and looked a bit tired but other than that she was rarin' to go! "Glad to see you made it!"


    "Sorry we missed your run on the course Applebloom. It took a little longer to get loaded up than we thought it would," Babs nodded to the game stall that was now in working order. "But we're ready to roll now!"


    "We sure are!" Abby exclaimed.


    "Yep!" Came Mac's standard reply.


    Now to wait for anypony who wished to try their luck...


    Image result for big mac, applebloom, babs seed






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  5. Image result for discord my little pony


    Name: Discord

    Sex: Male

    Age: Ancient God Status aka no known age

    Species: Draconequus (or whatever form he feels like taking)

    Eye color: Bright yellow on the outside, deep red pupils 

    Coat: His face and neck are covered with deep grey fur, the main section of his body is covered with dark brown feathers, and his tail is brick red scaled.

    Mane/Tail: Black and White.

    Discord has a black mane that is cropped short that runs down his neck. He also has white facial hair including a beard, and a white tuft on his tail. 


    Physique: Overall his body takes on the general look of an eastern dragon, long and undulating. His front limbs consist of chimera's leg and paw and a griffon's leg and claws. His hind limbs are that of a minotaur and a dragon. He has a nice little set of wings one a deep purple bat wing and the other bright blue and resembling a pegasus'. His head is reminiscent of a goat, topped by an antler and a ram horn. All in all quite the handsome creature!


    Residence: He has a quaint little cottage floating somewhere in the Realm of Chaos, however he has recently become a frequent visitor of Ponyville.


    Occupation: God of Chaos! Well, maybe Spirit of Chaos but that's not what he prefers to go by. 


    Cutie Mark: NA though his does have a twisting grey tornado on his flank in his most used pony form. An homage to his chaotic nature most likely, though perhaps he just thought it looked good on him.


    Unique Traits:  Discord comes and goes as he pleases between worlds and really there are no limits on where/when he can go and what he can do! *cracks knuckles* Of course, he may have limiting factors such as his deep friendship with a certain butterfly flanked pegasus...




    Nopony knows from whence Discord came, he just is. Not even he knows the true source of his being, not that he cares much. His mind is always running, charting out courses of disaster as is his very essence. That being said hes made a hobby of finding empires and kingdoms throughout bygone ears and dismantling them in one way or another. Sometimes with grace like a chess game of which the board he flips at the end, other times in fire and ruin! Whatever strikes his fancy is what this lucky and powerful spirit is known for. All this was of course until he discovered Equestria!


    Equestria brought with it the famed rulers of the land. Princesses he would choose to toy with instead of squashing like so many other rulers. Whatever the case, perhaps a twist of his own chaos, he was bested by the Princesses and light and dark and with the help of the Elements of Harmony he was imprisoned in stone. Well, that was all very boring for the rampant spirit. Nothing drives of god batty like being encased in stone. Finally he was released once again only to be presented with deal that made him sick! The Elements of Harmony wished him to stand with them! That was, well it was gross! However what choice did he have really? At least they kept the leash long and he was able to get up to all kinds of mischief.


    It took quite a while for Discord to see beyond what had been his being for time out of mind. And of course it would. Teaching an old dog new tricks had nothing on bending the very god of chaos into a being that would help to right wrong and defend the weak. He was reluctantly drawn into the task by one particular element....kindness. No nothing in all time had ever enraptured him like Fluttershy. She was sweet to the very core. Quiet and kind beyond a fault! She did something to his nature made him feel...calm... for the first time in his existence. When he's with her his whole world slows down and he finds himself enraptured in the moment with her. 


    He was betrayed by the malevolent Tirek and chocolate rain clouds only knew that cut him to the quick! Just when he was beginning to learn good natured ways of behaving he let his guard down. Stuck on his own, his power stripped, with nopony to call friend...still she held him in her heart. It was on the occasion that a friend laid down their life for him that he for the first time felt something akin to shame. He apologized in earnest for the first time as well, vowing to his best friend to try to learn more of the ways of friendship. The concept was new and slightly revolting, but still it was something he deeply desired. 


    Now days he spends much tie in Ponyville. He loves visiting with Fluttershy, 'helping' in whatever the loose sense of the term he can muster, and playing with ponies that come his way. He's taken a shine to the CMC, Big Mac, and a few other citizens of the fine town. He's also spent time with Spike and since the dragon is Twilight's assistant he often find himself in the Princess of Friendship's presence as well. He's still up to tricks and pranks, but never as destructive as his former self. He enjoys his new way of being and hopes to continue on down the path of Friendship!


    Character Personality:


    One thing to be said of Discord, he's never a bore. Being able to whip up well, anything in the blink of an eye is quite the parlor trick! He's quick to laugh and is becoming quite good at making friends. He likes to involve himself in the cares of mortal ponies and such an be found at sporting events and celebrations in Ponyville quite often. He also has a brooding nature and when he feels this way he often retires to his cottage in the Realm of Chaos. He's going to play tricks on you and often still brings chaos on his heels but that doesn't discount him from learning to be a good friend.


    Character Summary:


    Discord is a fluctuating work in progress. What he;s been learning is still counterintuative to him t his core. He's the God of Chaos, learning to be friends with ponies in Equestria. He's become quite good at it though and desires to become even better. He's a fun friend though it wouldn't be a good idea to trust him. Doing that might wind you up stuck in the tallest tree in the Everfree or swimming in gallons of chocolate milk! 


    Image result for discord my little pony

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  6. image.png


    "Cupcake eating contest?!" The dragon exclaimed when he looked over the list of contests being offered in the Iron Pony competition. "I didn't know there was a cupcake eating contest!"


    He flexed her arm muscles and grinned. "I've been training all year for that event!" He glanced around, noticing various ponies hide smiles behind hooves. "Ok maybe it's not real training... buuuut not just any dragon can down an extra large sapphire surprise cupcake from Sugar Cube Corner in one bite!"


    Spike giggled to himself as he trotted towards the area the event was to be held in. When he arrived the dragon bolted up to the ponies running the contest. He glanced over the rules.


    "30 minutes complete the round. Got it! Don't make a mess. Understandable. Have fun!! I'm the king of fun!" He shouted with excitement.


    "Uhh," He waited for one of the ponies taking down names to pay him attention. "It's Spike the dragon." The pony eyed him and then wrote down his name.


    "You've read the rules, please take a seat! Good luck!" The pony gestured to the long wooden table that was laden with sweet treats!


    "This is amazing!" Spike took a seat right in front of a giant heap of cupcake. It was so humongous he couldn't see over the top! "Get ready to see Spike the Great and Glorious in action!"


    One of the ponies at the entry table nodded to him. "30 minutes! Ready go!"


    Spike set to with a will! One, two, three cupcakes were tossed up! One, two, three, cupcakes were snapped into his mouth by a lashing forked tongue. The dragon chewed, enjoying the flavor. 


    "Yummm! Triple coconut chocolate crunch!" He licked his lips and gazed bout for a second helping. "I wonder if they made any cupcakes with dragons in mi-" His words were cut off as a rather sparkly pile of treats caught his gaze. "They did!" He launched himself towards the gemstone studded cupcakes.


    Four and five down the hatch they went. "Spared no expense! Ruby dust and garnet frosting!" Spike took a breath. "Whew! Is it hot out here?" He was starting to sweat just a little. Could it be the cupcakes were already going to get the best of him? Nope, Spike roused himself to the challenge! He would not be defeated this quickly!


    "Emerald and mint!" The sixth cupcake was slurped into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed, looking around for what might be next!


    When he reached his twelfth cake he sat back and patted his stomach. It was certainly looking rounded out! Suddenly a huge green fire burped escaped him!




    The dragon covered his mouth. "Oh my gosh, so sorry about that!" His cheeks blushed in embarrassment. What would Twilight say about her number one assistant acting in such a rude way? Then he shrugged. It was a cupcake eating contest after all... not an etiquette contest! The burp had freed up valuable cupcake room!


     Thirteen and fourteen, down they went! He lifted the fifteenth one, a slightly green look coming over his already green complexion. 


    "Wow, these are soooo good and I'm soooo full! I gotta try you though." He marveled at the cake in his claw. Rainbow colored with a variety of sparkling sprinkles and gems. "So delicious..." 


    The clock was winding down... ten seconds, nine, eight, seven...


    "Gotta eat yah rainbow cake!"


    Six, five, four...


    In went the rainbow treat. It was so good but the little dragon was super full. He swallowed it down just as the clock went to zero.


    "Yum," Spike breathed the word and sat back, ready to fall right out of his chair!

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    The cheering crowd rang in Scootaloo's ears as she trotted towards the base of the rainbow ladder. The filly's eyes narrowed as she focused in on her target. She was all game face today!


    "Alright Scootaloo!" The Cutie Mark Crusader pumped herself up. "Remember, stay focused! You've got your plan and you're sticking to it!" She couldn't help but smile as she heard what she thought was Applebloom and Sweetie Belle cheering for her up in the stands. "Don't forget your training, and most importantly..." She stopped for a quick stretch of her hind legs. "Stay flexible!"


    "Ladies and gentlecolts! We've got quite the line up for you today at the Iron Pony Cloud Diving Event!" An announcer called out over the crowd, bringing even more cheers!


    "First up to the ladder is none other than Ponyville's very own Cutie Mark Crusader Scootaloo!" There were a few gasps here and there from the crowd. She wasn't even a fully grown mare yet! Were the judges sure the event was safe enough? Statements of concern floated here and there.


    The young pegasus tried her best to block the comments out. She was old enough and could certainly handle herself! She'd trained long and hard on her scooter and at various diving boards for this event. She'd learned she could practice lots of aerodynamic maneuvers from the heights she could reach on her scooter. Today was another day of proving herself and Scootaloo was totally up for the task! That plus she knew Rainbow Dash was out there somewhere and she was sure her favorite and only big sister would be watching her dive! 


    Scoots' front hooves grasped the rainbow railings on the side of the tower and began to climb!


    The first little while was no big deal. One hoof over the other, higher and higher she went. Soon the crowd was a faint sound in the distance, and then the cheers were out of range completely. A blue bird flew by, it's lilting song and the wind the only sounds in the filly's ears.


    "Keep climbing...keep climbing..." Scootaloo repeated. She was really far up now! A breeze blew by and the filly felt the tower sway lightly side to side. She gulped and then steeled herself. "Think of Rainbow Dash. She wouldn't be scared!" Thoughts of her hero pressed her onward and upward until when she glanced up she could see the end of the ladder rungs!


    "Almost there..." Hoof over hoof she went until at last the platform was within reach. The filly hoisted herself up and lay down on her precarious perch. 


    "Ok Scootaloo, keep it together. Focus on the dive!" She got slowly to her hooves and kept her eyes focused on platform right in front of her. Slowly she raised her eyes until she was tentatively glancing at the wondrous view all around her. "Wooooow!" She breathed in the chilly air. "This is what it must be like," She glanced back at her tiny wings. "to fly." She shook her head and took a couple steps forward. She would be flying today, down towards the water far far below!


    "Three, two, one!" She launched herself off the edge of the platform and plunged downwards hind feet first!


    Faster and faster she dropped, gaining terminal velocity within a few seconds. From this speed she set about her first move the Head Over Heels Tailslide Corkscrew! She brought her front hooves out to ninety degrees, slowing herself just enough to begin to turn her body, head towards where her hind hooves had been. It was a graceful move and finished with the filly descending headfirst and quickly spinning into a looping corkscrew!


    Next up, slow her descent with her wings! She may not have been able to fly but she could use her wings in other ways! She angled her wings to bring her head up a little, turning her fall horizontal. Now for the Cobra's Figure Eight Weave! She used her wings in alternate angles to swoop through the air in an almost lazy figure eight pattern. Once, twice, thrice! She pulled out of the move with her head pointed down.


    Now it was time for the final maneuver! The wind whistled around her as the water below came closer and closer. The filly drove her body forward, reaching terminal velocity for the final time. She began a tight spin, so tight that she became a blur of orange and magenta! With a final effort she streaked towards the water, so quick that a little crackle of lightening glanced off her twisting hind hooves! The Lightening Bell Twister!


    A small splash saw her submerged below the water and the dive concluded! Scootaloo swam to the surface to the wild cheering of the crowd, a confident smile on her muzzle!

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    *This post submitted for judging* :D 


    Applebloom pranced in place while she watched the first two competitors complete their runs on the obstacle course. 


    "Whoa! That was just as fast as Boulder Dash!" She commented with excitement as Feng crossed the finish line and dove into one of his pies.


    "Are you sure this is a good idea Applejack?" She looked expectantly towards her older sister. If not for the farm mare's solid presence Applebloom was sure she wouldn't have been able to work up the gumption to even get this far! She gulped back her nervousness, knowing it was her turn next. "I mean, we've competed together in events like this a'fore but I've never gone through one of these courses all on my own! What if I git stuck?"


    Applejack smiled down at her younger sister, noting that she wasn't so little anymore. Applebloom had her cutie mark now, she was finding her way in the world. She was becoming a capable mare in her own right. Pride swelled in Applejack's chest as she bumped Applebloom lightly on the shoulder. "A'course this is a good idea Abby! An' yer not gonna git stuck! We've been trainin' hard an' yer more than ready to take this on. Besides," She let a half smile settle onto her muzzle. "This is for fun after all!"


    Abby's eyes brightened as she remembered why she'd signed up for the Iron Pony challenge to begin with. "Yer right big sis! There's no use in doin' this if I don't have fun!"


    "Don't you worry 'bout winnin' or loosin' sis! Yer a pride an' credit to the Apple family no matter what!" She nodded to the start line. "Now git out there and show em' how an Apple handles an obstacle course!"


    "Will do!" Applebloom called from over her shoulder as she readied herself at the start line. She could hear the crowd cheering for her and the announcer calling out her name but all that faded into the background as she focused on the task at hoof! 


    She caught the flash of  the start flag on the edge of her vision and took off like a starvin' raccoon towards a ripe corn field!


    "Eyes on the prize, eyes on the prize!" She repeated the phrase she'd worked on with her sister over in her head as she came up on the first obstacle. 


    She really needed to pour on the speed for this one. Since she was rather light weight the plan of action was to tip hoof across as much of the mud as possible. Light and fast hoof steps were the name of the game! The young mare concentrated on moving her hooves as quickly as possible so they wouldn't get trapped and pulled down into the mud. This was the trickiest of all the challenges on the course. If she did sink, she'd be stuck and it would be game over! 


    Her legs moved in a blur over the mud and before she knew it she was safely on the other side!


    "Whew!" She called out in relief and then galloped towards the next challenge.


    The barrels were stacked so high that the top was not even visible from her low vantage point. Not to be deterred by the magnitude of the climb she bunched her hind legs beneath her and sprang upwards! The barrels wobbled but not to the extent that they might topple as her weight wasn't enough to cause a large shift. Up up up she hopped until she was at last on the top!


    Applebloom sucked in a breath of air after the exertion of the climb but she didn't slow down! To the cheering of the crowds in the background she scrambled down two barrels until the height of the jump was doable for her. From there the Crusader launched forward and hit the ground running! Though the scramble down a couple barrels took a little time, the fantastic leap did much to make up for it!


    "Yeeehaaaw!" On she galloped through the straight away section of the course. Her legs may not have been as long as some of the other competitors but she went to the sprint with a will! Applebloom lowered her head and propelled herself forward with her hind legs like her sister had taught her. She could feel herself burning energy quickly, her muscles beginning to scream for oxygen as she pressed onward! She pushed through the pain, just like she saw Applejack do so often in competition! She may not have had the longest legs but she had the determination of an Apple!


    Finally she made it to the last obstacle! She flipped three pies onto her back with ease. She was a seasoned expert with pies being raised with them and so many other tasty renditions of apples. In fact the pies now in precarious balance on her back had been donated earlier in the day by Sweet Apple Acres. The young mare streaked forward with hardly a wobble, making her way through the upright poles with poise and style. The obstacle was behind her before she knew it!


    Abby used the last ounce of her strength for a speedy finish line crossing. There was Applejack waiting for her! Her gallop turned into a trot as she dropped off her pies and collapsed with exhaustion and joy into her sister.


    "I did it AJ, I did it!" She spoke around large breaths of air. Her heart was pounding and a huge smile was on her muzzle.


    Applejack hugged her sister and then held her at arms length. "Yah sure did sis! Yah did the Apples proud and more importantly yah did yerself proud!"


    Abby looked up at Applejack. "An' you know what sis?"


    AJ smiled. "What lil sis?"


    "I sure had fun!"



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    Braeburn looked to Applejack as Rarity offered the farm mare a chance to look around the rodeo grounds before going for grub. "Well then cousin, it appears the lovely lady wishes you the chance to git yer rodeo grounds fix a'fore we strap on the feed bags!" He reared up with enthusiasm. "Great to have y'all here in Aaaaapoloosa!"


    Abby trotted forward, leading the way. Her eyes were fixed ahead, glancing back and forth. "Where's Little Strongheart? She said she'd be around the day before the rodeo started..." She fixed on something out in the distance. It looked like a cloud of dust coming over the rise of the hills just outside of town. She turned back towards the others. "I think the buffalo are here!" She smiled broadly and trotted a bit more ahead.


    Applejack was happy to have so many distractions around! Getting into town, meeting her cousin, greeting the soon coming buffalo... yep, enough to get a mare's mind off her heart! Well, at least for a little while. She's just have to do her best to act normal and not get all funny around a certain beautifully dressed unicorn. 


    "Hey Braeburn?" She questioned the stallion. "Have the buffalo been coming to town much lately?" 


    We cocked his head for just a moment as they continued on down one  of Appaloosa's two main roads. "Well, they come around often enough cuz." She seemed to be acting a little odd. He'd have to ask her later what was up.


    Soon they were at the rodeo grounds. Ponies bustled everywhere! Cleaning the grandstands and hanging decorations, raking the main arena, stacking bales, generally taking care of everything it took to host a Grand Equestrian Rodeo! The buffalo rolled onto the scene, snorting and blowing. Some of the adults took to speaking to ponies while one certain young buffalo made her way to Applebloom.


    "Little Strongheart!" The filly trotted up to her friend.


    "Applebloom!" The brave young buffalo embraced the filly warmly. "We were stampeding the trails not far from here and I knew it would be the perfect time to meet you! Wow!" She glanced at Rarity whose clothing stood out enough to draw Strongheart's eye. "Who is that?"


    "Rarity!" Applebloom called to the unicorn and waved cheerily. "Little Strongheart wants a look at her fancy gitup!"


    Applejack trotted around, getting herself adjusted to the place. Tomorrow she'd be proving herself here. She'd take home the blue in all the events she'd entered! Barrel weave, bale toss, rope pull, lasso skills, yep! This was her rodeo! If she could keep her mind on the prize! She made her way up to Abby and Little Strongheart, happy to see the young buffalo.


    "Well glad to see you could make it Little Strongheart! Your family looks like they're doing well!" She glanced about noting the buffalo were getting ready to be on their way. "You gonna be able to stick around?"


    "Yes! My father is letting me stay here for the next few days. He wants me to experience a real rodeo!" She smiled and then gasped at Rarity's outfit. "Beautiful!" Little Strongheart was always excited to learn what she could of pony culture.

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    Rarity was certainly pleased with the show bill as soon as she took it in her magic to look over.


    "You all look just fabulous!" She smiled and conveyed the bill back into Flaire's possession. "You certainly do have many talents in your crew darling! Actors, designers, artists. I'm already so tickled to be able to watch your troupe preform."


    She glanced at the sun as it dropped a bit lower down. "I'm not sure how long your list is, but you should know most of the shoppes in town close up around sunset." She mentioned the information in a helpful manner, hoping he'd have time to get everything he needed.


    The unicorn also noted that he didn't take her up on her offer to lodge the crew behind her boutique. Rarity figured Flaire had things under control in this department though and could figure that out on his own. She readied herself to be on her way when she noticed Spike making his way back towards the boutique.


    "Spike! What are you doing back here?" She looked on in concern as the dragon trotted quickly up to her. "Is something the matter dear?"


    "Rarity!" He paused for a breath, obviously winded from running from the castle. "Twilight wants to know if-" He stopped short, realizing he'd gotten in the way of a conversation.


    "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! I didn't realize you were talking to somepony!" He offered a claw to Flaire. "Hi there! I'm Spike!"

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