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Everything posted by Brony-Vas-Normandy

  1. Oh, goodie, someone new in the war thread! Don't listen to anything Sulvuss says, this isn't the love thread.
  2. There go my attempts to never have to hear that song again.
  3. CONOR! We go to war to conquer, not revel in the slaughter of our foes! Had I known you were such a monster; that you ENJOYED it, I would never have made you explosives expert! What have I done?
  4. Hopefully he's left. He's not nice. Don't trust anything he says.
  5. Hey guys, what's going on in this thre- ... ... Noah's back? ... Oh no. ... Conor? Be careful when you come back. He's not nice. *shudder* He blasts ponies to other dimensions. Don't ask me to tell the story, I still have nightmares. Just... be careful.
  6. Y-Y-You mean... All those years ago, that quarter I put in the candy machine was fake? I used counterfeit change? I'm... ...a criminal?
  7. Think for a second about how many children lose their teeth every day. That means The Tooth Fairy carries a LOT of money. ... ... GET HIM!
  8. Granted, but this is the wrong topic for wishing, so you lose.
  9. When the felt and fluff looks that delicious, you can't help but think "It can't be that bad... Maybe just a taste."
  10. Don't make me throw you in the dungeon for treason. Treason charge averted.
  11. But of course, Conor. You had no reason to fear me. We are allies The others, on the other hoof, were our enemies, and the might of our confetti artillery sent them running back home to their mothers.
  12. I am still the same pony you all know and fear. With a little... forgiveness added.
  13. I guess not. All the hate was getting to me. I have to learn to forgive.
  14. Not at all! I'm preoccupied with all this winning I'm doing.
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