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Everything posted by NamelessTrax

  1. Maple used her magic and raised several rocky spikes from the ground impaling Fraud in his limbs. "Take it, consume it, and watch your enemies cower beneath you..."
  2. "Right, Together." Mapleshade lit up her horn as she stood next to Blood.
  3. Fraud was sent flying to the side as Mapleshade kicked him, "Blood, are you alright?" She asked worridly helping him up. Treachery got up swiping away the dust angrily, "How can you be this strong, I am an Immortal Demon of Tartarus!", suddenly Shadow was in his face slamming his hoof into his face and smashing it down into the ground, "Im not like the others Demon, My soul is contracted to this sword, its power is mine to wield at will. Face it, your out of your league Demon scum." Shadow replied picking him up by the throat. Treachery growled and grabbed hold of shadowfang, Shadow smirked and let go of him and the sword. Treachery grinned wickedly, "Now I have the sword- Ack!" He dropped the sword and stumbled back, "What the buck, my power!" Shadow walked up and took shadowfang, "This sword can only be wielded by those deemed worthy to be King of all Batponies, you will never be worthy to hold this sword." He said coldly. Treachery shook his head before teleporting away. Uchia flipped back dodging Strykers attack, "You are below me." Uchia said coldly before flickering away. Uchia appeared near the middle of the battlezone and came face to face with the Four members of the White Fang, he smirked and drew his sword.
  4. Shadow slid under Treacherys giant bladed fan staff and leaped up striking in putting a gash on Treacherys face, Shadow then spun around slicing up the demons side and kicking him across the valley. Shadow hit the ground running and bashed into Treachery sending him flying over the battlezone. Stryker and Uchia battled it out, his giant greatswords swung around him as Uchia deflected and blocked each one effectively.
  5. ((Have Kane and Silent battle a lil then Silent consumes the orb Rose gave him, he then puts Kane at his mercy but dosent want to kill him just yet. So then a portal opens up and Silents forces retreat through it, Shadow attempts to chase them through but is knocked back. Thats when Shadow will say he saw a ghost, spiking everyones interest about what else Silent has at his command. But the Three wont appear till after The Hordes defeat and Silents change of heart.)) "Aww, I bet you just love playing hero for the damsel in distress." Lust snickered before dodged a sudden slash from Steel, "I will not let you speak of my teammates in that tone." He said before bashing her with his dragon tail.
  6. Uchia slid his back hoof back then sped forward, Stryker threw two of his four swords at him but he dodged them smoothly then parried with Stryker. "Your shield is strong, I'm interested to see just how strong it really is." Uchia said threatenly before pusing off then rounding back as Stryker retracted back the swords he'd thrown in time to block a rapid barrage of slashes from Uchia. Lust snickered, "Ooh I sense some feelings flying around, who might this little gal be?" She sneered lighting up her devilish looking horn. Steel glanced at Ash wondering why she was trying to be beside him all the time, "I'm fine Ash, go and check up on Laxus, he needs your help more than I do." He told her as he stepped infront of her, he didnt need a distraction during a hard fight. Lust narrowed her eyes with a slight grin.
  7. Uchia slid to a halt and put his hooves together sucking in air, "Fire Style Phoenix Flare Jutsu!" He blew out a swirling line of several balls of fire. Stryker suddenly jumped in front of Kane and formed a shield with his four swords blocking the attack, "Your attention should be on the head of the snake Sire, let me deal with this welp." He said using his magic to levitate his swords around him. Uchia narrowed his eyes but stood at the ready. Shadow powered up shadowfang, shadows began to wrap around it as it glowed purple. Treachery grinned and formed a large staff in which a fan of nine blades appeared on one end, it then began to charge with a black color. Shadow gritted his teeth and the two raced off next to eachother clashing as they zoomed away from the battle. They stopped swinging around and clashed sending a shockwave outwards and cracking the ground beneath them. Caesar, Rowan, and Ragnorak, were dealing with their own demon problem. Mapleshade was assisting Rowan against Greed. Caesar was clashing with Heresy while Ragnorak and Anger clashed with heavy punches. Steel slashed away several Horde soliders then was face to face with a female demon, "Mmm a unicorn who can manipulate metal, please say you can do that with your-" She was cut off dodging Steels Iron Dragon Roar, the heavy cloud of shrapnal tore through the horde behind her. "Your named after the nine gates of hell, you must be Lust." Steel said forming his hoof into a steel sword. Lust licked her lips and grinned, she then took out two swords and charged him, clashing in a fury of slashes.
  8. Uchia deflected Kanes slashes then jumped up and kicking hard on his shield sending him flying back. "No, I will avenge my Comrade, thats a promise." Shadow clashed with Treachery, the demons skills were more than enough to keep up with Bat pony king.
  9. Uchia jumped back, he twitched his right leg and a samurai sword slid out into his hand, "I know you killed Kage, now, I will do the same to you." He said darkly as he charged Kane slashing rapidly. Treachery scoffed as another demon walked out from behind him, "I will take the younger one brother, He seems more my style." He said cracking his neck, "Sure thing Fraud, make his death painful." Treachery said as sped forward tackling Shadow away. ((If your character gets into a fight with one of the Nine demons, you can take control of it, but the 9th and 7th are called for by me. The rest are fair game.))
  10. "And he will have it, take out the mammoths first." Arial said briefly before Steel jumped off the balcony, in mid air he spun changing into his half dragon form expanding his wings and gliding down towards the battle field, as the first mammoth neared the phalanx line Steel headbutted it head on turning his entire body into metal and using his momentum and weight to completely send the giant mammoth crashing back over horde soldiers. Laxus put a hoof back and charged his electric power, suddenly he shot forward at almost the speed of light, he landed smack into a mammoth and peirced all the way through charring it from the inside, he slid to a halt and shook himself, surprising his speed kept him clean, "Never doing that, ever again." Nara and Sting changed into their half dragon forms and raced down, they combined their attacks and blasted down another mammoth. Shadow slid to a halt and unstheathed shadowfang parring with a demon, Treachery grinned widly as their eyes locked in a moment of challenge, the two began clashing stiring up a cloud of dust. "The Nine Demon Gates, so there is another force at work." Stryker was fighting off the horde as they rushed the phalanx line, he then noticed a black haird stallion approaching him, his appearence was different from the horde soldiers telling him he wasnt just any normal rank. Uchia put his hooves together, Stryker imediatly threw his swords to his sides spreading down the phalanx line. "Fire Style, Majestic Destroyer Flame!" Uchia blew an enormous exploding wall of fire at the phalanx line. Stryker slid a hoof back as his horn lit up brighter, the pommels of his spread out swords lit up and formed a giant shield wall. Uchias attack crashed into Strykers shield, Stryker gritted his teeth as he strengthened his shield more to withstand the attack. Strykers shield wall was close to Shinings, it was called The Absolute Defense after Stryker used it to defend a small town against a volcanic exlosion, this earned him his place as the youngest Captain of the Guard.
  11. Stryker jumped over the phalanx line and sliced his way through the horde with his four greatswords. Shadow sheathed Shadowfang and sped off towards the first mammoth, he waited for it to swing its spiked tusks then jumped on the trunk, he ran up and kicked the driver off. He fought off the archers then took hold of the reigns, he glanced to the side and tugged hard to the right, once the mammoth started turning Shadow broke off a long shaft and stabbed into the head of the beast. Then Shadow reared back and punched the long stake deep into the mammoths head killing it instantly, the mammoth went into a nose dive as its tusks acted as a pivot point and the whole mammoth went into a front flip and landed ontop of the horde army. Shadow pushed off and slid to a halt looking back at his work. ((Gimlys line! Do it!))
  12. "Now my Lord?" Shade asked. Shadow grinned, "Now." From the east, the treeline exploded as 600 batponies came charging out forming a wedge formation. Shadow was at the lead with Shade on his left and Blood on his right, they spearhead the wedge heading towards the right side of the horde army. The wedge speared into the horde like a hot knife through butter, Shadow sped ahead through the horde til he was in the center and created a wide circle around striking horde soldiers as they charged him. "The batponies are showing us up. Should we show them what we're capable of?" Stryker said coming up beside Kane. "The batponies remind me of my journey in Saddle arabia, small in numbers they could take on armies three times their size." Steel said watching the batpony legion impale the horde body. Nara and Sting were playing rock paper scissors behind them with their magic. Laxus watched the battle intently.
  13. Shadow smiled slightly, "Caesar, Rowan, go." On command Caesar and Rowan took off into the sky, they passed right over the phalanx wall and flew low to the ground in a serpentine pattern, they flew together tapping hooves. Suddenly a purple line appeared between their hooves as they flew away from eachother, they turned hard in opposite directions flying to the very ends of the horde army, the purple line stretched out between them. The first horde soldier swung his sword to cut it but the line sliced right through the sword and split the soldier in half, the first five ranks of the horde were wiped out in seconds, suddenly a dark sharp sped through it cutting the line and making it disintegrate. Another dark shape flew fast ahead landing in a dead sprint speeding towards the phalanx line. Shades horn turned off, "My Lord, they cut the line." Shadows eyes narrowed in angered surprise. "Ragnorak, protect the phalanx line." On command Ragnorak was teleported by Shade to the phalanx line where he jumped over the crystal soldiers, upon landing he shot forward with great speed, each step crunched the ground underneath. The dark shape and Ragnorak met hoof to hoof, a shock wave exploded from them sending a crack in the earth spreading between the two armies. Ragnorak lifted his leg up to kick but the dark shape blocked, the two fought on as the Horde went around them. Caesar slid to a stop as a dark shape flew at him, he drew his swords parring with a demonic looking pony, its hooves were clawed hands and it had a curved unicorn horn as well as bat-like wings. Rowan slid to a halt facing down a demonic looking pony, "What the heII are you?" He said drawing his sword. The Horde continued towards the phalanx line. "Steady, face them with courage, do not break formation!" Stryker yelled out as he lit up his horn and unsheathed his four greatswords, like clockwork the rest of the Canterlot soldiers unsheathed their weapons.
  14. Steel glanced at Ash then caught Nara and Laxus glaring at him, Steel threw on a look of annoyance then looked back to the battle field. "Now you two have something in common." Uchia said coldly before walking down to the army. Oakly thought hard for a moment, "Soooo Sun is actually is good, Kage was told by this Rose pony to give Trax a necklace turning Trax evil, therefore forcing his and Tavi's death. Sorry but everything else you told me makes sense, sorry dad." Trax flatened his ears and smiled innocently as the three Mothers glared at him. Oakly turned to Kage, "Why Kage? To your own father?" Kage scoffed, "Hey, dont really blame him, good ole Mum just didnt tell him about her pregnancy since his big 'Im going out into the world' speech. Guess when you grow up without knowing your dad you get lonley and fall into the wrong crowd." He said shrugging. "I grew up having a dad and mom who werent really my mom and dad only later to find out my mother known me all along and my dad died before I could meet him. At least you had your real mom for the first years of your life, and you got to meet Trax before he died, by your hoof no less. Still, I didnt turn out evil." Oakly said simply, Kage narrowed his eyes at his half brother, "Not sure wether I should be impressed or really really angry maybe jealous." Kage said sternly. Vi stepped up to Kage, "So will you teach him with us?" She asked intently. Kage looked around at their hopeful faces, "Fine, consider it me making up for my actions, plus your gonna need it when you face Uchia." He sighed reluctantly. Trax stepped up to Oakly, "I hope your ready son, we have little time and over 100 years of training to cram into ya, goodluck my child." Oaklys eyes sparkled as he was praised by his father. "Lets do it!"
  15. Treachery, the higher ranking of the 9, looked back at Silent with a wide grin, "Why, afraid you'll have to get your pretty little hooves dirty? You worry about yourself and handling your new power, we'll put our training to good use." He said before leaping off with the other demons to take positions at their spots. Uchia stepped up beside Silent, he had taken off his mask revealing a his black pale eyes and short spiky black hair, "I regret to say that my inside stallion was found and killed, by your cursed brother, Kage was like a brother to me." Stryker stood on the front lines directing his troops, Azure had his Sentinels lined up just a few yards in front of the whole army. Arial and the other Elements were on the balcony of the Elemental castle watching from above, white and golden haired colt the same age as Nara had come in last night revealing himself as the Holy Dragon Slayer or White Dragon Element, his name was Sting. "Today we are back up, Kane will give us the signal if we are needed." Arial said. Shadow stood dressed in his black armor, "You and me both brother, Shade, have the others be ready for any serious fights. I can sense some serious power from here. Of course this would be pretty easy if her Great protector would grace us with her 'Almighty' presence, this battle would be over pretty quick." He said crossly.
  16. At the very top of the mountain where a stone table sat in the center, Ally and Oakly sat in criss crossed with their hooves together at the center of their chests. "Since we have little time for your training, we're going to meet with all your relatives, they will teach you all you need to know." Ally said as she closed her eyes, Oakly gave her a confused look but closed his eyes too. It seemed like hours before Oakly opened his eyes, what he saw amazed him, it was a golden celestial plane that went on into a bright horizon. Suddenly Oakly was tackled in a hug by a silver haired mare with bright violet eyes, "Aww i finally get to meet my lil brother, My name is Viola Melody, but you can call me Vi." Vi told him as she let go with a bright smile, Oakly looked around noticing others around too, he saw Ally standing beside another earth pony Mare and unicorn Mare. a unicorn Stallion with dark gray fur and smoky black mane and tail, his amber eyes like burning embers, stood behind Vi. "This is my son Storm Flare, funny cause he's your nephew technically. And you already know our little black-sheep sibling." Vi said pointing to Kage who stood with a frown and annoyed look. Vi helped Oakly up, "Over there is your mother Ally, My mother Octavia Melody, but you can call her Tavi. And the unicorn is Kage's mom, Sun Flash. Dont worry, shes not like Kage at all." Vi said introducing the mothers. Ally, Tavi, and Sun just stood beside each-other with angry expression and closed eyes, Oakly looked over them. Tavi looked like an older version of Vi but with dark gray hair, Sun resembled Kage with a white coat and long yellow hair, she opened her light brown eyes barely to look at Oakly and smiled with a wink, then returned to her angry expression like the other two Mares beside her. Oakly looked at Kage who grumbled and looked away, he then looked at Storm who smiled politely, he glanced at a grinning Vi before he noticed another Stallion standing just in front of the three Mares. Oaklys eyes widened as he starred at the grey pegasus, Vi followed the little colts stare and smirked, "Yeah thats him, That prideful stallion is your father, Nameless Trax." She said walking over to stand beside Storm. Trax looked over at the mention of his name, he and Oakly starred at eachother, their blue eyes matching like mirror images. "Hello son, sorry I couldnt be around to meet you personally-" Everyones eyes flew open in shock as Oakly sped up and punched Trax in the face, only Kage was grinning with a delightful look, "Alright, maybe we are related, just a little." He said proud-fully. Tavi, Ally, and Sun were shocked at first but grinned with pride, "Now hes officially part of the family." They said in unison but the glared at eachother before going back to their usual grudging looks. Oakly stepped back with a proud look, "Thats for leaving my mom, and keeping secrets." He said with a humph. Trax rubbed his jaw, "Certainly know where the temper comes from." He said mumbling as he shot a glare at a proud smiling Ally. Trax looked back to Oakly, "Now that we've got that out of the way, lets begin with some truths being told, obviously I have alot. And it would be better if my three favorite Mares would stop giving me the silent treatment, it might go faster?." Trax said sounding more like he was begging than anything. The three Mares just scoffed, "Nice try Trax but your no where near getting out of this hole you've dug." Sun spoke first, "Right now, you have three Mares ready to bury you with shovels," Tavi said secondly, "Then we're gonna pack the dirt in hard, real hard." Ally said lastly. Trax moaned flattening his ears, "And I forgot my ladder to climb out..." He said with a frown.
  17. ((yeah yeah, lol wait for Metal to intial the first scene for tomorrows war))
  18. ((*deep sigh* I think your stubborn attittude is why I think your such a good friend sometimes, You do live up to your name thats for sure. ))
  19. ((This is the last chapter for this Rp storyline, I wanted it to be the comeback of our three Mains, they're more powerful than ever. Epic fights trying to beat the Teachers of their Teachers, skills that were passed down put to the test, the unlocking of power they've never had more reason to use than now. Radz will be facing the Origin of all her skills, a true test of her abilities, the true decider of if she is truly ready to be the worlds protector. Soul is up against like 9 ponies, Trax is having to face twice that only because I'm controling alot of ponies. Its our last chapter for this Storyline, make it worthwhile and epic as possible.))
  20. ((Killjoy is stronger than Radz, Rose is Stronger than the Three. No matter how strong someone is, there is always someone out there who is better, you just havent met them yet. Besides, Rose is a goddess of darkness anyways, in terms of magical power...... Rose is the boot and Radz is the ant. Rose will be defeated anyways by Kane and Silent, Radz should be focusing on figureing out how to deal the Lady of Death, alone.))
  21. Rose sighed again, "She is a Brat isnt she." The feed came back again but this time she added extras too it, even a powerful Alicorn of the old elite guard would have issues with this. ((Deal with it Killjoy, even Radz is out of her league. And yeah metal.))
  22. "I like her." Rose said before sipping her wine, she set back on the tray and Trax stepped back letting the tray and glass dissappear as he stood back with the other two. Rose raised her hoof and swished it downwards bringing up the screen still following Radz, her magic far greater than any mortals. Rose grinned bareing her fangs, "All according to plan." Her laughter filled the dark void around them.
  23. "Ah My dear Radz," Rose began as she prented to check her watch, "Your... Wait.... Yep, just on time, I thought maybe you werent yet powerful enough to detect my magic." She paused to bring back up the other screens but kept Radz large in the center, "So, think your ready to face your teachers Teacher?" Rose began as she sat back in a forming cloud chair, Trax walked forward and held out a plate with a glass of wine for her, Rose lifted a hoof to pull his face closer, she licked his cheeck before kissing it, "Mmm you cant find another mortal as goodlooking as him anymore, those pretty blues just peirce my black heart with such intensity. Wouldnt you agree, or are you like Killjoy and swing in the other way?" Rose asked before taking a sip of her wine.
  24. Shadow watched him go before nodding to Shade for them to leave, "A King must fight his personal battles if he wishes to Lead in battle."
  25. Stryker bowed and quickly headed off, Azure and Dawn took off for the Sentinel Tower. Steel went to Snow and teleported with her to the Orders Castle. Shadow nodded to Caesar who immediatly took off to ready the Batpony Legion, though few in numbers, the six hundred batponies made up for with deadly skill. Shadow stood up stretching, "This should be fun." He said happily, "Ally, take Oakly and take him through the steps, you two will be sitting this one out." Ally wanted to object but nodded and headed off with Oakly. Shade looked at Kane, "Lord Kane, are you alright to lead?" He asked careful not to insult him but rather be caring.
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