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Everything posted by NamelessTrax

  1. Two guards came to take Kages body away but stopped as the body suddenly burst into black flames before being sucked into Shades horn. Shadow nodded his head side to side, "Quick, a little messy, and straight to the point. Write that one down Shade." He said with a slight smile. "Yes my Lord." He said as Shade started writing the scene down. Caesar dropped down next to Ally and Oakly, "Well, I imagined that going alot differently." He said in surprise. Stryker stood at attention, "What are your orders My Lord?" Shadow narrowed his eyes at Kane, as far as he knew Silent didnt know about Kage and Uchia working together, which means theres someone else at play here. But for all Kane knew, Silent is behind Kages entrance into Canterlot, and Trax had to be eleminated before he could sniff it out. Whoever it is, they're deffinantly covering their bases well, but I dont think this was part of the plan. Uchia gritted his teeth as he received the news through Roses link, "Yes ma'm, Phase 2 is a go." He said coldly. Roses eyes flared, she had up a cloud showing a live feed of everyone within her plan, her eyes glaring at Shadow and Kanes with anger. "It seems I've underestimated my pawns here, no worries, they still dont know whats waiting for them." She began laughing evilly as the Three Legends stood behind waiting for an order.
  2. Moments later Kage was thrown into the throne room by Ally, chain and cuffs were around his hooves, Steel had heard the commotion and provided his iron magic to make restraints for the traitor. Kage stood up and spat on the floor, "The half pint is gonna pay for tearing my wings." After he spoke Oakly came up jumping to slam Kage back down to the ground again, Kage stood up again cursing, "Never mind, Im gonna make my little brothers death slow and painful." He said coldly, his whole attittude seemed to have changed since he was discovered. Stryker took Kage by the scruff and threw him sliding towards the steps to the throne, Azure glared with Dawn at his side. Shadow sat in a chair to the right of Kane with Shade standing loyally at his side. Caesar was posted up in the rafters for safety measures. Ally and Oakly stood behind Kage as everyone gathered around him keeping a five yard distance. Arial had been sent to the Orders castle on account of her threatening to kill Kage on sight. Kage stood up once more glancing around, "I can tell im not the most popular pony here, I wonder why....." He went on looking up at Kane with a sly smile, "You think Silent would approve?"
  3. Kage smiled wider shaking Bloods hoof, after letting go he turned to look at Kane but froze as he saw Shadows piercing amber stare, "Then it must be so, you do have his blue eyes..... Rose..." At that moment Kage kicked Blood back and took out a single kuni as Shadelock got up, Kage drove the kuni into Shadelocks throat. Kage then flickers away before Caesar could grab him, Caesar then nods to Shadow. "He wont get far." Azure went to Shadelock catching him as he fell down, his body convulsed as he struggled to breath, his body went limp as the last light of his eyes faded away. Kage appeared just out side the castle spreading his wings to fly, suddenly something landed on him and he went down hard and fast crashing into the streets then kept going creating a long scar on the street all the way down to the wall and finally slamming into the wall. The dust settled as Kage sat up coughing, "A real son of Trax would be more aware of his surroundings, your nothing but a true fake." Ally said as she walked up to him, Kage lifted his hoof and spread out his wings but they were pinned down as three arrows slammed into his hoof and wings. Oakly landed just behind Ally carrying a bow and quiver, Kage bit back his anger, Ally smiled before knocking him out with a hard hit to the head. "Ally and Oakly have him my Lords." Shade reported to the two Kings. "My ears around the Kingdom overheard him and Uchia speaking together about a Rose and Silent. Apologies for having eyes and ears in your Kingdom but they've become useful now." Shadow explained. Stryker helped Azure carry Shadelocks body out.
  4. Kage stood up and held out a hoof to him, "My name is Kage, Son of Nameless Trax." He said highly of himself. Shadow smiled slightly, "Quite a claim, can you vouch for that Lord Kane?" He asked giving him a go along with it look as to they had a plan in motion due to some new evidence. Shade positioned himself near the door as Shadow made his way around to stand beside Kane. Kage glanced around but remained calm with an innocent smile. Stryker slowly put a hoof on his sword, Azure let a hidden knife slide out from the tip of his wing at the ready. Caesar tapped his hoof at a steady rhythm.
  5. "Silents magical abilities are nothing to fear, unless he goes through decades of intense training, he'll be no threat." Shadow said as he, Shade, and Blood walked in followed by Caesar who walked around to stand near Kage. "I will see you there." Steel said as he watched her go, something inside told him to follow but he pushed it away as he went into his room.
  6. Steel nodded his thanks, "Your too kind Ash." Three Acolyte mares passed by checking Steel out and winking at him seductivly. "That means we our forces have just doubled perhaps tripled, I hear even the bat pony foot soliders are the equivalent of 10 of ours. I cant wait to fight beside them." Stryker said with a slight smile. Azure glanced to the side watching Kages expression, it wasnt concern but rather.... victorious? "With one more Elemental, and a talented one at that, we stand more of a chance than ever." Arial added in assuringly.
  7. "You have our condolences my Lord." Stryker said loyally dipping his head. Arial sighed deeply and kept her stories about her new foal quiet so not to make it worse. Azure glanced quickly to the side at Kage swearing he just saw him smile but Kage was blank faced as usual, but Azure was sure he saw the stallion smile at the mention of the Queens infertility. ((Yeah....... Rose is a *****))
  8. Steel sat up and follow Ash, "I suppose your more responsible than the other two, the lil shadow colt and lightning fur." He said talking about Nara and Laxus, when he first arrived they attacked him and were beat down effortlessly, Arial had scorned them afterwards, then Nara tried for round two but Arial tool him down in one blow. The two young colts were now doing hoofstands balancing a block of iron, something Steel had suggested when Arial asked him. "Wheres King Kane? He should be here for this meeting." Kage asked around the table, Shadelock nodded in agreement. Stryker and Azure shared a glance not liking that Kage had the second in command of the Sentinels in his pocket, "He is the King, Kage, the meeting starts on his say." Stryker said sternly. Kage and the Captain shared a tense stare before Kage sat back keeping silent. ((Im guessing you've already picked up on the inside man?))
  9. "An Honor to meet you both, cant wait to start training together." Steel said dipping his head respectively.
  10. ((Yeah thats what I planned, we gotta make their comeback be epic)) Rose grinned in the shadows, "I'll see you soon......." She said before he left with the demons. She then flicked her tail, "Keep to the shadows, watch, and be ready for your big opeing." She ordered. The three Warriors suddenly flickered away in blinding speed. Maple cozied up to him a little before peaking up at him, "I didnt want to leave your side while you rest, I hope Im not intruding, cuase if so I can leave.." She began as she started to get up. Stryker strode into the war room with Azure, they walked in on Kage looking at battle plans with Shadelock, Stryker had yet to approve of Kage since there was alot they didnt know about him. Arial walked in looking stressed from raising a foal, "I do have to announce a Newcomer, "This is Black Steel, hes the Iron Dragon Element, came in just last night." She said as a twenty year old dark gray and black stallion walked in behind her, his eyes were slit with dark red irises, he also had a number of peircings all over him. "Greetings, I know my place as a newcomer but I am experienced with military training and tactics. Arial has brought me up to date with your misfortunes." His voice was deep and toned. Stryker looked at him, "Which Military?" He asked curiously. Steel just looked back at him, "Which one?" He replied back. Stryker and Azure shared a look before sitting at the table. Arial and Steel sat down next to each other, Kage glanced up for a moment at Steel sizing him up then looked back down as Shadelock started to explain something.
  11. "This is my endgame, their deaths were orchestrated at my will. Upon their deaths I stole their power, skills, strengths, memories, everything." Rose said as she went over to Trax and put her hoof on his cheek, "I even took their DNA, these aren't copies Silent, their as real as you are. Actually, their better than they were when they died, even Trax who lived longer. They cant speak, giving them a voice would let them speak their minds, technically they're aware of everything. They are you're greatest weapons, use them accordingly." She said as she started walking away. "Good luck my Silent Night."
  12. Rose grinned evilly, "See for yourself," she said walking to the side as the black stone blocks cracked and began disintegrating. Suddenly a dense white fog seeped from the blocks as three pony figures began moving with life, they stepped forward slowly into the light, the nine demons even took steps back out fear..... On the left was a Pegasus Stallion, His grey coat like the clouds after rain, his black and white striped hair symbolizing Yin and Yang, the whites of his eyes now black making his blue irises glow like the Caspian Sea. His cutie mark a triple question mark shaped like a trifecta sharing the same dot in the middle. His wings were folded neatly at his sides, his body shaped with great strength but also showed his knack for being extremely agile. The few precisely placed scars and number of certainly placed tattoos seemed to tell the story of his past life still shrouded in mystery, both good and evil circled around it. This was Nameless Trax, deadly with a sword and deadlier with a bow, the living form of Yin and Yang together. He is, The Legendary Blue Eyed Reaper In the middle was an Earth pony Mare, Her coat as white as the winters snow, her mane and tail were crimson like blood, the whites of her eyes now black making her red irises glowing like burning flames of Tartarus itself. Her cutie mark was a rainbow ending in a cloud of blood. Her body was well curved showing her feminine physic, but her muscles gave way to unmasked strength. The scattered scars she bore were like written stories of her past battles. This was Red Veil, nicknamed Killjoy after fearless prowess of killing in battle, very few could block her attack with the Greatsword she wields with such tenacity and skill. She is, Killjoy, The Legendary Lady of Death. On the right was another Pegasus Stallion, His coat was dark grey like the stormy skies, his mane and tail black as night with streaks of noble navy blue, the whites of his eyes now black showed his venomous green irises. His cutie mark was a laughing flaming skull, His body was muscular and toned showing his ability for a strong defense but showed his agility well. His scars told a story of sins, but also of how he atoned for them. This was Soulscream, skilled with menacing dual swords. He is, The Legendary Harvester of Sorrows. The three greatest warriors to ever walk the halls of Canterlot reborn, their expressions were as serious as death himself, their power together could unleash tidal waves and earthquakes across the land. Though their appearance was that of their mid-twenties. "Im sure you know who they are." Rose said smiling in accomplishment.
  13. "When you're an Immortal Goddess of Darkness you tend to get a little bored over the years, plus I was thinking about making an appearance back in the mortal world, cause some chaos here and there and let it be." Rose replied simply, "Swallow the orb in front of you and you'll have the power you need, the nine demons around you will follow you're orders without question, and one last thing....." She said as three black stone blocks drop behind her.
  14. Rose glared at him warning him to watch his tone, she continued on walking around Silent, "I suppose it all started a little over 65 years ago when I was bored with the peace in Canterlot, so I talked this unicorn into raising an army of Nightmare moons old followers, and they started a war with Canterlot. At first it was all trivial and Normal, some ponies made names for themselves blah blah blah. Then, along comes this Handsome grey stallion named Nameless Trax, I was intrigued as he became involved with two other ponies, Captain Red Veil and Leuitentant Soulscream of the Nightwatch Branch. These three were interesting, so I kept watching them, and like that they became friends as they fought and bled alongside eachother. After that war was over I kept my eyes on them, watched them grow families and live they're lives in Canterlot. Then one day I saw you leave vowing you'd return for your rightful place as King, so I devised my plan, a plan for my amusement. So I started playing some cards, I put Sombra as my first choice cuase I knew he could do some damage. Thats when Black Frost murdered Killjoy, my plan was officially in play. All the things that went wrong, were my doing. Black being possessed, Thunders slow fall into darkness, the release of the Elemental Dragons to force the Order to use Elemental Law, and finally Traxs death. Even Your Fathers death was my doing, pulling strings in the mind is so fun sometimes. Now its all coming together, the final stretch, you've already met both of my informants. Uchia is one, the other is doing his part in Canterlot, without the yellow one I couldnt have killed Trax. He needed to be dead for my plan to work, along with Soul and Killjoy." As she spoke nine pony-like creatures stepped from the shadows, scaled reptile legs and claws, demon wings and jagged horns. A small black orb appeared in front of Silent, "What do you think? Not a bad story eh?" She asked stopping just a few yards in front of him.
  15. Rose smirked, "Now dont start getting all touchy feel on me Silent, you know why your doing this, just make sure you stick to it." She said as she started walking around again. "So, before I give you what you so desperately need, may I tell you a little story?"
  16. Suddenly Roses hoof turned into scaled hand with razor sharp claws and took Silent by the throat and held him down, she leaned in close to his ear, "Your lying Silent, I've watched Canterlot for a very long time." She threw him forward to the ground and her leg returned to its hoof form, "I'll give you..... 10 seconds to tell me the truth, or your little crusade ends here." She said as she bared her fangs in wicked smile. "Tell me your truth and I'll tell you mine."
  17. Rose giggled with a sly smirk, "Indeed, I remember that final stand the Alicorns took, I remember chasing down the last two foals. The parents put up quite a fight, had to give up my search because of my injuries, Celestia and Luna were lucky. I am the last of the Darkness, only because I was smart enough to retreat back into Tartarus. Since then I've watched the world go on, sometimes in peace and sometimes.... Not so much. For awhile I was so bored, Celestia and Luna then the elements of harmony, too much happiness I thought I'd throw up." She wrinkled her nose in disgust, she paused in front of Silent and looked at him, "Answer my question Silent, what is it you truly desire?"
  18. "Another trait Mortals share, flat rudeness." Rose scoffed rolling her eyes before she started walking around Him, "Knowledge he says, tell me Silent, do you know what happened to the Alicorn race thousands of years ago?" She asked as she glanced at the figures she created from the fog representing Silents past. ((came up with a delicious twist, along with 9 demons Silent will be getting, he'll also be getting Three others that will make even Radz feel fear. I'll explain it all here in a bit during Rose and Silents talk, you'll probably get it after you read it.))
  19. ((Lol good)) From the shadows came feminine laughter which echoed around him till it came from directly in front of him, out of the black fog stepped a very sleek and fine dark purple Mare with both a horn and demon like wings, she looked similar to a batpony. Her slit demonic eyes were bright red, her smile bared sharp fangs, her cutie mark was a tribal black rose etching. "You mean the time counting down to when your brother defeats you and your army? You Mortals are so fearful and impatient, always trying to accomplish your dreams and desires before your time runs out, its just too cute to watch. My name comes from a different age, you may call me Rose, I've always like that name." She said stopping just clear of the fog.
  20. "Liar..." The female voice returned in a loud whisper, images of Silents wrong doings from years ago appeared around him in the dense bog. Figures formed around him as well turning into Soul, Trax, Kane, anypony who was involved with what happened, even Kane from now. "The truth Silent, what is it you truly desire?" The voice repeated.
  21. Mapleshade cuddled up next to him on the bed, she stood by the whole procedure and now slept next to him. Uchia was gone from his side, only a low whispering voice sounded in the pitch black room with only a strange small illumination around Silent. "What is it you truly desire Silent Night?" A dark female voice sounded around him, in the shadows something stirred moving around like a black fog, the presence of black magic was almost overwhelming.
  22. "Get him stable." Caesar said as the medics took him to the med caravan. Mapleshade itched to go with him but she knew Shadow would want their report. "Its alright Maple, it'd be good for him to wake up to your face." Shadow said as he came walking up to them, Maple bowed in deep thanks and zipped off. Shadow turned to Caesar as Shade appeared next to them, they began talking in hushed voices. Uchia nodded and smiled, "Hold on, My Lord." He said in an almost teasing tone before they vanished out of sight. One of the Barbarians looked around, "I guess this is where we hold up then, make a barrier and set up came, and tend to our wounded!" He shouted out.
  23. A black vine wrapped around Silents neck and took him backwards, it dragged him over the ground then took him up and whipped him back down, Shade appeared right under him and summoned forth several black and green spikes impaling Silent in multiple places. Shade stood infront of Silents face, he then closed his and reopened them with them glowing purple and green, his body radiated off black magic, "You are skilled in the Black arts but even I am not close to the real power The Darkness possessed many years ago. Dont worry, these spikes are merely keeping you from using magic and moving, though the pain your feeling is very real. Fortunately for you I am under orders to leave you for another. Oh, and to answer your question, its pretty simple. Kane is a much better King than you could ever dream to be." Shade dropped Silent down and turned away leaving through a portal which evaporated after he'd gone through. Uchia came running towards Silent with a patrol of Barbarians, "Sire, the captives we had escaped, and the batponys are retreating. Also, I think its time you met Him, he can give you the Generals and power you need to defeat your brother and his friends." "Blood!" Mapleshade screamed as she sat next to him using her magic to carefully remove the shrapnel and burn the wounds shut so his healing could kick in correctly. A large brute came stomping towards them raising his axe but suddenly Ragnorak came slamming into him knocking it away, Rowan came from behind it impaling it through with his halberd. Caesar came sliding next to Maple and Blood, "Good thinking Maple, Ragnorak, Rowan, we're falling back, Shades about to light this area up and give us cover." Ragnorak and Rowan looked at each other in fear, "No need to tell us twice." Rowan said as he and Ragnorak retreated back. Caesar nodded to Mapleshade, she lit up her horn and kissed Blood teleporting the three of them back to the Main Army.
  24. "Who do you think taught Sombra?" Shades voice came from above Silent as he formed a large sphere in his hoof and dropped it on Silent crushing him down into the earth with its massive weight. Caesar grittes his teeth but grinned, "You really dont know who you're messing with do you?" He said before pushing off the large brute like he was a feather, "I took on Cerberus alone and made him cower before me, difference between you and him, you wont live long enough to cower." He said darkly before zipping forward picking up two swords and slashed the brute to pieces. Mapleshade dropped on her hooves and glared at the brute, "Sad thing is, you wont live long enough to regret doing that." Suddenly she sped forward dodging the brutes attack and leaping on his back, she then sank her fangs into his neck and crunched down breaking the spinal cord. She jumped off in a backflip landing on Bloods back lightly, "Hey there, Come here often?" She said seductivly licking off the blood on her lips. Ally lay knocked out in Shadows carriage, Oakly was fixed up with some bandages and sat inside to watch over his mother. Shadow stood outside arranging for the transport of the bat pony survivors to be taken back to Vampireece. Uchia punched a house completely obliterating it, he glanced around at the dead guards who were ordered to keep watch of the captured Batponies. "It would seem I will need to pay a visit to Tartarus, Silent will need more generals if he wishes to defeat our new foes." He straightened himself up and turned around, "Time to unleash the Nine Demon Gates on the world once more."
  25. Mapleshade stepped back letting it hit in front of her before she jumped up ontop of it, the large brute lifted the mace up with her on top, Mapleshade then drew her sword and leaped off scaring the brutes back as she whisked past him. Caesar swung his sword around and deflected the stab to the side, he then burst forward at his opening slicing the large brutes should cleaning open. Uchia nodded, "Yes sire." He said before flickering away. Just after he did Shade appeared before Silent, "Greetings, My King is otherwise busy, I am here to warn you of the destruction yet to come to your Name. By the way your Black Magic could use some tuning." He challenged but kept a straight face.
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