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Everything posted by NamelessTrax

  1. Mapleshade slid next to them, Caesar nodded back, "One each lets go!" Ally exploded in furry of pure wrath, "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY SON!" She sped forward taking Silent by the throat dragging him across the ground, then stomped down stopping, Ally kicked off him high into the sky, she came down retracting her blades and hit him full force creating a massive crater beneath and shaking the ground for miles. Ally grabbed him by the collar and readied to end him but Shadow appeared holding her hoof so she couldn't strike. "His life is not yours to take." He said before the two vanished in a brief cloud of smoke. Uchia landed next to Silent, "Sire..."
  2. Ally sceamed in pain but her eyes were wide with blinding rage and bloodlust, she struggled as she kept walking towards Silent even though her fur and skin burned away then regrew back slowly before being burned off again. The whole of Tartarus seemed to be at her back urging her forward. Suddenly there was a brief flash of familiar blue eyes that brought Ally off her rage, Oakly swooped in striaght up punching Silent in the cheek, Oaklys weight was enough to move Silent from his stance but turned his whole head to the side canceling the shadows and magic. Oakly stood in front of Silent still in his punching stance, his eyes wide with determination and Will, "Dont hurt my mother!" He yelled bravely. Ally just looked at the colt in shock, even after seeing her like this he still saw her as his mother. Caesar passed Blood jumping and double kicking the brute back, he followed through with a spin kick sending the massive brute sloding back. "Keep your head in the game brother!" Shades black magic blast was parring with Uchias flamethrower jutsu, the two locked in battle neither giving the other a chance to gain an edge.
  3. Ally stood straight up with a smirk, "Unstable is putting it lightly, Killjoy and I use to be drinking gals back in the day." She said before sliding out her claw blades and streaked forward slashing at Silents limbs. Mapleshade sqeaked and went red with embarrassment, Rowan and Ragnorak stopped fighting near her and looked at her blushing, "That was actually cute..." They said together in surprise.
  4. Ally hissed bareing her blood stained fangs, her fur started to burn off showing pitch black skin underneath, she struggled up and burst forward retracting her claw hooflinks so she could personally punch him sqaure in the chest. Mapleshade hugged onto Blood, "My hero!" Suddenly she kicked up kicking a barbarian away then swinging around Blood using her magic blade to slice the heads off surrounding barbarians. "We should dance like this more often." She said winking at him as she landed back in front of him with her hooves still around him. Oakly fought beside Caesar who was taking it slow to stay by his nephews side. But Oakly kept glancing at where his mother was fighting.
  5. Uchia nodded and took one step before he suddenly flew to the side crashing across the ground till he flattened against a rock, he fell down moaning in pain. Ally stood before Silent drenched in blood, her hungry yellow eyes gleamed wildly, "You tried to kill my Son, now see why you never mess with a mothers cubs!" She said before sprinting at him slashing with her claws. Uchias eyes flew open before he rolled to the side dodging a magic beam from above, he looked up seeing Shade glide towards him, "Bring it batsy! Fire Style Fire Ball Jutsu!" Uchia blew a massive fireball at Shade but he just dropped into it letting it consume him completely. Uchia chuckled, "Worst opponent, of all time..... Wait..." He stopped peering through the flames, suddenly he was blasted back against the rock, Shade walked from the flames untouched with steam coming off his body. Uchia stood back up, his mask was cracked down the middle, his red eyes glowed with rage.
  6. "Lord Shadow said for us to rescue any batponies in sight, as well as mares and foals, lets not fail his Grace." Shade reminded them as they drew ther weapons, "Alright, call in Blood Queen." Caesar said with grin knowing these brutes were good as dead against the Blood Queen. Rowan shivered at the thought of her, "I actually feel sorry for those barbarians." Ragnorak nodded, "Aye, you and meh both laddy." Oakly, who was barely able to talk his way onto this raid, glanced around confusingly, "Whose the Blood Queen?" A large group of barbians rounded the corner chasing a batpony mare suddenly they froze as their eyes met the sight of of dozens of dead fellow barbarians scattered about in pieces, a batpony mare drenched in blood stood eyeing them with a deadly yellow glare, "Dont you brutes know its a sin to harm a lady." Caesar put his hoof around Oakly, "That would be your mum my dear nephew, dont make her angry, ever." Ally smiled wickedly and before the brutes knew it she was infront of them wielding double bladed hoofcufflings, blood splattered everywhere as the brutes screamed in terror then silence. Ally kept walking, hoofprints of blood trailed behind her, her whole body was drenched in blood with her fangs glistening as they were stained with blood. Uchia landed beside Silent, "Our forces are unstopable, these towns are but bugs on under a swatter. No type of resistnace has been repor-..... What in Tartarus is that?" He said as he looked ahead of them seeing a blood drenched Batpony walking slowly towards them. "NOW!" Shade yelled and the Order burst from the trees attacking the Barbarians ruthlessly. Shade used his black magic and formed demonic wings to give him flight, he flew up beckoning for Silent for a Challenge.
  7. "Thank you Kane, which reminds me I should be getting back to him, I'll see tomorrow." Arial gave him a hug before heading off for the castle.
  8. Arial smiled, "Now thats the Kane I know, no doubt we'll win with you leading us."
  9. "Kane? Lord Lane are you alright?" Arials voice inturrupted his thoughts, her worried expression was confused at why he was talking to somepony that obviously wasnt her.
  10. "For their sake, I hope not." Shadow replied simply. "Listen Kane, their all gone, and theres no way to bring them back. The only thing we can do now is get up, and keep moving forward. Move towards a better future, the future they died for so we could see it through." Arial started to tear up, "We will always carry them in our hearts, truth is they never left us in the first place, because they will always be right here." She said holding a hoof over her own heart. A ghostly image of Storm all grown up appeared beside her, then Black, Soul, Killjoy, and Trax. One by one they appeared around them only visable to Him. "Come on Dad, you got four good legs to stand on, get up and use them. Keep moving forward, just like you always said." Storms voice echoed in Kanes mind as they started to fade away, "From the Ashes like a blazing Phoenix..." Trax said before he faded away.
  11. Suddenly the loud smack filled the room as Arial slapped Kane across the face, "Do not speak ill of yourself Kane, you are King for a reason, and chosen wisely by great Ponies. If you're father could hear you say that, what would he say? My Best Friends did not sacrifice their lives so you could wallow in self pity!" She yelled feriously. Mapleshade felt a shock run up her spine as she froze up red in the cheeks, Rowan and Ragnorak snickered playfully a little ways away but held eachother in fear as Mapleshade flared in embarrassed anger at them. Oakly stayed close to Allys side as they marched on, Shadow glanced back at them with a smile, as he looked back to the front he changed his expression to one of pure determination. Caesar flew ahead scouting out the path. Echo stood with Dawn and White on the wall watching the army move out, they waved and cheered along with the rest of the city.
  12. "A piece of advice, better not to ask why you're the one still breathing." Arial told him soothingly. Mapleshade scoffed, "I was born ready my Prince."
  13. ((Its good)) "We do what we must to protect those we care about." Arial spoke looking with a smile. Ally soon joined them but with company, Oakly was dressed up in his personal armor. "Well laddy, exactly where do ya think ye be goin' eh?" Ragnorak asked raising an eyebrow. Oakly stood tall with determination, "To protect Canterlot as my Father before me, and to fight for Vampireece like my mother beside me." He answered bravely. The Order members glanced at each other in confusion, Ally sighed, "He is my son, and Trax is his father, please no further questions." She said begged with glare of warning. Caesar cocked his head to the side, "Im an Uncle?" Mapleshade appeared at Bloods side brushing up against him, "So handsome, who you planning on fighting beside?" Shadow and Shade arrived at the gates meeting the two Generals of the armies, after some words they departed and the gates opened with the army begining to march as one unit.
  14. Ally walked through the halls glancing around worriedly, as she rounded a corner all her body movements froze up, a pair of familiar dark blue eyes looked at her. "Oh excuse me Ma'm, I didnt mean to startle you, my name is O-" "Oakly..." Ally cut him off, her eyes started to tear up, Oakly looked at her confused. Ally started to back up but Echo came up behind her, "Ally, its time, he needs to know the truth." She said subtly. Oakly raised an eye brow in confusion, "Tell me what?" Shadow stood still as Shade began putting on his armor, with each piece of armor added on a dark aura started to form latching onto Shadow fitting him perfectly, at last Shade put the helmet on him but it dispersed into a black cloud and was sucked into the back of his neck. Finally Shade took Shadowfang and held it out for Shadow to grab, Shadow took the sword and placed it in its scabbard at his side.
  15. Shadow stepped up to Radz their gazes meeting like an explosion, "You worry about playing Miss Almighty Protector, and I'll worry about my team and soldiers." He walked passed her to the exit stopping once more, "And keep your cursed sights off my Kingdom, you are in now way responsible for my families safety, use it again and I'll kill you." He said over shoulder before walking off leaving her alone in the room. Two batpony guards came in ready to escort her out of the city, "We're here to escort you out Ma'm, please follow us."
  16. Shadow face hoofed himself, "We already said we'd ally with the Equestrians forces, seriously open your ears and listen for once." He sighed tired of this annoying argument, "Shade, prepare my armor then get yourself ready, U want the army ready as soon as comfortably possible." He then leaned in close to him and whispered something in the ancient tongue before Shade nodded and teleported away.
  17. "Bold words coming from a self proclaimed protecter of the world, did you just wake up thinking you were all high ang mighty? Sorry to bring you down from your pedestal sweetheart but there this thing called common curtesy, learn it." Shadow said more harshly.
  18. Shadow was unmoved on the surface but he felt a little empathy for those closer to Killjoy. "Then obviously you missed the part where we already decided to go to war, an allience with Kane would only be reasonable since we have the same enemy. Next time I prefer you make contact with the front gate first, because well right now Im the only thing between you and my anxious comrades here." He said as two behind him drew their bows knocking arrows tipped with Shades black magic. A single cutless sword appeared to the side of Radz neck, Ally stood with determination in her eyes. Shadow smiled slightly before saying a couple commands in a different language, all the batponies withdrew their weapons and started filing out of the room giving Radz grim glares and disgusted looks. Mapleshade let her tail pass under Bloods chin before she walked out. Ally sheathed her cutlass back and swished around walking back out. Shade went to Shadows side standing loyaly, Shadow cocked his head to the side, "Seriously though, the front gate, we do have one."
  19. A couple of the bat ponies got up drawing their weapons and lighting up their horns, Shades eyes flashed as he lit up his horn with a black aura revealing his specialty of the forbidden black magic. "Ye better have a good reason for comin here lassy, we dont very much appreciate trespassers." Ragnorak told her as he weilded two axes. Shadow narrowed his eyes recognizing the voice that warned him of the attack but was enraged by the fact that this pony thinks she can come and go as she pleases through his city. Shadow got up slowly, and walked around the table, "Lieutenant Radz, apprenticed under Thunder who was under the legendary Killjoy, taught by Twilight in the magical artslater taught by another legend, you must be pretty skilled?" He began nonchalantly as he stopped standing in front of her, his amber eyes glowed with rage.
  20. Some of the members murmured their agreement, "Hes self proclaimed, if Kane thinks for a second we'll join his wretched Kingdom, hes got another thing comin." Rowan pointed out, almost the whole room nodded and said their agreements. "If you ask me Silents afraid of us, he resorted to sneaking around trying to break us down from within, he'll soon learn why you never mess with a batpony. You mess with the wolf and you get the fangs!" Kuckle Duster said angrily, more members yelled their agreement. Shadow put up his hoof silencing them, "We need a final decision,-" Ally stood slamming the table, "So what are we waiting for? Enough with the useless debates, We show our feelings in battle so thats where we'll settle this. We go to war and thats final!" She turned around and walked leaving the room speechless. "Well ya' heard her laddies, its fighten time!" Ragnorak boasted, the other members stood up cheering for war. Shadow folded his hooves smiling, "Shade ready the troops, we head out as soon as we can." Shade dipped his head and headed out.
  21. "Its a burden isn't it? Being the last of your friends to make it this far, but you lost them one by one over time, at least all mine left at the same time." Arial said as she walked up to him. The room was silent as they entered, most were surprised thay Ally even came. Shadow cleared his throat loudly to get their attention, "Now I'm sure you've all heard about the attempted assassination of my family, Oblivions betrayal didnt come as a surprise but who he was encouraged by is out greater concern.-" "Concern? That bloody ******* will pay for his cowardly deception, how dare he even send his filthy brutes into our sacred city. Attacking a neutral kingdom? He'll regret ever having the thought! I say we skip the formalities and show that waste-of-skin who hes messin' with!" A large bearded stallion raged interrupting Shadow, most of the other members nodded in agreement. Shadow didnt care that he was interrupted, he sat back wanting to see where they were going with this, he may not even have to convince them of anything. "Ragnorak is right, we never did anything to provoke him, he could've destroyed Canterlot and left us alone but he made the mistake of involving us. Two good Guards are dead now, their families are now broken, the lose of a few are felt by the many. Besides, its time we show the world that the rumors of our feriousity and deadly skills are not to be taken lightly, to mess with us is followed by death!" A more younger looking Stallion said impatiently. "Calm yourself Nightfall, your youth makes you rash in deciding matters as this." Said Mapleshade, a Mare more closer to Shadows age, Nightfall scoffed ignorantly ignoring her, she then looked seductivly at Blood, "Maybe an oppinion from somepony more... Fitting.... Would be better to hear from?" She said licking her lips and winking at Blood. "Ha, she always was into Blood even in the old days." Knuckle Duster chuckled nudgning Caesar beside him, the two laughed together. Mapleshade flipped up the kitchen knife in front of her and threw it at Knuckle Duster hitting the circlet on his head just right that made him lose balance and sent him toppling backwards. Some of the members chuckled at the scene. Shadow couldn't help but surpress a smile.
  22. "Yeah," Ally chuckled knowing she wasnt nothing to be proud of, "If I was even half as good as him, we'd be a family right now but...... Im anything but motherly material. Ugh, well better get moving now, the others are probably talking about the old days. Nothing more exciting than a bunch of old bags reminiscing on old glorys." She said getting up and starting off towards the castle, her head drooped a little. She hadn't been to the castle since Oakly was born, she never wanted to risk seeing him.
  23. "Thirteen years ago Trax came back on one of his secret visits to see how we were doing, like he did evey ten years, but that was his last. Only a few knew of his comings and goings, but I wasnt one of them. Back then I was having trouble with bar fights so Trax visited me to give his counseling, but after several days I started to fall for him, it just happened. I mean Im over a thousand years old and I look like im still in my late 20's, he must have been in his late seventies, but shît, when your immortal everything is beautiful. He spoke of his wife often but in the end it was me who pressured him into it, he only gave in because he thought it would help me, and it did." Ally started as she sat down with her head lowered. "Shortly after he left I found out I was pregnant, I couldnt bare to think of raising a foal being how I was, so I confessed to Echo and Shadow and they agreed to take him as their own. Tell me, does he really have his eyes?" She asked him looking up with teary golden eyes of pain and sorrow.
  24. "Just Oakly, He is the true son of Ally and Tra-" Shadow was cut off as he barely dodged Ally's punch, he deflected several rapid hita before taking a hard blow to his block sending him back a ways sliding over the ground. Ally was lost in rage, "How dare you brake a promise to me! I begged for you not to tell anypony about it and here you are, I should kill you where you stand Shadow!" She began to cry out angrily. Shadow shook his hoof as it still hurt from blocking her, "Ally the truth was gonna come out sooner or later, Oakly doesn't even look like me or Echo, he's literally the only blue eyed batpony in existence. Please, you dont have to see him if you dont want to, we need you for this war, no pony else has to know." Shadows voice was calm and relaxing. Ally started to calm down but her anger still showed, "I'll go, but Blood will take me, not you." She said coldly. Shadow dipped his then gave Blood a warning look before taking off into the skies. "Well? You probably have some questions right?" Ally asked not looking at Blood.
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