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Everything posted by NamelessTrax

  1. Ally pulled her hoof out of the crater she punched in the ground where they once stood, her eyes flared like golden suns as she huffed angrily, "I had no choice and you know it!" She said rushing at the King. Shadow flew up over her and landed behind her a ways, "Blood, didnt you ever find it odd that you were never aware of how Oakly was born? Echo was gone mysteriously for nine months then came back with Oakly, she told everyone about Dawn and White, but never said anything abouy where she went when she was "pregnant" with Oakly?" Shadow asked him calmly. "Shut up Shadow I sweat I'll tear your out your throat!" Ally hissed bareing her fangs.
  2. Ally turned away, "Screw the Order, screw you, and screw you're cursed brother. I wont be going anywhere, this war is not mine to fight, now piss off!" She spat walking off. "Bold words coming from a mother who gives away her foal." Shadows voice came from behind Blood as he walked up next to him. Ally froze and began to tremble with rage, "You... Insolent pig headed.... I'LL KILL YOU!" She spun back around leaping at them with flaring yellow eyes. "Move." Shadow told Blood as he gusted back with his wings.
  3. Ally froze up for a second, "Is -is O-Oakly okay? .. I-I mean are the children alright?" She asked shying away trying not to sound so concerned, especially for one of the children in particular. Shade and Caesar walked into the room where several other members were gathered around the large circular table, they took their seats and began conversations with their old friends. Uchia scoffed, "I have friends in places that give us a very unique hoof over out enemy, trust me, they will not see this one coming."
  4. Uchia thought for a moment, "Then I will have to alert My Friend of this soon, if the White Fang is getting involved we're looking at one massive scale war. We'll need all the strength we can get. Do you have any other armies to call upon?" Suddenly there was flash of light purple and a Hooded Mare had Blood bending backwards over her hip in hold with a dagger to his throat, the move was signiture to a very dangerous Mare of the White Fang Order, perhaps the most deadliest one of them all. "You may not be King but even Family of Royalty is still of high value," The Mare spun him around to his feet and held the dagger at his face, "whats Prince Bloodline doing down in the city below?" Her voice was feminine but was non too greeting in the slightest.
  5. ((For Ally, mention the assassination attempt on Oakly, theres a whole background deal that I'll reveal later.)) "Does it matter? You've brought an entire country of soldiers with you, they do not stand a chance." Uchia reassured him. Arial nodded, her foal nuzzled close to her, "Its likely she'll progress faster than the other two, though Nara had his little surge, but I doubt he'll be able to do that again anytime soon. Ash is quite the prodigy, Flint and Storm would be proud." In the middle of Vampireece, Shade walked into one of the bars glancing around, he then saw his target at the bar. A silver haired batpony stallion sat there with an untouched drink in front of him, his yellow eyes stared lifelessly at it, "You know old friend, after all we've done, all the lives we've taken, the families we've ruined, the blood we've carelessly spilled because of one simple order....... How do you let yourself live knowing the things you know?" Caesar spoke solumnly as Shade approached him. "For one thing I do not sit at bars every night buying drinks you'll never drink. Whats done is done Caesar, it all happened years ago, the families you speak of are long since moved on through multiple generations. Dont let the guilt destroy you, let it fuel your drive to keep moving forward." Shade told him, Caesar looked at him with eyes that echoed the years of suffering he'd put himself through, "Why have you come Shade, the Order has been dormant for hundreds of years, what could possibly get me to come back?" He asked more harshly. "There was a breach in the wall, Oblivion lead a group of assassins from the barbarian horde to attempt to kill the Royal family. Shadow has put out the call of the White Fang, is that good enough?" Caesar was wide eyed in shock soon becoming rage, he took the drink and down it shattering the glass in his hoof, "I yern for the blood of Barbarian scum!" He said bareing his fangs and his eyes glowing like golden slits of a predator.
  6. "I have soldiers heading to the other members homes, just two remain, I figured I'd leave the more .... difficult ones to us. After all it will be good for them to see old friends before being asked to assemble. I'll take Caesar if you want .... Ally..." He said trying to make it seem like he was dumping the more scarier one on Blood, in truth they were both scary but Ally was more likely to respond with violence than her younger brother Caesar.
  7. "No need, we head to Canterlot tomorrow." Shadow said briefly before shepherding Echo and the Kids away.
  8. Shadows family raced to him hugging to him tightly, he looked down at them with caring eyes but when he looked up they turned cold and unforgiving, "Prepare the 1st and 2nd Legions, Silent will learn what it means to be bitten by the fangs of death." He said sternly. Shade and a patrol of guards ran in shocked by the scene, "Sire, we found the notes between Silent and Oblivion, and secured the break in point. What is our next move?" He asked standing at attention. Shadow hugged his family wrapping his wings around them, "Call up the memebers of the White Fang Order to meet in the throne, I will be along shortly." He answered before nuzzling Echo. Shade dipped his head then glanced at Blood, the White Fang were a team of highly skilled Batponies from the Nightmare days, they were her right hoof and killed millions around Equestria, and did it whitouT hesitation. Now they were called upon only in time of great need. Echo retired after she had Oakly, now just Shadow, Blood, Shade, and a handful of others living low remained from the the original 13.
  9. Shadow chuckled before he stabbed the rusty garden tool into his gut missing any vital organs and veins but causing massive pain, "I'd like to see him try. I am far beyond what he's used to..." Shadow unsheathed Shadowfang and flipped it around before impaling it striaght through Oblivions throat, he slowly started to turn it, the stone wall behind him broke and cracked from the sheer power. "Maybe you and Black can prepare a room for him in Tartarus, he'll be joining you soon."
  10. Shadow picked him off the ground and forced him against the wall by the throat, "Good, I'd be ashamed to be leading such filth and impotence, Black Star always did scrape at the bottom of the barrel. Now," He began as took out a dagger and drove it through Oblivions hoof nailing it to the wall, then he did the same to the other hoof, "Do you know how I earned the name, The Shadow of Death?" He asked horrifyingly calm spinning a rusty garden tool in his hoof. Shadows eyes burned like amber flames, a dark aura was slowly forming around his body, Shadowfangs scabard was leaking the dark aura like foam. "I earned it because I was heartless, a killing machine incapable of any emotion except for the hunger of blood," Shadow bared his fangs, "Thousands met their end, either by my blade or my own fangs, their warm blood fueling my neverending hunger. Then, I met my Queen, her sweet echo drove out the madness that was slowly killing me. She gave me a family to think of, my brother and friends gave me a kingdom to protect,..... EXACTLY HOW DO YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN JUST TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!" At this Shadowfangs power exploded in a black flaming aura that pillared into the sky like a black beacon of light. The whites of Shadows eyes turned black.
  11. Echo held Oakly close as she closed her eyes praying for her husbands rescue. Suddenly one of the horde assassins was obliterated in a massive explosion of blood splattering around, time slowed down as Shadow appeared between Oblivion and Echo, he grabbed Oblivion by the throat crunching down on his neck harshly. Shadow drew his sword like a bleak flash of light which beheaded two more Horde assassins in an instant. "Take care of the rest Brother, I'm in a meeting at the moment." He said coldly as he zipped forward dragging Oblivion across the ground violently.
  12. "Oblivion, out of all the ones who switched sides, I should have known you were just waiting for a chance to strike back. I take back what I said about you, you're not scum, you're way too low to be called scum. Sounds like someone had adopted daddy issues." Echo said with a chuckle. Oakly seized his chance and disarmed one of the barbarians taking his sword and driving it through his chest and slicing upwards cut him in half. But his moment was gone as another hit him hard in the stomach then smashing him down to ground knocking him outcold, "Oakly!" Echo screamed. Shadow froze as he heard the scream from the otherside of the palace, he shot off in a burst of blinding speed.
  13. "Oakly stay behind me." Echo said keeping him close and drawing a dagger, "Who are you and how the hell did you get inside the city?"
  14. ((Shadow made it very clear that Vampireece can protect itself, hes very untrusting of outsiders so he never would have ever made contact with anyone unless he absolutely needed to. He does however have eyes and ears all around to report the going of the world.))
  15. ((For now lets say no cause Shadow had that city on lock down, Trax was the last outside to step inside Vampireece, and that was 50 some odd years ago. Well up until Kane))
  16. ((I don't believe they know each other.)) Shadow put a hoof to his head, "My Lord, are you alright?" Shade asked with concern. "Im fine Shade, I just..... Take the night off, we'll finish this tomorrow." Shadow said standing up stretching his wings and cracking his joints, Shade bowed to and left teleportating away. Shadow took the infamous Shadowfang from its stand and unbuckled the chain to his cape letting it fall off as he exited out the room.
  17. ((Lol I doubt even Radz could sense magic being used from a country away.)) King Shadow sat in his office room signing through documents, Shade was at his side assisting him through the paperwork. Echo and her foals were in the palace garden playing tag. The oldest at 13, Oak Heart but he was called Oakly, was practicing on a dummy. Dawn and White, 9 and 3, were running around as Echo chased them, they laughed and giggled. Two heavly armored bat pony stallions stood like statues at the exit. ((Hope your not planning on keeping the Traitor alive cause he was dead the moment he thought of doing this. Shadows going to have a field day with him.))
  18. ((Yeah, we also have the assassination attempt on Echo and the children too))
  19. ((They were the only ones in the room, Kane was disturbed by it, Stryker is Kanes Captain of Guard and he knew Shade enough thay hes no traitor. Lol i meant it as a tiny conflict that would bring the two together, not to turn into this fiasco. I probably wouldnt have done it if Radz was gonna get defensive about it. Whats done is done, lets wait for Metal to come back, meanwhile you got other RPs that need your attention and focus.))
  20. ((She seemed a little too "all knowing" and overruling, the fact that she was telling Kage to calm it when Shade threw the knife, and how would that be interpreted as an assassination attempt on Kane?))
  21. ((She kinda came off that way, its just a reminder to her, meant nothing by it. Do t forget the other RPs buddy))
  22. "One of Great Strength does not mean they are above everyone else. A self proclaimed Protector should know this above all else." Kage reminded her before flickering over to Shade and nodding for him to continue the tour.
  23. "This is the first I've met him, I mistakenly told him that his comrades died without feeling pain, but that is not what he reall needed to hear in such a time. Besides, he aimed in a spot that would cause no serious damage, really He had every right to lash out. Shade has lost four close friends to one of my greatest enemies, and I made a comment that was not place to make it, simple as that. Honestly you shouldnt worry, I was just heading over with him now to see the Organization my father started." Kage explained simply in a calm and steady tone. Shade waited out of earshot for Kage so he could give him the tour.
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