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Everything posted by Penumbra

  1. (Should we have a 500th post party for you?) Im willing to try anything twice Come here little one....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  2. GAH! bloody hell! What wrong with it? * Picks up Fawkes I think it might be broken
  3. Penumbra


    I will That's me summed up in a sentence! (Great minds act alike) Welcome to Canterlot. Do you have the same problem as me? You know, your mirror starting to hit on you?
  4. Oh would you look at that. Why doesn't everypony watch this. You know, for fun......not a distraction whilst i sweep victory. http://www.cristgaming.com/pirate.swf
  5. Yes, i just find them boring and painful to watch. I suppose it is the new writer. My advice? Ditch Amy and Rory for good. I find them redundant. Keep in mind i won't stop watching them, only because i like the doctor. And the Daleks. Who look like they've been manufactured by Apple.
  6. Am I the only pony who has never had/heard of caramel popcorn!!?! That's it, i'm going to drown my sorrows Dr. Pepper
  7. The only sad this is that i appear to be emotional jaded. The last time i remember crying was at the end on 'finding Neverland' and i was young when i saw it. Nothing in here had made my cry. Oh well, a life of never being sad is ahead of me..........that makes me kind of sad. Iv'e posted it before and i'll bloody well post it again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVbkz_3lO3c
  8. Caramel popcorn? How long have i been asleep for?
  9. *Creeps into scene* Hate to break it to you, but the number of the beast is 616. Now if you don't mind i have another fire to start *Creeps out of scene*
  10. Yes, candy. Thousands upon thousands of pieces of candy.................... Right! Well i'm going to go start a fire
  11. Apparently we're at candy mountain. I can't remember how we got here from the hospital room, but it happened. Looks like you were wrong, they could get far without the purple thing.
  12. Bad? No ive just played a lot of games with you guys,i even have an Ozfur on my friends list
  13. I FEEL DIZZY!!!!!!! * Continues to drink poisonous Strawberry milk and spin
  14. Apple juice? Durrr, Borrrrrrrrrrringggggggg. Strawberry milk is better. I'd prefer strawberry milk. Lets all have strawberry milk. Lets all have strawberry milk and then spin around in circles! I foresee no negative out-come.
  15. Penumbra


    Obsessions only become bad once you begin to build shrine or something. But by that time I don't imagine you'd ever listen to reason. I know i stopped listening to reason when people told me i couldn't survive on a diet of skittles. But i proved them wrong. Oh yes. Welcome to Canterlot. So what if the squashy material between my ears is squashier than most?
  16. Yea, i got the mod that changes all the character pictures on the bottom left of the screen to ponies!! Ozfur eh? I've encountered a few of you in my time.
  17. Seems legit. *Gets in Van Wow it sure is dark in here. Why does it smell like raw meat?
  18. Of course doctor. *cuts Life's chest open* Now where is that Semi-colon..... Body's have them right? Hey, whats that big red throbbing thing? Looks infected, sooooo we might as well remove it.
  19. Well that was anti-climatic. Oh well, now where did i put my chainsaw
  20. oh looks like you've outsmarted me, well the best pony one.......*Tackles Life to the ground and handcuffs each other together. HA! Now you can't do anything without me! Quickly doctor. Cut off his head!
  21. Squirm and cry as much as you wan't. I think you'll find escape quite impossible.
  22. Clam down. Were only going to cut you open and remove all the squishy bits. Now tell my Mr. For Life, does this rag smell of chloroform to you?
  23. Well it appears the patient has a case of being completely bat-horseapples bonkers. Don't worry, its only terminal if we screw up.
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