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Everything posted by Starfox64x

  1. I'm going to try and get some captains who are good with proofreading to double check things before they get put into the final draft. I'm also a bit worried that different writing styles may make it seem odd, but i'm sure that it will add a bit of uniqueness to each developing story.
  2. So i finally bring you another project! A writing collaboration to create a Choose your own adventure story. Have a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F8AudpA-rU&feature=colike
  3. what the hay? *googles* oh my battered cod? o-0 But yes, Rose always seems to have a witty response to just about everything =P
  4. True true, they havent said much about... ANY of the characters really... we know a little about their cutie marks, but more than that, they dont have much of a history other than what we've seen... but maybe in the future after we get to know them better?
  5. Kind of curious, would you be interested in a 7th pony being added to the mane cast? What characteristics do you think they'd have? Would it be another female? or would they add a male? do you think it would help or hurt the show? Would they have to redo the opening theme song to accommodate the newbie? what do you think?
  6. Beat that! (Also Berry Punch started again, Foxy, if you haven't looked already. Secret wink.) ... I can't... and i have no interest in trying... *Hug's ALL the Dashies* ^_^ (also, yeah, i replied ^_^ ) That's what i'm guessing... i mean they ahve similar body structure, so it's got to be some relation... maybe Alicorns were just as common as other ponies but most of them kinda got currupted... somehow... i dunno I DEMAND MORE BACKSTORY!
  7. no problem, take your time ^_^
  8. I only have Flash and Gimp, i dunno if either would be good for vectors... but if you could give me some lessons that woudl be cool ^_^
  9. Pure Awesome Ingredients: Something and bacon Step one, place something out onto a place. Step two: Add bacon Step three, eat and enjoy! Honestly i dont have any official recipes... at least none i know by heart... i do love making Buckeyes. Those are amazing Basically you take peanut butter, sugar, and butter and mix until you have a fairly solid substance, ball it up, and coat in chocolate (Usually two block of milk chocolate mixed wiht one block of white chocolate) and freeze before eating. they're awesome
  10. So, we all know that Celestia and Luna are Alicorns... most of us generally assumed this was pretty rare, right? Well, then Cadence showed up, having both a horn and wings,that counts for he being an alicorn. Buuuuut Chrysalis, the queen of the changelings, ALSO has a horn, along with wings (they're a weird horn and wings, but still horn and wings nonetheless) Soooo that means that we dont just have one new alicorn this season, we have TWO new alicorns... Right?
  11. Looks neat, although i'd prefer a better preview so i know more about what i'm getting... all i know is that i'm getting a couple wallpapers and 'sounds' and that's all... I'm just saying you should try to show off what you're giving people a bit better so they'll be more inclined to download it. What other sounds are affected?
  12. Eh. now that i think about it i may skip this RP =/ I don't like RPs with so many people in it at once...
  13. Oh snap, you wait right here buddy, i'll be right back with rhyming dictionary ... OH SNAP! Accidental rhyme! Whhhhhat?
  14. hehe,Well if we put it in the free for all area i could be... but if we put it in the main RP someone else is probably already locked in as Zecora.
  15. Yeah, but you'd be RPing with yourself... if thats fine with you i guess that's okay, but i hate RPing with myself =P
  16. yeah, but then you'd be gone for most of the RP... or at least the start
  17. Hehehe, that might be interesting =P Perhaps a love mist gets released outside and now everyone is like a zombie... but for hugs and kisses instead... so everyone hides inside until they can fix it
  18. Yes *Sifts hand through hair dramatically* Yes i am *dramatic smile* But it is YOUR RP, so you decide how you want it to go ^_^
  19. hm, RP ideas... Well, if we want to go an Adventure route, maybe she needs a legendary plant to perfect a love potion and they need to head out into a cave or something... If we want it to stay in town, maybe a group is against her potions because it's 'unnatural love', they think that it woudl bring two people together who wouldnt normally want to be together. so now she has to fight them for her store to stay open. Maybe her shipment of supplies are stolen and she needs help to find it.
  20. hehe, it's okay, he's mostly gotten over it... although he does have moments... But anywho, Dont forget to let us know when you get the RP started up with a link!
  21. i think mine might be interesting to join in... He's a traveler looking for purpose. he doesnt really 'realize' it, but his special talent is making people smile... other than that he's usually looking for oddjobs for money while he's traveling, so it could be a possibility that he looks for a job here. Either that or he's down and is looking for something to cheer him up. http://www.canterlot.com/topic/2846-vulpus-final/page__hl__vulpus
  22. Yeah, i suppose you have a point there.
  23. Well yeah, it's an effective business model, although a deceptive one... If she did the same thing every night in the same town she'd run out of people she COULD outdo, and then immediately lose interest and therfore money. So rather than having an honest challenge and giving others time to prep, she just scams them and leaves them.
  24. Strangely that makes me less inclined to want to be a human cannonball...
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