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Everything posted by Starfox64x

  1. I'm thinking Seth from EQD would be a good addition to the group... General Mumble on Youtube makes a lot of cool music fro mwhat i can tell... Zephyerstar created the Ponies The Anthology video, so he might be good too. And maybe me... I DID do the 'how we became bronies' video *shameless self promotion that i should be ashamed for*
  2. he joined her in the elevator, watching the pegasi lift them upward. "Oh? Me? Oh i'm from a small place outside Trottingham... nowhere special... but it's been a loooong time since i've lived there... i've been roaming around for years now." he glanced over at her, taking a good look at his hero. he wanted to make sure there was no way he'd forget her in the future. the odd cutie mark was pretty unique to her, so he was sure he wouldnt forget...
  3. Vulpus was a bit surprised that she continued to carry him around town. he wouldve been grateful for her to just show him the way, but he had to admit, she had a gentle touch, and she seemed to have a kind heart about her. he was a little embaressed when other ponies saw her carrying him, but said nothing about it... he was more embarrassed by the wink the pony at the counter gave them, feeling like the situation looked... odd... a mare and a stallion... wanting a room for just a couple hours... yeah, it made him blush... "Thank you." he told him nonetheless before turning to her, "and thank you too. i can't wait to just kick back and relax..."
  4. Starfox64x

    Starfox64x's Stamps

    Working on creating MLP themed stamps of characters and cutie marks.
  5. (oh, and btw, if i ever say 'Sai' as his name, ignore me, just mixing names up...) Vulpus allowed her to look him over, although he was impressed by her quick diagnosis, he was curious as to why she didnt mention his leg... for that matter, he didnt notice Mirage say anything yet either... "Heh, i dunno, looking back at it, i could probably use one..." he looked aorund the town, trying to spot the inn, "Uh, if you could lead me to the inn, that would be great... I really do appreciate all this help you're giving me... you're too kind..."
  6. he nodded to her, assuring her he would tell her more stories once he was rested. "Oh is he?" he asked when she introduced him, "That's nice... i dont know if i need a medic though, just some rest..." but if she insisted he wouldnt argue... he didnt like to argue wiht other ponies.
  7. he chuckled at her comment, and smiled at the sight of civilization in the distance, "Well yeah, i havent JUMPED quite this high before, although i used a tree to propel myself pretty high once... but i've been in a hot air balloon once or twice... and i've been to Cloudsdale too!" he seemed excited about talking about his interesting past. over the years he gathered many stories to tell.
  8. Post Updated with new stamps!
  9. Vulpus carefully held on with all the strength he had left. he didnt want to fall. he carefully looked down, smiling, "It's been a long time since i've been this high." he commented as she flew with him.
  10. Ah, That actually does make much more sense... If that was his name as a kid i can see why it would be on Santa's list =3 Darn wikipedia, not giving me information like that in the first paragraph...
  11. "I dont think i can walk much more... Could you carry me? I hate to ask that of you, but i can barely stand anymore..." he rubbed the back of his head, feeling awkward about asking for help.
  12. Yet more interestingness (although not pony related...)Alois Schickelgruber was a real person who had his name changed to Alios Hitler, and was Adolf Hitler's Father!... And after a quick wiki look up, Stever Fonti was a wiriter for a couple cartoons... Spongebob, futurama, etc... so thats kinda odd, but interesting...
  13. "Eh, it was a small town... kinda far away though... i was trying to find Apploosa after i found... whatever it was i was looking for.... but i have no idea where that is now..." he looked down, feeling more idiotic the more he talked... "How far is it to the nearest town? I just want to rest..."
  14. Have you caught yourself using certain words often? not like basic words, specialty words... I'm sure you're still confused, so let me tell you mine... I notice i use 'however' a lot... whenever i find something contradictory i use it... "I like Chocolate Bars, however i hate dark chocolate" or something... i notice myself using it a lot. Then i use 'more so' a good bit as well... I usually spell it 'moreso', even though i know it's suppose to be two words... I dunno, its just a thought that came to mind and i'm curious if anyone else has noticed the same about themselves...
  15. he blinked, a little unsure of why she was stalling her sentence. he was still not quite all there, his body still weakened by his walk... however he soon realized what she was waiting for, "Oh! I'm Vulpus... you said you were Mirage, right?" he asked, still trying to get his head back into reality. "I'm really glad you found me... i think at some point i had just... given up, but i'll be honest, i dont remember much..."
  16. I know right? I think this is like the second or third time he's caught me like that, hehe... Although i do believe Rainbow dash destroyed the dinosaurs... she flew so fast she left the Horshoe nebula and traveled toward our planet at the speed of light, in the emptiness of space there was nothing to slow her down, but once she hit our atmopsphere to resulting sonic rainboom ruptured Pangaea, creating the continents we now know today, while at the same time creating a cloud of dust that killed most life on the planet. on her way out the other end of the planet she pulled a chunk of earth with her, creating the moon. she continued to fly until she passed by Neptune and knocked a chunk out of it, knocking it out of its perfect circular rotation around the sun and creating Pluto before exiting our solar system... oh, and she also killed the Daleks while heading back home...
  17. "No, it's a scar i got after an accident..." he explained, stroking the mark, "They had to operate on my legs and they say it was left there after they patched me up..." he let out a sigh, looking back at her, "I dont know... i've been traveling around trying to fin my talent... and the desert was a place i hadnt gone to yet, so... Here i am, being stupid and walking into the desert unprepared... apparently forethought isn't my special talent, huh?"
  18. he let out a chuckle, "I was stupid, that's why i'm out here..." he told her, rubbing the rag across his face again, "I thought 'hey! maybe i can find my special talent out here! I bet that will work..." he shook his head, thinking it was a stupid idea looking back on it. he glanced down at his own flank, and from a first glance, it seemed like he was a blank flank... although there was a large crescent shaped mark that closely resembled his natural color...
  19. he moaned again, feeling more water coming from the fabric. after a moment he regained his sense enough to see the canteen. he slowly sat up and carefully drank from it, not wanting to lose a single drop. after he felt liek he had his fill, he noticed the pony near him, "You saved me didnt you?" his body still swayed a bit, still very weak, but at least he wasnt thirsty.
  20. So, I talked to one of my friends after a long time of hearing nothign from him, he was the one who introduced me to MLP and got me hooked. I started to try and talk to him about the new episodes and he told me he hadnt seen them. he told me he was over it and that it was a fad... I tried to get more out of him but he had to leave... So i got to thinking... what am i gonna do when the fandom starts to die out? I like the show, but i also like the creative awesome stuff the fanbase does... so if the fanbase starts to dwindle, will i still enjoy the show? all this effort i'm trying to put in on making an impression in the fandom will be for nothing if the fandom suddenly dies out... I dunno, maybe i'm freaking out... I understand i shouldnt be intimidated about me enjoying the show just because other people dont, but i like the fanbase just as much if not moreso. they're so creative and awesome, but if they start to flake off and leave, than i'll have nothing to enjoy...
  21. Vulpus groaned, feeling the moistness on his head. he was still la bit out of it and didnt quite understand her offer. instead he slowly reached up and began to rub the moist towel across his face, before putting it to his mouth to chew on it, trying to force any liquid in the fabric out and into his mouth. His prosthetic leg became much more apparent now, a eggshell white plastic, with dirt and sand coating the hoof portion. he didnt seem to be inhibited by it though, it moved naturally and worked just as well as his real leg.
  22. I would have to say Magic... Just move it aside, but keep Twilight herself, she's more of a 'link' between the other elements, so she stay in the group... she just doesn't have her own element...
  23. "Luna?" he mumbled as a mysterious mare with wings lifted him up. it would be obvious to anyone that she was not the princess, but he was so out of it he couldnt tell. his lips were dry and cracking. he tried to lick him lips to moisten them, and although the glimmered a bit with saliva for a brief second of two, the dry air sucked it away immediately. he didnt resist the pony as she lifted him up, he would be too tired to resist anyway. he had no idea what was going on.
  24. Dont go and buy it without talking first. Just tell her 'Hey, i like it, it makes me happy, i understand we're not doing too well financially but it would really mean a lot to me to have this." I would want to say 'remind her of the frivalous thing's she's purchased in the past and say you should be able too." but that's the kidna comment that ends up with divorce papers... As Knight says, if she loves you,s he should accept it... just talk it out with her... tell her if she's uncomfortable with it, you won't have it out and about for all to see... jsut try to maek a deal with her about this...
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