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When You Wake Up... (open.)

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(LOL funny. I have a character that specialises in corruption. But he's one for the 18+ RP's. And i'm trashing Darksteel, so after this RP, i'm going to major-modify him.)

"W-What do you think we continur this elsewhere? After we get out of course..." Darksteel said after he pulled away.

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((Aww it's too bad your trashing Darksteel and it messes me up.I tend to remember my characters ship stuffs.I usually let it become part of them.Like if Stitches ever meets Darksteel again it will still be a relationship if you know what I mean.))

Stitches nodded."Well no more leaps of faiths for me I have somepony to live for now."She said and put her statue on the right pedestal.

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Darksteel nodded. Looks like I've found a mate, so to speak. He thought. He'd have to call off the dispute with Silk Thread, and since she'll likely object, maybe he could have a filly to prove it to her that he's done fighting. "Right behind you." He said, and followed Stitches outside.

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((2:45.Yea pulling a third all nighter.Day naps for the win!))

Stitches walked outside and she smelled the air but it was salty.She looked infront of her and almost fainted."We are stranded on an island!GODDAMIT!How are we gonna get off?"She yelled to no one in particular.Then Stitches saw a raft with note on it and simply said."oh."Stitches and Darksteel ran for the raft.The note said (on letters cut out of magazines)Thank You for playing my game Stitches and Darksteel hope to see you again soon.Oh and good tidings on your relationship!

Sincerely,Dark Magic

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Whacky jumped on a different raft

"Good luck to both of you! May our paths cross again!"

He grabbed a box on his raft.

"Dear Whacky Wilson

While I do know all about your healing factor, I am obliged not to tell anypony. Take this, as an I'm sorry for blackmailing you all these years.

-signed, Anonymous."

Whacky reached in the package and grabbed a book of photos, of before he had the healing factor.

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... "Dark Magic?" Darksteel repeated. "Dark magic is a type of magic in itself, not- WAIT!" Darksteel's eyes filled with rage again, turning them red. "A pony named Dark Magic put us through all of this?! And how does he know about our-" He stopped talking, only to have a third personality take over. "Yes, of course. He has been using a powerful watching spell to watch our every move. Very clever." "So, what do you say we head off? I can't wait to see this Dark Magic. And goodbye to you, Whacky!"

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Stitches nodded.She waved goodbye to Whacky."You know what Darksteel?Maybe it isn't a pony.Maybe it is something else I don't think any pony has that kind of power not even the princesses!"She said worried."Maybe he is still watching us or he could read our minds."She said hugging Darksteel.At least it was comfortable do have a handsome coltfriend to keep her company.

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"Ugh, everything I do seems to HAVE to involve Silk Thread. Do you remember when I said she never sleeps? It's because she drinks a remedy every night that prevents her from getting tired. And if there's a possible repeat of what we just went through or anything worse than I will do everything and anything in my power to prevent that." Darksteel's rage contained hints of honor and protection in it.

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