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The ECO Project!


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Right, well I'm here to talk to you about something very important.

I have a group of six close friends, all of whom love nature. We're all ages around 13 and that's why this project is so special.

It started when we saw a distressing video in our Geography class. It showed animals drowning in acidic water where people have built dams near the rainforest. And it filmed people chopping down trees and setting the forest and its endangered animals alight.

At the end of that lesson, we decided we wanted to do something to help. As 6 kids, we wouldn't be able to do much. But then we had an idea; we were going to start an organisation. We'd build a blog, gather up supporters who also want to help. We'd arrange some sponsored walks and teach people about deforestation. So for the next week, we spent all of our break times and lunch times thinking up a couple of things. Eventually we decided on the perfect name; Forest Wings. And then a slogan; Lifting the forests from the flames. And finally, a quirky logo of a butterfly in a raindrop.

So then we gave ourselves nicknames for our blog, and finally (after all this preperation) we created the blog.

There's not much to it at the moment and we're working our best to get it going, but the idea of our group is "Our voices alone may be small, but together we can make a difference!"

If you want to be part of our project and to support us, all you have to do is click "join this site" at the bottom of the page. Thank you very, very much and I can't wait to hear from you all!

This is really important to me and you clicking follow would mean the world to us. the more followers we have, the closer we are to making a change.

Thank you so so much! :D


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