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About Myself: This is my first time being a part of the "pony community" online. I've been a fan of the show since the first season, but that's all it's ever really been to me, a show.

Recently - out of boredom - I came up with my own character, fiddled with that pony creator doodad to make at least a rudimentary representation of it, and now here I am.

I'm not much of an artist, but I am a fairly decent musician/producer with over 200 songs under the belt (I'll include links to two of my works just to share), a hobbyist programmer specializing in C# and Java, and a former writer.

I don't know how often I'll be around, if at all. It really depends on whether or not you guys as a community win me over. I'm not the most outgoing person, making friends isn't easy for me, so coming up to a large group of individuals I only share one minor trait in common with is - to me - fairly intimidating.

Beside that, I'm a fairly level-headed and logical person. I'm not here to pick fights or stir up trouble. If anything, I'd like to meet people and make friends. If this little intro post sounds a little melancholy, it's mostly because I have no idea what I'm doing right now with this. I'm terrible with introductions. x3

How I found Canterlot.com: Through the community links section found on the MLP wikia.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: The show came out, the pony fandom began, and I eventually wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I watched the show and liked it, but never really felt like bothering with much more.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy
I suppose that's all.

Here's those links to those two songs, as promised.



(Pasted as plaintext to prove I'm not redirecting to some malicious URL.)

Oh, hey! The forum automatically stuck media tags on there! Neat.

Edited by Tungsten
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Hi Tungy! We're a friendly bunch here! Relax and enjoy yourself, this is a very nice community. If RP isn't your thing, we have lots of pony enthusiasts to talk to about anything, really!

I don't know, really! I might dip into the RP stuff later on, but for now I'm not entirely sure of myself in that regard. I'm alright at roleplay, it's just a matter of the role I'm playing, you see. x3

So far I've been beepbopping about the various sights, and I'm liking things so far. Thanks for the enthusiastic welcome. :D

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well howdy welcome ta canterlot! if ya need anythin lemme know :)

Thankadoodles! :3

Hey there, I do hope you get into the RP. It's really quite fun. If you don't it's not big deal, but it's always fun to have people to RP with.

Welcome To Canterlot! I hope you love it here!

Thanks for the welcome! Like I said earlier, I don't really quite know if/when I'll get into the RP side of things here, but there's probably a pretty good chance it'll happen sometime. :D

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