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A Day in the Life [Private]

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[An occ note first: Those allowed to join are SquareZack(me), Observed, Harv0kz, Vilefort, and Bronynumber299. Anyone else, you can read and enjoy, but NO COMMENTS. That's all :D]

"A personal request all the way from... Ponyville?" Gear Grinder said as he read over the letter. "And they didn't include a name... so unprofessional." He looked up from the letter laying on his desk to the letter's messenger. It was a small pegasus, a fourth as tall as an average filly. Not only that, but it was mechanical. Its plating was a light silver, and its mane and tail golden. Gear looked over towards another machine in the room. It was a mecha griffon, full sized. Gear trotted over to it and knocked on its forehead. It awoke with a start and greeted its maker.

"GOOD MORNING MAKER." It said in its mechanical voice.

"Good morning, Griffon. Would you take a note, please?" Gear asked his metal companion. It responded by walking over to the desk and picking up a quill and parchment.

"Dear sender, I am pleased to inform you that I will be making the journey to Ponyville via the Friendship Express to repair your clock. It surprises me that you would send me a letter, instead of the ponyville mechanic. However, I did not get your name, so I would like a reply with your name on it. Thank you and You're welcome. Signed, Gear Grinder."

Gear sent the mini mecha pegasus back to its sender with the letter. "Griffon, run the shop while I'm gone. You know how to oil and fix yourself. I'm off to Ponyville!"

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Rainy Splash was over at Hoofington gathering rainclouds.There was going to be a big downpour today.Although the Hoofington pegasai should be doing this he was.After he was done his wings where tired so he decided to take the train.When on the train he met another pegasai"Oh hello sir.Mind if I sit next to you?"He asked nicely.

Dark Spark sat at the front of the train he was bored so he was fiddiling around with little pieces of metal and stuff.He ended up making a pocket sized pegasus.Dark Spark shocked it with lighting coming from his horn and it started flapping it's wings and actually flew.

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"Whoa. Someone in Ponvyille requests me? But doesn't reveal himself?" Solven said to himself, reading the letter. Funny, because I only go to Ponyville for breaks, Canterlot's too much outta my league for holidays. This is like free jobs outside this boring place. I guess I should go, a change of scenery. He thought to himself

He didn't bother composing a reply, and instead pulled out a Ponyville express schedule, and glanced at his clock.

"Next train in... Twenty minutes... More than enough time." he muttered.

To him, he levitated a toolkit, two of his sketchbooks, and a peculiar looking weapon, resembling a Crossbow, but missing the Lath. A Crystal slowly glowing with energy adorned the stock of the weapon. Never hurts to have assurance. He checked that he had everything, before levitating his keys towards him, and writing a very quick notice to all customers that he was out on a requested job. He walked out, locked the door, and pocketed his keys, trotting his way towards the train station, hoping that he'd make it in time.

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"Three bits!" one pony called. "Four!" "Six!" "I'll pay eleven!"

Bright Idea beamed as the bids rose for her Canterlot designed hat. It was one of the numerous gifts her mother insisted upon sending her. She had no use for it, so she was auctioning off the silly purple hat to the highest bidder. Eventually the bidding ceased and the feathered hat was sold at the outrageous price of fifty seven bits. Storing the currency in her saddle bag, she meandered towards the nearest hotel.

'Not far from Sugarcube Corner,' she thought joyfully as she passed the sweet smelling building, rounded a corner and entered her current residence. So far, she was really enjoying Ponyville. It was loads better than her home in Canterlot she decided as the hotel manager nodded a greeting to her. Everypony was so much nicer! This trip was going to do wonders for her creativity, not to mention her self esteem. Already her ideas were being well received. The Cakes at the bakery were introducing her new cupcake design tomorrow and she had been promised a dozen for free! She threw her saddle onto her room's single chair and climbed onto her bed, looking out the window. 'I think I can stay here for a little while before moving on, I suppose...'

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Dark Spark smiled at the little pegasus flying around him.Spark touched it's back hoof and it stopped flying and dropped into his hoof."Too bad I don't have any kids they would love these kinda toys.But I am going to Ponyville so I guess I might meet somepony.Jeez what am I talking about I'm going there on official business.I need to go fix somebody's-what was it?Oh right somebody's oven and it's a bakers oven too!" He thought to himself.

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[OOC: Oh, that's a FFA-CO. Expected Mane for this char. Nevertheless, I'll just adjust some details slightly to make him fit and will count the RP story out of his bio :)]

"No, no! This is unthinkable... strictly... just... that's a complete lack of respect for my decisions and statements!" - Unity remembered this morning. He'd remember it for some time for sure. Unicorn left his Canterlot shop in the hooves of specialists, trusting they'd finish the interior and outside dutifully. "Green, leaf ornaments? I'm a jeweler! A goldsmith, not a gardener!" - memories from this morning kept coming back, as he had nothing particular to think about right now. Perhaps he really should have left them a few guidelines at least? Snowy white walls with supporting pillars topped with northern style rooftop? Oh, and an effigy of an Alicorn! Why didn't he come up with this earlier!? Royal city, royal shops! He'll really have to send somepony to fix some of those... 'specialists' artistic visions.

Nevertheless, he had different matters to attend to now. "Ponyville, Ponyville..." - Unity whispered to himself as he read the letter once more, levitating it in front of his eyes. It said that his smelting skills would be 'greatly appreciated'. His persona would be most grata. The general message sounded more or less positive. Yet, Unity wished that the author would sign himself, or herself, up next time. In fact, the letter was only an addition to his journey. He had some business to do in this town, therefore he decided not to ignore the piece of paper in the end. Perhaps it would be something interesting? He lowered the letter on the table in front of him and exchanged it onto a cup of hay tea. Natural and healthy, simply perfect for a pony like him. He took a sip observing the landscapes flowing behind the window of Ponyville Express. He took an early one to arrive in town quicker. Unity needed time to become familiar with it, he never yet had a chance to visit this charming little place. Least, he was told that it's charming: "Wonderful, peaceful town, an excellent place to relax and socialize. You will not regret your little trip, my dear." - he remembered the words of a friendly mare. She seemed a charming pony, she wouldn't have lied, would she? Mares...

Yet, there he was. Traveling in the sunshine, thanks to Princess Celestia of course, contemplating his own issues. "Truly, it is going to be a marvelous day." - he thought before throwing a glance at the letter once more - "And most... peculiar too, it seems." - he added yet, before taking another sip. Ponyville was drawing near, and he was going to welcome it warmly.

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Gear Grinder stepped off the train and onto the train station. "Where's that little messenger? They all know how to find me..." After no find of his little mechanical messenger, Gear continued into Ponyville. "Ugh, how can somepony expect to personally request ME, out of who knows how many mechanics in town? And they don't even give a name?!" He said, growling. "Oh, well." He sighed. "Guess I better go on, then. Maybe unnamed sender will be out and recognise me."

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Solven stepped off the train, attracting the attention of a few interested eyes with his new toy. He'd recently developed it a week ago, but it was the most innovative fuse of machinery and magic. Well, if war was the mother of necessity, that is. He breathed in the air of Ponyville. Such a place... I was long overdue for a working break anyways, so I will check in with my mysterious client. he thought. He made his way off the station itself, before bringing out the letter, and checking for more instructions.

Wait for a guide to help you around. You'll recognize him when you see him. If you don't, another mechanic also has the same arrangements. Showing the letter would be advised at that point. I trust you will resolve your prejudices.

So he simply kept and eye out, and looked around, though to the other ponies, it would seem that he was simply staying still, occasional trotting around to evade the large crowds, as to not obstruct them and to not loose line of sight.

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Having decided to go out for a bite to eat, Bright Idea sat outside a cafe munching on a salad. The Friendship Express had just pulled in and she watched the ponies exit and enter the train. She realized how chaotic it looked, watching a stallion trot back and forth to avoid crashing into other ponies. 'They really should make this more organized,' she thought going off into one of her tangents. 'What if they got off on one side instead! Yes...the left side of the train shall be for exit and the right for entering. That may cause some order. Then again, it would still be pretty crowded. And how would they cross the tracks? Hmm...Oh! The front could be for entering and the back for exiting! That's a much better idea!'

Bright Idea realized she had stopped chewing and was simply levitating a fork in the air. She quickly swallowed her food to avoid drawing too many curious glances. She had that effect sometimes on strangers.

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The arrival to Ponyville caught Unity submerged into conversation with an accidental stallion who happened to share some of interests with him. He didn't even move when the train stopped, allowing everypony else to exit freely. Well, maybe not freely, seeing how chaotic their behavior was... He waited patiently until the train became nearly empty, before levitating his bags to his back and finally setting his first step into the town of Ponyville. As he threw a first look at the station, he could easily tell that the mare was right. It was just a single building with roof covered in hay. So... so... unlike Canterlot. It was nothing compared to Canterlot station, but well, it gave such a peaceful impression. Staying here should be a pleasant experience.

The station was placed in close vicinity of the town itself, what surprised Unity slightly. Yet, he didn't expect anything particular to be honest, so he simply walked off the wooden floor designed for passengers to exit. As he continued into the Ponyville, he wondered what was that item one of ponies on the station was holding designed to do. It looked much like a crossbow, but truly, which pony brings a weaponry into a quiet city! As far as he knew even guards patrolling Canterlot didn't wear any weapons. Weapons stress citizens... Nevertheless, it wasn't the purpose Unity was interested in, but the visual side. It for sure was a fancy tool, and unicorn enjoyed seeing other ponies creations.

He dropped the topic, as the first expression of Ponyville was, to say it right, fantastic. The town a bit further looked to be simply designed to bring joy to the visitors. Meanwhile the town around him... He moved his head around observing the area. "Cafe! What a nice coincidence... or somepony simply knows how to handle business placing such a building not that far from the station." - unicorn thought after spotting a nice place to rest and partake after the journey. He directed his steps towards the building, trotting with dignity. He was raised in Trottingham, but some Canterlot habits he managed to gain already were just hard to shake off... "Business can wait. I'm not here only to work, after all." - were the last words he thought before getting close to the cafe.

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Gear nearly took a few stepps when the scent of something caught him. "Do I smell fine metalworking?" He turned and trotted towards the metallic smell untill he found a rusty brown unicorn with various objects floating around him, including a "Crossbow? Why would somepony bring such a fine crafted item-no- weapon, to a peaceful place like Ponyville?" This unicorn was clearly a fine metalworker.


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Rainy Splash didn't quite want to go home yet he was bored.Rainy walked towards a cafe when he ran into a pony who was heading the same way."Oh hi!I'm Rainy Splash and you are?"He asked.

Dark Spark groaned he hated when he was swarmed with ponies it was bothersome to say the least.Spark walked the length of the train station when he spotted a crossbow?He trotted over and said"Well well well.What do you have there it looks like a simple machine crossbow.Did you make this yourself my friend."He asked.

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((I assume we're using the canon timeline, which included the Changeling invasion))

I was hoping the crossbow would be a deterrent. Maybe I'll add spikes and make it look like it camestraight from Tartarus next time. He thought.

He sighed. "Simple in appearence, but complex in operation and purpose. There is nothing that shoots which the Guards, or any other military unit posses which is capable of sustained fire. Thank magic and mechanics." he said, wondering why he felt he was going to give a lecture on technomechanic applications.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I must attend to a mysterious client that I have been contacted by." he said.

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Seeing two ponies emerge from the crowd and moving towards the cafe, Bright Idea felt inclined to find out more about their experience. "Hey!" she called from where she was sitting. "Care to join me for lunch? I've got a question for you!" She needed to know if her idea was worth telling the conductor before she actually went and did it. She wouldn't brave that crowd for just a simple daydream.

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"Hey!" - the shout interrupted Unity's contemplations concerning the meal he should have. Moreover, if he didn't mishear, it was directed at him. He turned his attention to the source. As the sound of voice implied, it was a mare. As far as he wasn't surprised so far, even by a scarf being worn on such a beautiful day, her next words forced him to raise brows slightly followed by a smile of confusion. Yet, if it was a game, he was going to tag along. Because why not?

"Why of course. How could I turn down an invitation coming from such a charming mare, hm? It would be most regrettable deed." - he spoke while taking a place opposite. Disturbed by a stranger in very first minutes of his arrival. Was it possible that Ponyville different so vastly from other towns or cities? Of course, he heard the stories, but what eyes don't see the heart doesn't regret. Still, she moved an interesting topic indeed, lunch, since Unity felt he'll start starving soon. "Forgive me, but hunger compels me... I'm afraid I'm not aware of dishes here. Would you be so kind to recommend something, miss... may you uncover me the secret of thy name? Oh, and feel free to call me Unity." - the town's atmosphere indeed encouraged to be straight in conversations. He'd be turned down immediately by any typical customer he was going to meet in Canterlot after all. "Now, I do believe I've heard something about a question to be asked?" - or, perhaps, she wasn't from Ponyville too? "I'm too hasty when it comes to judging... a shame."

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Rainy Splash flew over to the mare who called to him"Oh hello miss!So you asked me a question?I'm Rainy Splash the captain of the rain pegasai!"He said proudly.

Dark Spark lost interest after they started talking about clients so he trotted away to go to sugarcube corner to fix the oven.There where alot of ponies there although.

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Bright Idea beamed at the newly introduced Unity and Rainy Splash. "The name's Bright Idea!" she announced signaling for a waiter. Taking control of the situation as only a Canterlot-raised pony could, she ordered two salads for her guests. "You'll love 'em, I promise. Anyways. Tell me about your trip. I've never been on a train before and I had some ideas about improving it, but first I need to know if it even needs it." She promptly went back to munching on her salad, waiting intently on the edge of her seat for their story.

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